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Iraqi Women with Preeclampsia: Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes
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BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia (PE) is a possible etiology of obstetrical and neonatal complications which are increased in resource-limited settings and developing countries. AIM: We aimed to find out the prevalence of PE in Iraqi ladies and specific outcomes, including gestational weight gain (GWG), cesarean section (CS), preterm delivery (PD), and low birth weight (LBW). METHODS: All singleton pregnant women visiting our tertiary center for delivery were involved over 3 years. PE women were compared with non-PE ladies. Complete history and examination were done during pregnancy and after delivery by the attending obstetrician and neonatologist with full documentation in medical records. RESULTS: PE prevalence was 4.79%, and the affected women had significant (p < 0.05) higher age, body mass index, and GWG, but lower gestational age at delivery. The mean significant difference of GWG in PE and non-PE patients was 1.82 kg. PD and LBW had significant higher frequencies in PE. After considering several confounding factors, crude and adjusted odds ratio (OR) of PE with 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were significant in CS (crude OR = 2.25 and 95% CI = 1.42-2.87 while adjusted OR = 2.89 and 95% CI = 1.43–3.06) and PD (crude OR = 2.41 and 95% CI = 1.73–2.46 while adjusted OR = 3.96 and 95% CI = 2.65–6.37). On the other hand, only the crude model touched significance in LBW (crude OR = 3.67 and 95% CI = 2.51–4.99). CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of PE in Iraqi pregnant females was higher than other neighboring developing countries. In PE ladies, maternal parameters, including GWG and operative delivery, and neonatal complications, including PD and LBW, were significantly higher than pregnant women without PE.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Knowledge of marketing and its impact on the performance of the company for the distribution of oil products –an exploratory study of the views of asample in the general company for oil products distribution/ Distribution Authority, Baghdad
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This study seeks to address the impact of marketing knowledge dimensions (product, price, promotion, distribution) on the organizational performance in relation to a number of variables which are (efficiency, effectiveness, market share, customer satisfaction), and seeks to reveal the role of marketing knowledge in organizational performance.

In order to achieve the objective of the study the researcher has adopted a hypothetical model that reflects the logical relationships between the variables of the study. In order to reveal the nature of these relationships, several hypotheses have been presented as tentative solutions and this study seeks to verify the validity of these hypotheses.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of the nomenclature of Russian vocabulary of Arabic origin denoting some religious worship, or denoting some political and social positions: «Лексика арабского происхождения со значением «служители религиозного культа, социального статуса» и её функционирование в русской речи»
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      The present paper discusses one of the most important Russian linguistic features of Arabic origin Russian lexes denoting some religious worship or some political and social positions like Qadi, Wally, Sultan, Alam, Ruler, Caliph, Amir, Fakih, Mufti, Sharif, Ayatollah, Sheikh.. etc.  A lexical analysis of the two of the most efficient and most used words of Arabic origin Russian lexes that are “Caliph and Sheikh” is considered in the present study. The lexicographic analysis of these words makes it possible to identify controversial issues related to their etymology and semantic development.

The study is conducted by the use of the modern Russian and Arabic dictionary, specifically, (Intermediate lexicon Dictionary

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Towards building an educational system free of scientific corruption (Applied study in a sample of colleges of higher education in Iraq within the framework of the government program and the directions of the Supreme Council for Combating Corruption)
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Nations are developed with education and knowledge that raise the status of society in its various segments, beyond that it leads to underdevelopment and deterioration in various sectors, whether economic, health, social, etc. If we considered the general name of The ministry of Education & Scientific Studies, then the second part seems to be not functioning, since scientific research has no material allocation and remains based on the material potential of the university professor. As for the first half of the topic, the reality of the situation reveals problems related to the Holy Trinity of Education which is (Professor - Student - the scientific method) where universities suffer at the present time from this problem, and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Temperature dependence energy distribution function for proton-tritium fusion reaction
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The physical behavior for the energy distribution function (EDF) of the reactant particles depending upon the gases (fuel) temperature are completely described by a physical model covering the global formulas controlling the EDF profile. Results about the energy distribution for the reactant system indicate a standard EDF, in which it’s arrive a steady state form shape and intern lead to fix the optimum selected temperature.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Digital Rock Samples Porosity Analysis by OTSU Thresholding Technique Using MATLAB
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Porosity plays an essential role in petroleum engineering. It controls fluid storage in aquifers, connectivity of the pore structure control fluid flow through reservoir formations. To quantify the relationships between porosity, storage, transport and rock properties, however, the pore structure must be measured and quantitatively described. Porosity estimation of digital image utilizing image processing essential for the reservoir rock analysis since the sample 2D porosity briefly described. The regular procedure utilizes the binarization process, which uses the pixel value threshold to convert the color and grayscale images to binary images. The idea is to accommodate the blue regions entirely with pores and transform it to white in r

