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Publication Date
Thu Nov 03 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Prose of Sons of Imam Ali Al-Rida (Peace Be Upon Them): A Study Regarding the Structure of the Image and Its Implications - Simile as a Model

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of creation, Muhammad, whom God sent as a mercy to the worlds, and his pure God and his faithful companions. The Islamic heritage was replete with texts issued from among the pure infallibility, which constituted a prominent teacher that takes the student to stop there in search of its goals, purposes and beauty. The choice was made from those texts that were issued by the imams of Muslims in the Abbasid era, namely Imam Muhammad al-Jawad, his son Imam Ali al-Hadi and his grandson Imam Hassan Zaki al-Askari. (Peace be upon them), and scholars have called them (sons of satisfaction), and researchers have shed light on these texts from rhetorical, artistic

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Pressures Affecting the Performance of Iraqi Media before the Legislative Elections of 2018 (Iraqi Satellite News Channel- as a Model): A Survey Study  Dr.Safad Husam Hammody

The modernity of election practices of the elections in Iraq, according to the democratic approach, has led to a struggle between political rival forces reflecting a deep pressure on the tools involved in the management, marketing or control of these elections across the general social level. Hence the problem of research resides in answering the following question: What is the nature and size of the pressures affecting the media performance of Al-Iraqia News channel before the legislative elections of 2018 in Iraq?
      The objectives of the research were the following:
1. to identify the nature of the pressures that limit the Al-Iraqia News channel’s perfo

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 13 2022
Journal Name
وقائع المؤتمر العلمي الدولي التاسع / المجلة الامريكية الدولية للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty among Baghdad University Employees in light of Covid- 19 A Descriptive Analytical Study (University of Baghdad as a model)

The educational service industry is one of the most negatively affected industries by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Government agencies have taken many measures to slow its spread, and then restrict movement and gatherings and stop recreational activities. Furthermore, the repercussions of the curfew had a significant impact due to the interruption in actual attendance for students and employees, and the severity of the Covid-19 crisis and its (economic, social, security, humanitarian and behavioral) effects on all societies and work sectors is no secret to anyone. Iraq, like other countries, was also affected by the negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic in all fields of institutional work, especially public fields, and specifically t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Evaluation of Olive Oil as a Separating Medium and Its Effect on Some Mechanical Properties of Processed Acrylic Resin Denture Base (A Comparative Study). Part Two

Background: During acrylic resin processing, the mold must be separated from the surface of the gypsum to prevent liquid resin from penetrating into the gypsum, and water from the gypsum seeping into the acrylic resin. For many years, tin foil was the most acceptable separating medium, and because it's difficult to apply, a tin-foil substitute is used. In this study, olive oil is used as an alternative to tin foil separating medium for first time, and evaluating its effect as a separating medium on some mechanical properties such as (indentation hardness and transverse strength) of acrylic resins denture base comparing it with those processed using tin-foil and tin foil substitute such as (cold mold seal) separating medium. Materials and M

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of Awareness And Knowledge among Medical Students Regarding Radiation Exposure from Common Diagnostic Imaging Procedures: Radiation exposure awareness among medical students

Objective: to assess the awareness and knowledge of our medical students regarding dose levels of imaging procedures and radiation safety issues, and to conclude how the curriculum of clinical radiology in the college medical program impacts such knowledge.

Subjects and methods:  this is a cross-sectional study conducted among 150 medical students in Alkindy College of Medicine between January 2021 to July 2021, regardless of their age or gender. The study included six grades according to the year 2020-2021. A questionnaire consisting of 12 multiple-choice questions was conducted via an online survey using Google Forms. The questions were divided into two parts

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 06 2011
Journal Name
Fes Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Derivation of a New Equation to Obtain the Permeability Coefficient of Clayey Soils

The main objective of this research is to find the coefficient of permeability (k) of the soil and especially clayey soil by finding the degree of consolidation (rate of consolidation). New modify procedure is proposed by using the odometer (consolidation) device. The ordinary conventional permeability test usually takes a long time by preparing and by testing and this could cause some problems especially if there is a need to do a large number of this test and there were a limited number of technicians and/or apparatus. From this point of view the importance of this research is clear, since the modified procedure will require a time of 25 minute only. Derivation made to produce an equation which could be used to fined the permeabi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 06 2013
Journal Name
Eng. & Tech. Journal
A proposal to detect computer worms (malicious codes) using data mining classification algorithms

Malicious software (malware) performs a malicious function that compromising a computer system’s security. Many methods have been developed to improve the security of the computer system resources, among them the use of firewall, encryption, and Intrusion Detection System (IDS). IDS can detect newly unrecognized attack attempt and raising an early alarm to inform the system about this suspicious intrusion attempt. This paper proposed a hybrid IDS for detection intrusion, especially malware, with considering network packet and host features. The hybrid IDS designed using Data Mining (DM) classification methods that for its ability to detect new, previously unseen intrusions accurately and automatically. It uses both anomaly and misuse dete

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Stylistic Study of Cohesion in Relation to Narrative Techniques in Religious Discourse

Cohesion is well known as the study of the relationships, whether grammatical and/or lexical, between the different elements of a particular text by the use of what are commonly called 'cohesive devices'. These devices bring connectivity and bind a text together. Besides, the nature and the amount of such cohesive devices usually affect the understanding of that text in the sense of making it easier to comprehend.  The present study is intendedto examine the use of grammatical cohesive devicesin relation to narrative techniques. The story of Joseph from the Holy Quran has been selected to be examined by using Halliday and Hasan's Model of Cohesion (1976, 1989). The aim of the study is to comparatively examine to what extent the type

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Italian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics

Let A be a unital algebra, a Banach algebra module M is strongly fully stable Banach A-module relative to ideal K of A, if for every submodule N of M and for each multiplier θ : N → M such that θ(N) ⊆ N ∩ KM. In this paper, we adopt the concept of strongly fully stable Banach Algebra modules relative to an ideal which generalizes that of fully stable Banach Algebra modules and we study the properties and characterizations of strongly fully stable Banach A-module relative to ideal K of A.

Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Basin or Intrusion, a New Method to Resolve Non-Uniqueness in Gravity Interpretation

The aim of the current paper is to resolve the non-uniqueness in gravity interpretation through searching for singular points in the gravity field that are coincide with causative body vertices. The Absolute Second Horizontal Gradient (ASHG) method is used to locate the horizontal reference location of the body, while its amplitude could be used to define body corner depth. Intelligent use of the ASHG method could help in differentiating between basin and intrusion structures from their gravity effect and could facilitate the interpretation in forward modeling and constrain inversion modeling to maximum limit. The method is tested by using many synthetic examples with different types of shapes. A real data is used to examine the method a

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