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Variable Pulsed Irrigation Algorithm (VPIA) to Reduce Runoff Losses under a Low-Pressure Lateral Move Irrigation Machine
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Due to restrictions and limitations on agricultural water worldwide, one of the most effective ways to conserve water in this sector is to reduce the water losses and improve irrigation uniformity. Nowadays, the low-pressure sprinkler has been widely used to replace the high-pressure impact sprinklers in lateral move sprinkler irrigation systems due to its low operating cost and high efficiency. However, the hazard of surface runoff represents the biggest obstacle for low-pressure sprinkler systems. Most researchers have used the pulsing technique to apply variable-rate irrigation to match the crop water needs within a normal application rate that does not produce runoff. This research introduces a variable pulsed irrigation algorithm (VPIA) based on an ON–OFF pulsing technique to conserve irrigation water through (1) decreasing the runoff losses by considering the soil infiltration rate, surface storage capacity, and sprinkler wetting diameter; and (2) ensuring a high level of water distribution uniformity in the direction of machine movement. From a wide range of pulse numbers and widths tested applying a certain water depth to a sandy loam soil, the best solution that gives the lowest runoff and highest uniformity while delivering an acceptable water depth was selected. A MATLAB code was written to simulate the soil infiltration rate, the sprinkler application rate, and to apply the proposed algorithm. The simulation results showed a runoff reduction of at least 90.7% with a high level of distribution uniformity in the direction of movement while delivering the highest possible irrigation depth using the lowest number of pulses.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Application of Variable Pulsed Irrigation Algorithm (VPIA) for Runoff Losses Reduction: Case Study of Different Soil Types
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Abstract<p>The low-pressure sprinklers have been widely used to replace the high-pressure impact sprinklers in the lateral move sprinkler irrigation system due to its low operating cost and high efficiency. However, runoff losses under the low-pressure sprinkler irrigation machine can be significant. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the variable pulsed irrigation algorithm (VPIA) in reducing the runoff losses under low-pressure lateral move sprinkler irrigation machine for three different soil types. The VPIA uses the ON-OFF pulsing technique to reduce the runoff losses by controlling the number and width of the pulses considering the soil and the irrigation machine properties. Als</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering &amp; Technology
Improvement of Gypsum Soil by Using Polyurethane to Reduce Erosion and Solubility of Irrigation Canals
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The reducing of erosion and the solubility of irrigation canals soils which constructed on gypsum soil is important in civil and water resources engineering. The main problem of gypsum soils is the presence of gypsum which represents one of most complex engineering problems, especially when accompanied by the moving of water which represent dynamic load along the canal. There are several solutions to this problem, in this research “Poly urethane” is used to give the gypsum soil sufficient hardness to reduce the solubility and erosion, after compacting the soil in the canal, percentages of Poly urethane was used to making cover to the soil by mixing percent of soil with Poly urethane, and the ratio was as follows: (5 and 10) % an

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect Irrigation Scheduling and Potassium Fertilization on Water Consumption of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Under Modern Irrigation Systems
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A field experiment was conducted in Yusufiya sub-district - Mahmudiya township/Baghdad governorate in silty loam texture soil during the spring season of 2020. The experiment included three treatments with three replicates, as the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used according to the arrangement of the split design block. The treatments are in the irrigation system, which included surface drip irrigation (T1) and sprinkler irrigation (T2). Secondly, the Irrigation levels including the irrigation using 0.70 Pan Evaporation Fraction PEF (I1), irrigation using 1.00 PEF (I2), and irrigation using 1.30 PEF (I3). Coupled with, Pota

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Seeds of five cultivars of oats (Avena sativa) were introduced from Italy in 2009. Seeds were propagated on the farm of the Dept. of Field Crops Sci. / Coll. of Agric. / Univ. of Baghdad in the season 2009 – 2010. The cultivars Anatolia, Alguda, Hamel, Pimula and Genzania were planted under 3 irrigation intervals; 3, 4 and 5 weeks to give water depth of 480, 400 and 320 mm, respectively . The depth of water was 80 mm each irrigation. A factorial experiment with RCBD of 4 replicates was conducted in 2 consecutive seasons in 2010 – 2011 and 2011 – 2012. The cultivar Alguda gave highest grain yield (8.07 t/ ha) under 480 mm, and 7.02 t / ha average of 3 water depths. This cultivar was characterized by high growth rate (13.2 g/m2/ d) that

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Movement through Soil under Drip Irrigation using Different Hydraulic Soil Models
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Drip irrigation is one of the conservative irrigation techniques since it implies supplying water directly on the soil through the emitter; it can supply water and fertilizer directly into the root zone. An equation to estimate the wetted area in unsaturated soil is taking into calculating the water absorption by roots is simulated numerically using HYDRUS (2D/3D) software. In this paper, HYDRUS comprises analytical types of the estimate of different soil hydraulic properties. Used one soil type, sandy loam, with three types of crops; (corn, tomato, and sweet sorghum), different drip discharge, different initial soil moisture content was assumed, and different time durations. The relative error for the different hydrauli

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Smart Irrigation Technique in the Fixed Irrigation System Based on Soil Moisture Content
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Abstract<p>The growing water demand has raised serious concerns about the future of irrigated agriculture in many parts all over the world, changing environmental conditions and shortage of water (especially in Iraq) have led to the need for a new system that efficiently manages the irrigation of crops. With the increasing population growing at a rapid pace, traditional agriculture will have a tough time meeting future food demands. Water availability and conservation are major concerns for farmers. The configuration of the smart irrigation system was designed based on data specific to the parameters concerning the characteristics of the plant and the properties of soil which are measured once i</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Plant Archives
New Irrigation Techniques for Precision Agriculture: A Review
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Precision irrigation applications are used to optimize the use of water resources, by controlling plant water requirements through using different systems according to soil moisture and plant growth periods. In precision irrigation, different rates of irrigation water are applied to different places of the land in comparison with traditional irrigation methods. Thus the cost of irrigation water is reduced. As a result of the fact that precise irrigation can be used and applied in all irrigation systems, it spreads rapidly in all irrigation systems. The purpose of the Precision Agriculture Technology System (precision irrigation) , is to apply the required level of irrigation according to agricultural inputs to the specified location , by us

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Plant Nutrition
Seed priming of sorghum cultivars by gibberellic and salicylic acids to improve seedling growth under irrigation with saline water
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An experiment was conducted in pots under field conditions during fall seasons of 2017 and 2018. This study aimed to improve a weak growth of seedlings under salt stress in sorghum. Three factors were studied. 1st factor was three cultivars (Inqath, Rabeh, and Buhoth70). 2nd factor was seed priming (primed and unprimed seed). Seed were primed by soaking for 12 hours in a solution containing 300 + 70 mg L−1 of gibberellic (GA3) and salicylic (SA) acids, respectively. 3rd factor was irrigation with saline water (6, 9 and 12 dS m−1) resulting from dissolving sodium chloride in distilled water in addition to control treatment (distilled water). Randomized complete block design was used with four replications. In both seasons: the re

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Green Engineering
Water distribution and interference of wetting front in stratified soil under a continues and an intermittent subsurface drip irrigation
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Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 42 (6), 54-64‏
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