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Apparent Viscosity Direct from Marsh Funnel Test

Accurate and simple techniques for measurement of fluid rheological properties are important for field operations in the oil industry. Marsh Funnels are popular qualitycontrol tools used in the field for drilling fluids and they offer a simple, practical alternative to viscosity measurement. In the normal measurements, a single point (drainage time) is used to determine an average viscosity; little additional information is extracted regarding the non-Newtonian behavior of the fluid. Here, a new model is developed and used to determine the rheological properties of drilling muds and other non-Newtonian fluids using data of fluid density and drainage time collected from a Marsh Funnel as a function of viscosity. The funnel results for viscosity compare favorably to the values obtained from a commonly-used Fann 35 viscometer. Different quantities of bentonite, barite and other additives which have been used to prepare many samples. Empirical equations are obtained µapp. = ρ (t – 28) and µapp. = -0.0118t2 + 1.6175t - 32.168, where apparent viscosity (µapp.) in (cp), Marsh funnel time (t) in seconds and the density (ρ) in gm/cm3.

Publication Date
Wed Oct 08 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
Viscosity and Volumetric studies of some amino acids in solutions at different temperatures.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the Ecosystem Services of the Central Marsh in Southern Iraq

Ecosystems provide humans with services that include benefits from food, fresh water, climate regulation, and socio-economic assets. The Mesopotamian marshlands are among the largest wetlands in the Middle East and they provide various benefits. However, ecosystem services of the Marshlands are consistently undervalued in national economic analysis and decision making. This study focusses on the Central Marshes, the first National Park in Iraq, and is the first attempt at valuing a series of ecosystem services from a valuable natural ecosystem in Iraq. We adopted the Toolkit for Ecosystem Services Site-Based Assessment (TESSA) for the determination of biophysical and economic values of services at the site level. Data on key ecosystem se

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 08 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

The dry weight of the liver of Rana ridibunda was expressed as percentage of the dry
weight of the body. The female liver weight always exceeds that of the male, except in July
and September. The difference between males and females for the whole year, regardless of
months, was not significant. Livers of both sexes were relatively large prior to hibernation
(December), decreased during hibernation (January and February) until a minimum weight in
March (post-hibernation).
The increase of liver weight during December is apparently simply to meet the metabolic
requirements for survival during hibernation. The percent reduction in liver weight during
hibernation was 1.081% in males and 1.356% in females. The decrease

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

Huwaiza marsh is considered the largest marsh in the southern part of Iraq. It is located between 31° and 31.75° latitude and extends over the Iraqi-Iranian border; but the largest part lies in Iraq. It is located to the east of Tigris River in Messan and Basra governorates.
In this research, the variation of some water quality parameters at different locations of Huwaiza marsh were studied to find out its efficacy in the treatment of the contamination coming from the wastewater outfall of Kahlaa brokendown sewage treatment plant which lies on the Kahlaa River. This rive is the main feeder of Huwaiza marsh. Ten water quality sampling locations were chosen in this marsh. The water samples were taken during 2009 for three months; Janu

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Petroleum And Coal
Evaluation of geomechanical properties for tight reservoir using uniaxial compressive test, ultrasonic test, and well logs data

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 24 2020
Journal Name
Petroleum And Coal
Evaluation of Geomechanical Properties for Tight Reservoir Using Uniaxial Compressive Test, Ultrasonic Test, and Well Logs Data

Tight reservoirs have attracted the interest of the oil industry in recent years according to its significant impact on the global oil product. Several challenges are present when producing from these reservoirs due to its low to extra low permeability and very narrow pore throat radius. Development strategy selection for these reservoirs such as horizontal well placement, hydraulic fracture design, well completion, and smart production program, wellbore stability all need accurate characterizations of geomechanical parameters for these reservoirs. Geomechanical properties, including uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), static Young’s modulus (Es), and Poisson’s ratio (υs), were measured experimentally using both static and dynamic met

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Modern Physics
Direct Optical Energy Gap in Amorphous Silicon Quantum Dots

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Predicting of Temperature Distribution in Direct Contact Heat Transfer

An experimental and theoretical investigation of three phase direct contact heat transfer by evaporation of refrigerant drops in an immiscible liquid has been carried out. Refrigerant Rl2 and R134a were used for the dispersed phase, while water and brine were the immiscible continuous phase. A numerical analysis is presented to predict the temperature distribution throughout the circular test column radially and axially is achieved. Experimental measurements of the temperature distribution have been compared with the numerical results and are discussed .A comparison between the experimental and theoretical results showed acceptable agreement and applicability of the derived equations. Comparison with other related work showed similar beh

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
International business particularly that centered on foreign direct investment


While practicing of International business particularly that centered on foreign direct investment, let on one side, to achieving objectives of transnational corporations specially that represented in continuous pursue to improving its cash flows and maximization of stockholders wealth which is considered the most important objective to the transnational corporations, but in the same time its lead, on other side, to increasing the foreign exchange risk exposuring these corporations. So, the transnational corporations (TNCs) struggling to make strategies which are dealing in smart way, with this risk and its management in way that enable to avoiding risk comple

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 10 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Inverse And Ill-posed Problems
Direct and inverse source problems for degenerate parabolic equations
Abstract<p>Degenerate parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) with vanishing or unbounded leading coefficient make the PDE non-uniformly parabolic, and new theories need to be developed in the context of practical applications of such rather unstudied mathematical models arising in porous media, population dynamics, financial mathematics, etc. With this new challenge in mind, this paper considers investigating newly formulated direct and inverse problems associated with non-uniform parabolic PDEs where the leading space- and time-dependent coefficient is allowed to vanish on a non-empty, but zero measure, kernel set. In the context of inverse analysis, we consider the linear but ill-pose</p> ... Show More
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