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Evaluation of Different Internal Designs of Hydraulic Nozzles under an Accelerated Wear Test

The use of worn-out agricultural nozzles in pesticide application has a negative effect on the efficiency and cost of the application process. It also has an effect on environmental pollution due to an excessive amount of pesticide being applied when spraying with worn-out nozzles. In this paper, the resistance to wear of three different internal design hydraulic nozzles was ascertained. Changes in the flow rate and spray distribution as a result of this wear were also investigated. The wear test was done inside a closed system, and it was accelerated using an abrasive material to generate 100 h of wear. The tested nozzles were the Turbo TeeJet (TT)-twin chambered, Turbo Twinjet (TTj60)-dual outlet, and Drift Guard (DG)-pre-orifice. Wear rate, flow rate, and the virtual coefficient of variation (CVv) were measured at different wear intervals. The results showed that the TTj60 type was the most resistant to wear, followed by the TT type and DG. The latter two types showed an increase in the flow rate only in the first 45 h of wear. Virtual coefficient of variation (CVv) values were less than 10% after finishing the test (after 100 h of wear) for the three types of nozzles, which are acceptable values according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 16122-2, 2015.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Designs of Children's Bedroom Furniture and the Percentage of Its Use in Developing their Aesthetic Sense

The research aims to identify the bedroom furniture designs for children who are in ages range between (4-6) years and the rate of employing them in developing their aesthetic sense. To achieve this objective, the researchers developed the two research tools represented by a analysis-description form of bedroom furniture designs included a number of domains that were represented in the shapes, colors, and sizes of the furniture, as well as the availability of the safety factor, ease of use, cleaning and movement. As for the aesthetic sense scale included (30) paragraphs and alternatives (always, sometimes, never), they were distributed among a representative sample of (170) mothers of children were chosen randomly from (17) kindergartens

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Activity of the Diatom Navicula Incerta Cultivated in Different Environments Against Several Species of Pathogenic Bacteria

Diatoms are considered a potentially new and valuable source of biologically active compounds including those with antimicrobial properties; so, this study was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Navicula incerta. The diatom was isolated from the salt water of Sawa Lake, southern of Iraq, it was cultivated in salt water then was adapted and cultivated in freshwater environment; the harvested and dried biomass was extracted, and the antibacterial activity of each extract was evaluated against several species of pathogenic bacteria. The chemical constituents of the extracts were also analyzed using Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry technique. Generally, the result showed that fresh water extract of N. incert

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Reducing activity costs under Resource Consumption Accounting: An Applied Research in the MidlandRefineriesCompany-Al Daura Refine

The research aims to identify the importance of applying resource consumption accounting in the Iraqi industrial environment in general, and oil in particular, and its role in reducing the costs of activities by excluding and isolating idle energy costs, as the research problem represents that the company faces deficiencies and challenges in applying strategic cost tools. The research was based on The hypothesis that the application of resource consumption accounting will lead to the provision of appropriate information for the company through the allocation of costs properly by resource consumption accounting and then reduce the costs of activities. To prove the hypothesis of the research, the Light Derivatives Authority - Al-Dora Refin

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of tissue displacement in posterior palatal seal area with different impression techniques with varying palatal forms

Background: This study was designed to measure the displacement pattern of posterior palatal seal (pps) area in different forms of the palate and with different impression techniques. Materials and method: This study was used to measure the displacement pattern of (pps)in different palatal shapes by using different impression materials Korrecta wax No.4,Green compound and design of House for pps for each palatal forms by using a 3D Scanner of CAD/CAM and measuring the distance between 2 points in pps area by using Caural Threw. Result: The results show highly significant differences between these techniques and the control group (impression with light body) Conclusion: The physiological impression technique of pps with Korecta wax no.4

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Cluster Analysis In Determining The Variables Affecting The Evaluation The Growth Of Children At Different Levels

In light of the increasing interest in Child-rearing in nurseries and kindergartens and the most important experiences gained by the child at this stage that form the basis for the subsequent stages of her/his physical mental and social growth.