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fusion Reaction Study of some Selected Halo Systems
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The challenge in studying fusion reaction when the projectile is neutron or proton rich halo nuclei is the coupling mechanism between the elastic and the breakup channel, therefore the motivation from the present calculations is to estimate the best coupling parameter to introduce the effect of coupled-channels for the calculations of the total cross section of the fusion  , the barrier distribution of the fusion   and the average angular momentum ⟨L⟩ for the systems 6He+206Pb, 8B+28Si, 11Be+209Bi, 17F+208Pb, 6He+238U, 8He+197Au and 15C+232Th using quantum mechanical approach.  A

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
دراسة مقارنة لمستوى التمکین الإداری بین مشرفی التربیة الریاضیة (الاختصاص والفنی) لمدیریات التربیة فی محافظة بغداد A Comparative Study of the Level of Administrative Empowerment between the Physical Education Supervisors (Specialization and Technical) of Education Directorate in Baghdad Governorate
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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) by Direct Injection Enthalpimetry (DIE) Technique The ascorbic acid content of juices of some fruits and pharmaceutical tablets of Vitamin C was determined by a homemade apparatus of DIE technique using a thermoc
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The ascorbic acid content of juices of some fruits and pharmaceutical tablets of Vitamin C was determined by a homemade apparatus of DIE technique using a thermocouple as heat sensor. The method is simple, speed, low cost and the different types of turbid, colored samples can be analyzed without any problem. The results were of a valuable accuracy and precision, and the recovery of results was with acceptable values

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Criticism and study of “The Arabic translations of contemporary Persian novels” (“Translations of Muhammad Alauddin Mansour” as a model): قنقـــد و بررسی ترجمـــــه¬ی عربی رمــــان¬های معـــــاصر فــــارسی (ترجمه¬های محمد علاء الدین منصور- بررسی نمونه¬ای)
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     Arab translators have always paid great attention to the translation of the Persian literary genres, in particular, contemporary Iranian novels. They have always translated for the most prominent Iranian novelists such as Jalal Al Ahmad, Sadiq Hidayat, Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Bozorg Alavi, Ismail Fasih‎, Houshang Golshiri, Gholam-Hossein Saedi, Simin Daneshvar, Sadiq Chubak, Samad Behrangi and others that have succeeded in perfectly picturing the Iranian society.

      Within the perspectives of Arab translators and by using the descriptive - analytical approach, the present study provides an analytical study of the translation into Arabic some of the modern Persian novels. Moreove

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Oxidation Desulphurization of Heavy Naphtha Improved by Ultrasound Waves
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The oxidation desulphurization assisted by ultrasound waves was applied to the desulphurization of heavy naphtha. Hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid were used as oxidants, ultrasound waves as phase dispersion, and activated carbon as solid adsorbent. When the oxidation desulphurization (ODS) process was followed by a solid adsorption step, the performance of overall Sulphur removal was 89% for heavy naphtha at the normal condition of pressure and temperature. The process of (ODS) converts the compounds of Sulphur to sulfoxides/ sulfones, and these oxidizing compounds can be removed by activated carbon to produce fuel with low Sulphur content. The absence of any components (hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, ultrasound waves and activated car

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