In this study, a brand-new double transform known as the double INEM transform is introduced. Combined with the definition and essential features of the proposed double transform, new findings on partial derivatives, Heaviside function, are also presented. Additionally, we solve several symmetric applications to show how effective the provided transform is at resolving partial differential equation.
in this paper sufficient conditions of oscillation of all of nonlinear second order neutral differential eqiation and sifficient conditions for nonoscillatory soloitions to onverage to zero are obtained
The goal of this paper is to expose a new numerical method for solving initial value time-lag of delay differential equations by employing a high order improving formula of Euler method known as third order Euler method. Stability condition is discussed in detail for the proposed technique. Finally some examples are illustrated to verify the validity, efficiency and accuracy of the method.
In this paper, our aim is to study variational formulation and solutions of 2-dimensional integrodifferential equations of fractional order. We will give a summery of representation to the variational formulation of linear nonhomogenous 2-dimensional Volterra integro-differential equations of the second kind with fractional order. An example will be discussed and solved by using the MathCAD software package when it is needed.
The concern of this article is the calculation of an upper bound of second Hankel determinant for the subclasses of functions defined by Al-Oboudi differential operator in the unit disc. To study special cases of the results of this article, we give particular values to the parameters A, B and λ
A numerical algorithm for solving linear and non-linear fractional differential equations is proposed based on the Bees algorithm and Chebyshev polynomials. The proposed algorithm was applied to a set of numerical examples. Faster results are obtained compared to the wavelet methods.
This paper concerns with the state and proof the existence and uniqueness theorem of triple state vector solution (TSVS) for the triple nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations (TNPPDEs) ,and triple state vector equations (TSVEs), under suitable assumptions. when the continuous classical triple control vector (CCTCV) is given by using the method of Galerkin (MGA). The existence theorem of a continuous classical optimal triple control vector (CCTOCV) for the continuous classical optimal control governing by the TNPPDEs under suitable conditions is proved.
The numerical resolve nonlinear system of Volterra integral equation of the second kind (NLSVIEK2) has been considered. The exponential function is used as the base function of the collocation method to approximate the resolve of the problem. Arithmetic epitome are performed which have already been solved by weighted residual manner, Taylor manner and block- by- block(2, 3, 5).
In this paper, we introduce new conditions to prove that the existence and boundedness of the solution by convergent sequences and convergent series. The theorem of Krasnoselskii, Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem and fixed point theorem are used to get some sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions. Furthermore, we get sufficient conditions to guarantee the oscillatory property for all solutions in this class of equations. An illustrative example is included as an application to the main results.