The significance of the research concentrates the need to asses the affecting variables on the child growth to create opportunities for her/him to have intact rearing.

The research also aims to classify these variables at each age level and highlight its moral role.

The problem of the research is the lack of clarity of different variables impact of the child growth in different age levels in nurseries and kindergart

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation the Effectiveness of Different Concentrations Phenols, Alkaloids and Terpenes Extracted from Pimpinella anisum against Phytophthora Fungi.

This study did the isolation, purification, and identification of the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi of some infected plants, including Chili pepper, cucumber, and eggplant. The green parts of Pimpinella anisum plant were grounded to a semi-powdered state. Phenols, alkaloids and terpenes were extracted from this plant, then the anti-fungal activity was evaluated at different concentrations of 5% and 10%. The percentage of radial growth inhibition of fungi with plant extracts was measured after seven days of incubation. The results showed that the terpene extract was the most effective against fungi and the alkaloid extract had the least antifungal activity. the percentage of radial growth inhibition was

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The Utilization of Arabic Calligraphy to Inspire Modern Arabic Type Designs: ربا حسن أبو حسنة

Arabic calligraphy is one of the greatest achievements of Islamic art. The visual form of Arabic calligraphy is the primary means of presenting ideas and messages for expressive communication in Arabic typefaces. Emerging computer technology with calligraphy is essential for effective visual designs; however, traditional typefaces are insufficient in number and quality to fulfill the requirements of the current Saudi industry. Thus, this research investigates the processes followed by graphic designers to create modern Arabic type designs inspired by Arabic calligraphy, and presents the characteristics of Arabic calligraphy. The research implemented a mixed experimental and descriptive method, exploring 10 typefaces designed by professio

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Sust Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science (jecs)
Virtual failure influence of Roseires dam on Khartoum city using HEC-RAS Hydraulic simulation modeling

Dam break is series phenomenon that can result in fatal consequences and loss of properties. Unfortunately, the observed consequences can only be available after the dam breaks. Therefore, it is important to anticipate what will happen prior to dam break to issue suitable warning and locate the possible risk areas. This study attempts to simulate the case of dam break in Blue Nile at Roseires dam and see its consequences downstream. Roseires dam lies at a distance of 630 km south of Khartoum, Sennar dam lies at about 260 km downstream of Roseires dam. In this study hydraulic model is developed based of Hydraulic Engineering Centre (HEC), River Analysis System (RAS), and HEC- RAS. The HEC-RAS based model is calibrated and validated usi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Permeability Prediction in One of Iraqi Carbonate Reservoir Using Hydraulic Flow Units and Neural Networks

Permeability determination in Carbonate reservoir is a complex problem, due to their capability to be tight and heterogeneous, also core samples are usually only available for few wells therefore predicting permeability with low cost and reliable accuracy is an important issue, for this reason permeability predictive models become very desirable.

   This paper will try to develop the permeability predictive model for one of  Iraqi carbonate reservoir from core and well log data using the principle of Hydraulic Flow Units (HFUs). HFU is a function of Flow Zone Indicator (FZI) which is a good parameter to determine (HFUs).

   Histogram analysis, probability analysis and Log-Log plot of Reservoir Qua

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
The Theory of knowledge And Their Repercussions On the Journalistic Image In Electronic Designs Websites

represent websites link support of human communicate and cohesion of cultures different depending on their languages and their environments around, it was the evolution of one of the most important means of communication of services for electronic networks, the Internet active role in containing the world Bbodqh science and knowledge to Taatlaqah cultures from which derives its intellectual and cognitive cupboards continuity and as a link language for each those environmental Altdadat, linguistic, religious, political, economic . We all know that these electronic means difficult promise ring intellectual and mental connectivity for the masses polarized without being of the image as an element Kravekaa supporter of the electronic media an

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