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Apparent Viscosity Direct from Marsh Funnel Test
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Accurate and simple techniques for measurement of fluid rheological properties are important for field operations in the oil industry. Marsh Funnels are popular qualitycontrol tools used in the field for drilling fluids and they offer a simple, practical alternative to viscosity measurement. In the normal measurements, a single point (drainage time) is used to determine an average viscosity; little additional information is extracted regarding the non-Newtonian behavior of the fluid. Here, a new model is developed and used to determine the rheological properties of drilling muds and other non-Newtonian fluids using data of fluid density and drainage time collected from a Marsh Funnel as a function of viscosity. The funnel results for viscosity compare favorably to the values obtained from a commonly-used Fann 35 viscometer. Different quantities of bentonite, barite and other additives which have been used to prepare many samples. Empirical equations are obtained µapp. = ρ (t – 28) and µapp. = -0.0118t2 + 1.6175t - 32.168, where apparent viscosity (µapp.) in (cp), Marsh funnel time (t) in seconds and the density (ρ) in gm/cm3.

Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
Light and electron microscope studies of the adult of Plearogenoides medians (Olsson, 1876) (Trematoda: Lecithodendriidae) form Iraqi marsh frog Rana ridibunda
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The morphology of the Pleurogenoides medians from Rana ridibunda in Iraq was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The light microscopical studies confirmed the original observations with the ventral sucker being smaller than the oral sucker and the genital pore being laterally situated. Electron micrographs of adult P. medians revealed that the body surface had a rough appearance by hand-like spines, which are more sparsely distributed towards the posterior end with a presumed function in nutrient absorption.


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
International variables and their impact on the flow of foreign direct investment in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
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The six Arab Gulf states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE) play a vital role, especially with its geographical location and natural  resources (oil and gas) as well as other cultural and civilizational elements, in achieving  global economic balance and more specifically global energy security, naturally  because of  these countries have a comparative advantage in the field of fossil energy (oil and gas), thus this sector becomes more attractive for local and international investments alike. Being  the energy sector a leader sector in the economic development process, and the basic factor to achieve savings and financial surpluses in thes

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
The Effect of Weighting Materials on the Rheological Properties of Iraqi and Commercial Bentonite in Direct Emulsion
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Numerous drilling additives and materials are used continuously because they are necessary to support and give the required properties of the drilling fluid so that to ensure the stability of the borehole. This paper aspires to evaluate the rheological properties of bentonite (montmorillonite) Trefawey as an alternative to using commercial bentonite. Monitoring and evaluating of the rheological and filtration properties were prepared. This exertion aims to focus on the effect of hematite, and barite on the rheological properties of the three aforementioned bentonite types. An improvement in the rheological properties of bentonite (montmorillonite). Trefawey was observed after adding the previous heavy materials. Hematite has by some

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Aluminum Foil Coated with Polyester in a Direct Evaporative Cooling System
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An experimental study was carried out for an evaporative cooling system in order to investigate the effect of using an aluminum pad coated with fabric polyester. In the present work, it was considered to use a new different type of cooling medium and test its performance during the change in the wet-bulb temperature and dry-bulb temperature of the supply air outside of the pad, the relative humidity of the supply air, the amount of air supplied (300-600) CFM and also the change of the amount of circulated water (1.75, 2.5, 4.5) liter per minute. A decrease in the WBT of the air was obtained, whereas the WBT of the air entering the pad was 26.5 . In contrast, the WBT of the outside air had reached 23  even though eva

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Ieee Access
A Direct Solution Scheme for Wide-Angle Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Using Compressive Sensing-Based Method of Moments
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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Direct and Inverse Inequalities for Jackson Polynomials of 2-Periodic Bounded Measurable Functions in Locally Clobal Norms
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Convergence prop erties of Jackson polynomials have been considered by Zugmund
[1,ch.X] in (1959) and J.Szbados [2], (p =ï‚¥) while in (1983) V.A.Popov and J.Szabados [3]
(1 ï‚£p ï‚£ ï‚¥) have proved a direct inequality for Jackson polynomials in L
p-sp ace of 2-periodic bounded Riemann integrable functions (f R) in terms of some modulus of
continuity .
In 1991 S.K.Jassim proved direct and inverse inequality for Jackson polynomials in
locally global norms (L
,p) of 2-p eriodic bounded measurable functions (f L) in terms of
suitable Peetre K-functional [4].
Now the aim of our paper is to proved direct and inverse inequalities for Jackson

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of direct foreign investment on development of Iraqi oil industry for the period (2003-3010)
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Oil industry played a major role in delineating the course and type o development in both imported and exported Arabic countries alike where its revenues has perform an essential role in forming programs and plans of development on both national and international level in addition to anticipation of future consuming.

Iraq, as an oil producer country with a revenues –based economy depends on oil in building its economy totally including its infrastructure having a the greatest conformed reservoir which make the government budget depends largely on oil revenues where its strategic importance lies in funding all aspects of expenders as it is considered the prime source of foreign currency.  The chall

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2008
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Pure Science
Preliminary Test Bayesian –Shrunken Estimators for the Mean of Normal Distribution with Known Variance
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Enhancing Islamic Concepts through English Children's Lit-erature: Al- Ibtila, The Test of Patience
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 21 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
A Comparison between Static and Repeated Load Test to Predict Asphalt Concrete Rut Depth
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Rutting has a significant impact on the pavements' performance. Rutting depth is often used as a parameter to assess the quality of pavements. The Asphalt Institute (AI) design method prescribes a maximum allowable rutting depth of 13mm, whereas the AASHTO design method stipulates a critical serviceability index of 2.5 which is equivalent to an average rutting depth of 15mm. In this research, static and repeated compression tests were performed to evaluate the permanent strain based on (1) the relationship between mix properties (asphalt content and type), and (2) testing temperature. The results indicated that the accumulated plastic strain was higher during the repeated load test than that during the static load tests. Notably, temperatur

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