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Studying Some Technical Indicators of the Local Manufactured Machine and Its Effect on the Wheat Crop “Tamuz cultivar”
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Abstract<p>The effect of compound machine on wheat "Tamuz cultivar" was studied based on some technical indicators which were tested under three practical speed (PS) of 2.015, 3.143, and 4.216 and three tillage depth (TD) of 11, 13, and 15cm. The split-split plot arrangement in RCBD with three replications was used. The results showed that the PS of was major best than other two speed in all studied conditions, physical properties (SBD and TSP), mechanical parameters (FD, (DP and LAS), and yield and growth parameters (PVI, BY and HI). The TD of 11cm was major effect to the other two levels TD of 13 and TD of 15cm in all studied conditions. All interactions were significant, the best interaction was between the first speed 2.015 and TD of 11cm for all studied properties.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Management And Enterprise Development
Studying the decision-making state and impact in Iraqi construction projects
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Future Dental Journal
Studying some mechanical properties of maxillofacial silicone elastomer before and after incorporation of intrinsic pigments and artificial aging
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Objective Advantageous properties of silicone elastomer made it one of the favorable materials in maxillofacial prosthesis construction, but these properties may change after months of usage or after pigments addition. This study aimed to define the optimum concentration for a mixture of two types of intrinsic pigments that added to VST-50 maxillofacial silicone material and study their effects on mechanical properties before and after artificial aging. Methods After the pilot study was conducted, 0.1% by weight of rayon flocking and 0. 2% by weight of burnt sienna intrinsic pigment concentration was selected because of improvement in tested mechanical properties of VST-50 maxillofacial silicone. A total of one hundred and eighty samples we

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Biodiversity And Environmental Sciences
Estimation of blood lead level and its effect on hormonal responses of exposed men
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of tempering on thermal analysis of Al-Ti-Si alloy and its composites
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The investigation of the effect of tempering on thermal analysis of
Al-Ti-Si alloy and its composites with MgO and SiC particles was
performed. Thermal analysis was performed before and after
tempering by DSC scan. Optical microscopy was used to identify the
phases and precipitations that may be formed in base alloy and
composites. X-ray diffraction test indicated that the Al3Ti is the main
phase in Al-Ti-Si alloy in addition to form Al5Ti7Si12 phase. Some
chemical reactions can be occurred between reinforcements and
matrix such as MgO.Al2O3 in Al-Ti/MgO, and Al4C3 and Al(OH)3 in
Al-Ti/SiC composite. X-ray florescence technique is used to
investigate the chemical composition of the fabricated specimens.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 07 2021
Journal Name
2021 14th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Content Based Image Retrieval Based on Feature Fusion and Support Vector Machine
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Ocean Engineering
Stresses and pore water pressure induced by machine foundation on saturated sand
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In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. In order to investigate the response of soil and footing to steady state dynamic loading, a physical model was manufactured. The manufactured physical model could be used to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. Total of (84) physical models were performed. The parameters that were taken into considerations include loading frequency, size of footing and different soil conditions. The footing parameters were related to the size of the rectangular footing and depth of embedment. Two sizes of rectangular steel model footing were used (100 200 12.5 mm) and (200 400 5.0 mm).

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Fast Shot Boundary Detection Based on Separable Moments and Support Vector Machine
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Survey on Arabic Text Classification Using Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms
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    Text categorization refers to the process of grouping text or documents into classes or categories according to their content. Text categorization process consists of three phases which are: preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. In comparison to the English language, just few studies have been done to categorize and classify the Arabic language. For a variety of applications, such as text classification and clustering, Arabic text representation is a difficult task because Arabic language is noted for its richness, diversity, and complicated morphology. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis and a comparison for researchers in the last five years based on the dataset, year, algorithms and the accuracy th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Survey on Arabic Text Classification Using Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms
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    Text categorization refers to the process of grouping text or documents into classes or categories according to their content. Text categorization process consists of three phases which are: preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. In comparison to the English language, just few studies have been done to categorize and classify the Arabic language. For a variety of applications, such as text classification and clustering, Arabic text representation is a difficult task because Arabic language is noted for its richness, diversity, and complicated morphology. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis and a comparison for researchers in the last five years based on the dataset, year, algorithms and the accu

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Kerosene and Gasoline on Some Properties of High Performance Concrete
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During the last quarter century, many changes have taken place in the tanks industry and also in the materials that used in its production، while concrete is the most suitable material where concrete tanks has the benefits of strength, long service life and cost effectiveness. So, it is necessary improvement the
conventional concrete in order to adapt the severe environment requirements and as a result high
performance concrete (HPC) was used. It is not fundamentally different from the concrete used in the past, although it usually contains fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag and silica fume, as well as
superplasticizer. So, the content of cementitious material is high and the water/cement ratio is low. In this

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