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Influence of CFRP Strengthening on the Behavior of Concavely-Curved Soffit Concrete Bridge Girders
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Abstract<p>Over the last few decades, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) has been increasingly used in strengthening different structural concrete members. The main objective of this research is to study the influence of curvature on the performance of curved soffit reinforced concrete (RC) bridge girders that have been strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). This experimental program was designed to evaluate the effect of concavity and soffit curvature on the CFRP laminate utilization and load capacity, compared to flat soffit RC beams strengthened with the same CFRP system. Accordingly, five beams, 2.7 m in length and having the same degree of soffit curvature (20 mm per 1 meter) extending over 2 meters of the span length, were tested under three-point monotonic static loading up to failure. CFRP pre-cured laminates were used for external strengthening in flexure. It was observed that 20 mm/m degree of curvature reduced the load-carrying capacity of strengthened concavely curved RC beams by 15.9 – 17.8%.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
“Small wave number and less of Reynolds number inflow analysis in peristaltic transportation of “Hyperbolic tangent fluid” in curved channels by employing the influence of radial magnetic force”
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Abstract<p>Through this article, we studied the peristaltic motion of “Hyperbolic Tangent” fluid in the geometry of curvature channel by using the analysis of large wavelength and less of Reynolds number. The matter has controlled mathematically by the partial differential equations of continuity, motion, heat transfer. In the study, we used the impact of radial magnetic force. The obtained coupled non-linear equations of above equations have solved by an approximation technical. Locked formula solutions of the stream function, axial velocity, heat function has evaluated. The influence of curvature is analysed and took it into account. The impact of sundry variables on the inflow features ha</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Axial Load and Cyclic Lateral Load
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Columns subjected to pure axial load rarely exist in practice. Reinforced concrete columns are usually subjected to combination of axial and lateral actions and  deformations, caused by  spatially‐complex loading patterns as during earthquakes causes lateral deflection that in turn affects the horizontal stiffness. In this study, a numerical model was developed in threedimensional nonlinear finite element and then validated against experimental results reported in the literatures,
to investigate the behavior of conventionally RC columns subjected to axial load and  . lateral reversal cyclic loading. To achieve this goal, numerical analysis was conducted by using finite element program ABAQUS/Explicit. The variables co

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Post-Fire Behavior of Post-Tensioned Segmental Concrete Beams under Monotonic Static Loading
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This paper presents a study to investigate the behavior of post-tensioned segmental concrete beams that exposed to high-temperature. The experimental program included fabricating and testing twelve simply supported beams that divided into three groups depending on the number of precasting concrete segments. All specimens were prepared with an identical length of 3150 mm and differed in the number of the incorporated segments of the beam (9, 7, or 5 segments). To simulate the genuine fire disasters, nine out of twelve beams were exposed to a high-temperature flame for one hour. Based on the standard fire curve (ASTM – E119), the temperatures of 300◦C (572◦F), 500◦C (932◦F), and 700◦C (1292◦F) were adopted. Consequently,

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strips
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This research is concerned to investigate the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) deep beams strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips. The experimental part of this research is carried out by testing seven RC deep beams having the same dimensions and steel reinforcement which have been divided into two groups according to the strengthening schemes. Group one was consisted of three deep beams strengthened with vertical U-wrapped CFRP strips. While, Group two was consisted of three deep beams strengthened with inclined CFRP strips oriented by 45o with the longitudinal axis of the beam. The remaining beam is kept unstrengthening as a reference beam. For each group, the variable considered

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Structural Behavior of Confined Concrete Filled Aluminum Tubular (CFT) Columns under Concentric Load
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This paper introduces an experimental study on the behavior of confined concrete filled aluminum tubular (CFT) column to improve strength design, ductility and durability of concrete composite structures under concentrically loaded in compression to failure. To achieve this: seven column specimens with same concrete diameter 100mm and without steel reinforcement have been examined through experimental testing, which are used to study the effects of the thickness of the aluminum tube encased concrete ( thickness : 0mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm and 5mm with same length of column 450mm), length of column (thickness 5mm and length of column 700mm) and durability (thickness 5mm and length of column 450mm) on the structural behavior of &

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Earth And Environmental Science
Time Dependent Behavior of Engineered Cementitious Composite Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement
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Conventional concretes are nearly unbendable, and just 0.1 percent of strain potential makes them incredibly brittle and stiff. This absence of bendability is a significant cause of strain failure and has been a guiding force in the production of an elegant substance, bendable concrete, also known as engineered cement composites, abbreviated as ECC. This type of concrete is capable of displaying dramatically increased flexibility. ECC is reinforced with micromechanical polymer fibers. ECC usually uses a 2 percent volume of small, disconnected fibers. Thus, bendable concrete deforms but without breaking any further than conventional concrete. This research aims to involve this type of concrete, bendable concrete, that will give solut

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Time Dependent Behavior of Engineered Cementitious Composite Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Post-Fire Behavior of Post-Tensioned Segmental Concrete Beams under Monotonic Static Loading
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This paper presents a study to investigate the behavior of post-tensioned segmental concrete beams that exposed to high-temperature. The experimental program included fabricating and testing twelve simply supported beams that divided into three groups depending on the number of precasting concrete segments. All specimens were prepared with an identical length of 3150 mm and differed in the number of the incorporated segments of the beam (9, 7, or 5 segments). To simulate the genuine fire disasters, nine out of twelve beams were exposed to a high-temperature flame for one hour. Based on the standard fire curve (ASTM – E119), the temperatures of 300◦C (572◦F), 500◦C (932◦F), and 700◦C (1292◦F) were adopted. Consequently,

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Behavior of reactive powder concrete containing recycled glass powder reinforced by steel fiber
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Abstract<p>Environmental sustainability is described as one that avoids the depletion or deterioration of natural resources, while also allowing for the preservation of long-term environmental quality. By practicing environmental sustainability, we may assist to guarantee that the requirements of today’s population are satisfied without risking the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs in the future. Engineers in the field of concrete production are becoming increasingly interested in sustainable development, which includes the utilization of the locally available materials in addition to using the agricultural and industrial waste in construction industry as one of the possib</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (9)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Behavior of Steel-Concrete-Steel Sandwich Beams with Truss Configuration of Shear Connectors
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This paper presents experimentally a new configuration of shear connector for Steel-Concrete-Steel (SCS) sandwich beams that is derived from truss configuration. It consists of vertical and inclined shear connectors welded together and to cover steel plates infilled with concrete. Nine simply supported SCS beams were tested until the failure under a concentrated central load (three- point bending). The beams were similar in length (1100mm), width (100mm), and the top plate thickness (4mm). The test parameters were; beam thickness (150, 200, 250, and 300mm), the bottom plate thickness (4, and 6mm), the diameter of the shear connectors (10, 12, and 16mm), and the connector spacing (100, 200, and 250mm). The test results sh

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