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Automated Glaucoma Detection Techniques: A Literature Review
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Significant advances in the automated glaucoma detection techniques have been made through the employment of the Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) methods, an overview of which will be provided in this paper. What sets the current literature review apart is its exclusive focus on the aforementioned techniques for glaucoma detection using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines for filtering the selected papers. To achieve this, an advanced search was conducted in the Scopus database, specifically looking for research papers published in 2023, with the keywords "glaucoma detection", "machine learning", and "deep learning". Among the multiple found papers, the ones focusing on ML and DL techniques were selected. The best performance metrics obtained using ML recorded in the reviewed papers, were for the SVM, which achieved accuracies of 98.31%, 98.61%, 96.43%, 96.67%, 95.24%, and 98.60% in the ACRIMA, REFUGE, RIM-ONE, ORIGA-light, DRISHTI-GS, and sjchoi86-HRF databases, respectively, employing the REFUGE-trained model, while when deploying the ACRIMA-trained model, it attained accuracies of 98.92%, 99.06%, 98.27%, 97.10%, 96.97%, and 96.36%, in the same databases, respectively. The best performance metrics obtained utilizing DL recorded in the reviewed papers, were for the lightweight CNN, with an accuracy of 99.67% in the Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and 96.5% in the Glaucoma (GL) databases. In the context of non-healthy screening, CNN achieved an accuracy of 99.03% when distinguishing between GL and DR cases. Finally, the best performance metrics were obtained using ensemble learning methods, which achieved an accuracy of 100%, specificity of 100%, and sensitivity of 100%. The current review offers valuable insights for clinicians and summarizes the recent techniques used by the ML and DL for glaucoma detection, including algorithms, databases, and evaluation criteria.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Monitoring Land Cover Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: a Case Study of Al-Dalmaj Marsh, Iraq
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Al-Dalmaj marsh and the near surrounding area is a very promising area for energy resources, tourism, agricultural and industrial activities. Over the past century, the Al-Dalmaje marsh and near surroundings area endrous from a number of changes. The current study highlights the spatial and temporal changes detection in land cover for Al-Dalmaj marsh and near surroundings area using different analyses methods the supervised maximum likelihood classification method, the Normalized  Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Geographic Information Systems(GIS),  and Remote Sensing (RS). Techniques spectral indices were used in this study to determine the change of wetlands and drylands area and of other land classes, th

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gravity Field Interpretation for Major Fault Depth Detection in a Region Located SW- Qa’im / Iraq
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This research deals with the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of Bouguer gravity anomaly data for a region located to the SW of Qa’im City within Anbar province by using 2D- mapping methods. The gravity residual field obtained graphically by subtracting the Regional Gravity values from the values of the total Bouguer anomaly. The residual gravity field processed in order to reduce noise by applying the gradient operator and 1st directional derivatives filtering. This was helpful in assigning the locations of sudden variation in Gravity values. Such variations may be produced by subsurface faults, fractures, cavities or subsurface facies lateral variations limits. A major fault was predicted to extend with the direction NE-

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A nonlinear edge –preserving smoothing filter for edge detection on color and gray satellite images
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A nonlinear filter for smoothing color and gray images
corrupted by Gaussian noise is presented in this paper. The proposed
filter designed to reduce the noise in the R,G, and B bands of the
color images and preserving the edges. This filter applied in order to
prepare images for further processing such as edge detection and
image segmentation.
The results of computer simulations show that the proposed
filter gave satisfactory results when compared with the results of
conventional filters such as Gaussian low pass filter and median filter
by using Cross Correlation Coefficient (ccc) criteria.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 14 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات التربوية والعلمية
Violacein: Review article
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The purple pigment violacein is produced by Gram-negative bacteria, mainly from the Chromobacterium violaceum. Violacein is synthesized by fusing two Ltryptophan molecules using five different enzymes encoded by VioA, VioB, VioC, VioD, and VioE genes. These genes have transferred to genetically engineering microorganisms such as E.coli for high production of violacein. It is receiving greater interest because of its significant biological functions and therapeutic potential. The reviews outlining the biosynthesis, production, and biological significance of violacein are being published.

Publication Date
Thu Sep 05 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Review Article Blastocystosis
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Blastocystosis is symptomatic infection caused by the protozoal parasite Blastocystis , which resides in the intestinal tract of its hosts and it is one of the most common parasites reported in humans. It’s prevalence ranges between (30 - 50%) of the population in developing countries. This genus has a worldwide distribution and often the most commonly reported human intestinal protozoan in children and adults, even infect infants

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal For Research In Applied Sciences And Biotechnology
bioseparation review published
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Graphene Oxide: A Key Solution for Future: Recent Achievements as A New Adsorbent for Water Treatment Applications: Review
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     Polluted water has been considered a critical issue nowadays, threatening the environment and lives of living creatures. Because of technological and industrial advancements, as well as increased social activities of humans in various countries, pollution sources have multiplied. To reduce the impact of this problem, many techniques have been developed in order to reach zero discharge pollution. In the last decade, graphene oxide (GO) - a member of the graphene nanomaterials family, has been the focus of many research efforts in the water treatment sector because of its extraordinary properties. This review highlights the research efforts conducted to investigate GO as a novel adsorbent for water treatment applications and recen

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
SMS Spam Detection Using Multiple Linear Regression and Extreme Learning Machines
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     With the growth of the use mobile phones, people have become increasingly interested in using Short Message Services (SMS) as the most suitable communications service. The popularity of SMS has also given rise to SMS spam, which refers to any unwanted message sent to a mobile phone as a text. Spam may cause many problems, such as traffic bottlenecks or stealing important users' information. This paper,  presents a new model that extracts seven features from each message before applying a Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) to assign a weight to each of the extracted features. The message features are fed into the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) to determine whether they are spam or ham. To evaluate the proposed model, the UCI bench

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science And Mobile Computing
Single Face Detection on Skin Color and Edge Detection
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 15 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Hybrid Techniques based Speech Recognition
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Information processing has an important application which is speech recognition. In this paper, a two hybrid techniques have been presented. The first one is a 3-level hybrid of Stationary Wavelet Transform (S) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and the second one is a 3-level hybrid of Discrete Wavelet Transform (W) and Multi-wavelet Transforms (M). To choose the best 3-level hybrid in each technique, a comparison according to five factors has been implemented and the best results are WWS, WWW, and MWM. Speech recognition is performed on WWS, WWW, and MWM using Euclidean distance (Ecl) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). The match performance is (98%) using DTW in MWM, while in the WWS and WWW are (74%) and (78%) respectively, but when using (

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