This study presents an updated checklist of the dipteran-borne diseases in Iraq, together with their original name combinations and synonyms. According to this checklist, 152 species, 40 genera within 14 families. Furthermore, minor corrections were applied to some authors’ names and years of publication.
This study included a survey and review of the scientific names of the marsh insects (aquatic and surrounding it) for the purpose of unifying and updating the database.
The survey reveals 109 species under 77 genera that belong to 32 families and 7 orders as follow: Coleoptera (44 species), Diptera (7 species) Ephemeroptera (2 species), Hemiptera (14 species), Hymenoptera (11 species), Lepidoptera (2 species) and Odonata with 29 species.
Information of specimens' collection for each species, synonyms and geographical distribution were provided.
A survey and revised checklist of the species belonging to the family of Compositae for the specimens which are collected and deposited previously at the herbarium of the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum, in addition to the current specimens collected for the period 2016-2021. A total of 85 species belonging to 49 genera and 16 tribes are revised with their synonyms, locality, and distributions, flowering and fruiting period.
A total of 60 species of aquatic oligochaetes were identified in different sites within Tigris-Euphrates basin / Iraq, including River Tigris, River Euphrates, Southern marshes ( Al-Haweiza , Al-Hammar and Al-Chebaiesh ) , Shutt Al-Germa, and Shatt Al-Arab. In River Euphrates 39 species were identified, 40 species from River Tigris and 32 species from Shatt-Al-Arab and southern marshes.The identified species were classified as four species of Family Aeolosomatidae, 54 species of Naididae ( 31 Naidinae , 8 Pristininae and 15 Tubificid worms), one species of each of Lumbriculidae ( Lumbriculus variegates ) and Lumbricidae ( Eiseiella tetraedra). Among Aeolosomatidae , Aelosoma aquaternarium, A. Liedyi, A. variegatum and A. hemprichi
... Show MoreThe hydrolysis of urea by the enzyme urease is significant for increasing the irroles in human pathogenicity, biocementation, soil fertilizer, and subsequently in soil improvement. This study devoted to the isolation of urease from urea-rich soil samples collected from seven different locations. Isolation of the various bacterial species was conducted using nutrient agar. The identity of isolated urease was based on morphological characteristics and standard microbiological and biochemical procedures. The urease producing strains of bacteria were obtained using the urease hydrolysis test. The bacterial isolates produced from soil samples collected from different environments and treat
Two dwarf snakes were discovered, Eirenis thospitis Schmidtler & Lanza from Sereen mountain, north east of Arbil and E. rothii Jan from Saffin mountain North of Arbil city North of Iraqi Kurdistan. Supported by description and important notes on variation. In addition summarized list for 9 species of the genus Eirenis Jan in Iraq is also presented.
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of cortisol, and it is related to BMI in the chronic diseases which may increase early cardiovascular disease (CVD) in old Iraqi. The subjects were 116 adults, aged 51-71 years. Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumferences (WC) and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) were used as a measure of adiposity. Investigation showed highly significant difference between patients in BMI ranges, most of male were in an obese weight range (48.5%), as well in women. There were no significant correlations between serum cortisol concentration and age both gender groups. While there were highly significant correlations between cortisol level and BMI, waist, and WHR (except in female subjects), also there were highly signi
... Show MoreAbstract A descriptive study using evaluation technique was carried at the health organizations concerning STIs/HIV/AIDS, mainly the AIDS Researches and Studies Center in Baghdad and many of the AIDS sections in the Health Directorates in the Governorates throughout the period of May 15th , 2003 through September 30th, 2003( to describe the surveillance system for the period 1993 through 2002). The study aimed to describe the STIs/HIV/AIDS surveillance system in Iraq. System evaluation questionnaire was adopted from WHO and developed for the purpose of this study. Content validity of questionnaire was establis