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الشؤون الاجتماعية والتنظيمية في تركيا: دراسة تخصصية في تشريعات مجلس الأمة التركي الكبير (1984 - 2009)
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اِنطلقت فِكرة إعداد هذه الدِّراسة بعد الاِطِّلاع على محاضر مجلس الأُمَّة التركي الكبير، ومعرِفة التشريعات التي تناولت مفاصل الحياة الاِجتماعيَّة في تُـركيا، وبيَّنت هذه التشريعات التي نظَّمت مُستوى العلاقة بين المواطن والدولة، وأسهمت في وضع حلول مُـشكِلاتٍ اِجتماعيَّة عديدة منها؛ ما له صِلة بإجراءات الدولة في رفع المظلوميَّة عن المواطنين الأتراك والمقيمون فيها، مع تشخص بعض الظواهر الاِجتماعيَّة السِّـلبيَّة كالرشوة والفساد وعدم الإفصاح عن المِلْكِـيَّة، فضلاً عن ذلك؛ قوانين نظَّمت اِستحقاقات أعضاء البرلمان التركي، وخرجت الدِّراسة بعددٍ من الاِستنتاجات والمُـقترحات والتوصيات.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effects of Water Scarcity on Rural Household Economy
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This study examined the effects of water scarcity on rural household economy in El Fashir Rural Council / North Darfur State- western Sudan. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used as to get a deeper understanding of the impact of water scarcity on the rural house economy in the study area. 174 households out of 2017 were selected from 45 villages which were distributed in eight village councils forming the study area. Statistical methods were used to manipulate the data of the study. The obtained results revealed that water scarcity negatively affected the rural household economy in the study area in many features. These include the followings: much family efforts and time were directed to fetch for water consequentl

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Difficulties and Problems in Teaching and Learning Spanish in Particular and Foreign Languages: Las Dificultades en la Enseñanzayel Aprendizaje de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE)en Particular ylas Lenguas Extranjeras en General: El Docente no Nativo
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       This paper aims at providing the teaching staff members with the necessary skills so as to become capable of tackling various situations, and treating daily problems that face students learning Spanish as a Second Language.  This is made as an attempt to make teachers of foreign languages in general acquainted with modern trends of teaching with less complicated methods, specifically in teaching e earlier stages of foreign languages.


      En el presente trabajo pretendemos dotar al docente no nativo de Lenguas extranjeras, con algunos de los métodos necesari

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Intellectual Capital And Its Revenues On The Investment Applied Research On Sample of Banks Listed on In The Iraq Stocks Exchange
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      The changes that happened in the environment of  business have great effects upon organizations with different activities specially the banks  which requires the existence of an able opinion  resources can adapt with the changes . Accordingly importance put upon  intellectual  capital which become one of the basic resources for organizations and one of success and growth elements with the availability of expertise , skills and capability of making  essential changes in different process due to the presentation of innovations and creations of the to support banks activities .Therefore the intellectual  capital represents the more r

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تناول البحث تطورات بنية الانفاق الحكومي للمدة (1990-2014) اذ تشمل هذه المدة مدتين مختلفتين من حيث الظروف اذ اتسمت المدة الاولى (1990-2002) بفرض العقوبات الاقتصادية وحرمان الاقتصاد العراقي من المورد النفطي ,في حين اتسمت المدة الثانية (2003-2014) بوفرة ال
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  The research explain the developments in the structure of government Expenditure for the period (1990-2014), this period include tow different periods in terms of the conditions, the first period (1990-2002)characterized by imposing the economic sanctions and deny the Iraqi economy from the oil revenues, while the second period (2003-2014) marked by abundance resource rents as a result of lifting the ban on oil exports, (autoregressive Distributed lag Model) has been used to measure the impact of government Expenditure in both side current and investment in the oil-GDP (gross domestic product) and non oil-GDP, the stady found that there is no significant relationship between current Expenditure in non-oil and oil-GDP in bo

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Psychological Stress and Social Isolation among Displaced Secondary School Students
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The problem of the current research addressed the close link between the psychological stress and social isolation as behavior and experience, as well as, the stress of the displaced pupils by the sense of alienation and isolation from the society to which they had moved. It reflects a sense of mystery to the displaced pupils about their lives in the present and future. Therefore, the current research aims to identify the psychological presence and the level of social isolation among secondary school displaced pupils and identify whether there were statistically significant differences in the variables between the displaced pupils (males-females). Moreover, it attempts to identify the relationship between psychological stress and social

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial investment strategies – Conceptual Framework
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The investor needs to a clear strategy for the purpose of access to the financial market, that is, has a plan to increase The share of the profits thinking entrepreneur and new, and highlights the importance of this in that it sets for the investor when it goes to the market, and when it comes out of it, and at what price to buy or sell the stock, and what is the the amount of money it starts. Fortunately, he does not need to invent his own investment strategy, because over the years the development of effective methods of buying and selling, and once you understand how to work these methods investor can choose the most appropriate methods and adapted image that fit his style investment .


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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A relationship study of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, blood groups, and some related factors in Iraqi patients
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Many studies of the relationship between COVID-19 and different factors have been conducted since the beginning of the corona pandemic. The relationship between COVID-19 and different biomarkers including ABO blood groups, D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP, was examined. Six hundred (600) patients, were included in this trial among them, 324 (56%) females and the rest 276 (46%) were males. The frequencies of blood types A, B, AB, and O were 25.33, 38.00, 31.33, and 5.33%, respectively, in the case group. Association analysis between the ABO blood group and D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP of COVID-19 patients indicated that there was a statistically significant difference for Ferritin (P≤0.01), but no-significant differences for both D-dimer and CRP.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital addiction and its Relationship to social isolation among children in the autism Spectrum frome the viewpoint of their parents
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 This study titled “digital addiction and its relationship to social isolation among children in the autism spectrum from the point of view of their parents” in which the
researcher addressed an important topic which is knowledge of digital addiction in a
child with autism spectrum and its relationship to social isolation in them.
The study aimed to dhed the light on the digital addiction in a spectrum child Autism
from the point of view of their parents، by knowing the extent of addiction of children
in the autism spectrum، and identifying the relationship between electronic addiction and the social isolation of children in the autism spectrum.The study presented
several hypotheses،

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
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This paper deals with a dilapidated urban part with a proposal to renew it and return it to the life cycle of the city, as in the neighborhood of Al-Mdawar, adjacent to the port of Beirut. It discusses the challenges and the need for renewal, the causes of urban deterioration, the urban development approach and the history of the regulations applied to Beirut, In the studied area. It also proposes solutions to improve its lifestyle based on urban planning tools and design to achieve people's aspirations, preserve identity and rearrange its integration with the Beirut central district area.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Photo Degradation of Solochrom Violet Dye by ZnO: Experimental and Theoretical Study
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The present project involves photodegrading the dye solochrom violet under advanced oxidation techniques at (25 oC) temperature and UV light. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and UV radiation at a wavelength of 580 nm were used to conduct the photocatalytic reaction of the solochrom violet dye. One of the factors looked into was the impact of the starting conditions. pH, the amount of original hydrogen peroxide, and the dye concentration time radiation were used. For hours, the kinetics and percentages of degradation were examined at various intervals. In general, it has been discovered that the photodegradation rates of the dye were greater when H2O2 and ZnO were combined with UV light. The best wavelength to use was determined. Modern oxidation techni

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