ركزت الدراسة على بيان مؤشرات التنمية الحديثة في جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة مع بيان التحديات الداخلية والخارجية التي تواجهها والتي تعرقل استدامة هذه المؤشرات وتطورها بالشكل الذي يسمح لهذا البلد المحافظة على استقراره ،ومن ثم استمرار برامجه التنموية الشاملة المستدامة، وهذا الامر لا شك يتطلب مواجهة مستمرة وفاعلة للمعرقلات الاقتصادية والسياسية ومنظومة الفساد في اجهزة الدولة . وتوصلت الدراسة في مجمل نتائجها بان الخطوات الاجرائية التي اتخذت لغرض النهوض التنموي في البلاد وعلى المستويات كافة قد تكون عرضة للتراجع بسبب العديد من التحديات الداخلية في مقدمتها تراجع الوعي المجتمعي بأهمية تطوير البنى التحتية والتنموية في البلاد فضلا عن آثار التحديات الخارجية .
تستهدف هذه الدراسة وبشكل أساس، الكشف عن طبيعة وخصائص البعد السياسي لهندسة/صناعة الخصائص الاجتماعية والسياسية للإنسان والمجتمع، بوصفها العملية المسؤولة عن تصميم هذه الخصائص وصناعتها وتغييرها جزئيا أو كليا، دون أبعادها الأخرى المتعددة والمتنوعة، لا لمجرد الانسياق وراء دوافع الرغبة الذاتية، أو اعتبارات التخصص الدقيق وأحكامه، لأن معهما أيضا، بل وقبلهما أحيانا، دوافع واعتبارات أخرى موضوع
... Show MoreThe past few years have seen the development of the quantity and quality in the field of software, as it has become the word of electronic games of common terms used in the modern era.
And the effects of this software it is working on a low ability to exercise social activities and the ability to perform the duties and turn away from physical exercise level and lead to the neglect of the child to develop friendships and social relations as a result of his over-zealous in use for a long time .olhz a stated research to achieve Ahavh which are:
- Learn about social isolation among children Riyadh.
- Identify statistically sig
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The teacher is the most able to achieve the goals of education in education because he has the ability to affect the behavior of the disciples testified and its actions and appearance and other actions that convey pupils with it sometimes in a manner unconscious or unconscious , and the importance of the role of the teacher in the educational process , it is necessary to compromise the care and attention to the extent that commensurate with the important role that the rise in the preparation of youth and composition , and as a result is needed to continue efforts to improve the quality of teacher preparation so that it can be more effective and positive in the educational process .
First - Research Goals -<
Has influenced technology contact on social values in the Arab community in general and
the Iraqi community in particular whether this positive change or a negative effect on the level
of the individual and society is reflected this influence through socialization and human
relations as well as the behavior of individuals and dealing with others, where the world was
to soon pass changes slow, and the amounts that can be measured and trends can be calculated
and the effect of points can be identified and controlled, but the technological changes and
openness cognitive features that seemed evident in the last decade of the twentieth century
brought about a change in all scales and distances traditional considerations.<
The research amid to measure the extent of the Suggested procedures of the internal control in accordance with the updated COSO framework in improving the procedures for internal control work in Iraqi oil companies. As the research problem was represented in suggesting procedures for internal control according to the updated COSO framework and finding out the relationship of correlation and influence between the suggested procedures and the internal control procedures that are done in the Iraqi oil companies. The research followed the quantitative approach to handling and analysing data by designing a Questionnaire to represent the research tool for collecting data. The study population was represented in the Iraqi oil companies,
... Show MoreArabic language , like any other living languages grow and evolve ; social phenomenon
it is subject to the law of life ; therefore resemble organism also touted as the most eloquent
language and the ability to meet the needs of people in every time and place.
The contemplation of the verses of the Koran reveals a lot of means of expression
leading to the grammatical meaning of the social.
I have tried in this research that investigated the social meanings through the phenomena
of deletion and delivery delays and capture semantic landing through the meanings that lead
to psychological persuasion to comply with the orders after the rights of the divine in which
social directives.
It remains the greatest mystery o
The importance of the topic lies in explaining the extent of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani’s interest in social and scientific life in Baghdad
The economic development and intense competition may make economic units neglected the social aspect as a service workers and the environment, the community and focus on the economic side and achieve profitability only, which puts it in a position of accountability of trade unions and bodies, environment, health, civil society organizations and the focus of many studies accounting in order to clarify social activities and disclosed in the financial statements, increasing pressure from multiple parties calling for governments to issue laws and regulations oblige economic units to disclose complete and accurate information in a timely manner for all social activities and be subj
... Show MoreCitizenship education is the effective educational tool in building a citizen who is able to participate in building his country. This can only come through the educational efforts that teachers make in the classroom. Such a step requires teachers to have knowledge of citizenship education, its principles, and the foundations for its development. Thus, the study aims to examine the degree of social studies teachers' knowledge of the dimensions of citizenship education at the basic education schools in the Sultanate of Oman. It also aims to examine its relationship with a set of variables. The researchers used the quantitative descriptive approach to achieve the objectives of the study. It further adopted a test tool, which consisted in i
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