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3D-shape formation of blood vessels based on computer aided design system
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This paper proposes and tests a computerized approach for constructing a 3D model of blood vessels from angiogram images. The approach is divided into two steps, image features extraction and solid model formation. In the first step, image morphological operations and post-processing techniques are used for extracting geometrical entities from the angiogram image. These entities are the middle curve and outer edges of the blood vessel, which are then passed to a computer-aided graphical system for the second phase of processing. The system has embedded programming capabilities and pre-programmed libraries for automating a sequence of events that are exploited to create a solid model of the blood vessel. The gradient of the middle curve is adopted to steer the vessel’s direction, while the cross-sections of the blood vessel are formed as a sequence of circles lying in planes that are orthogonal to the gradients of the middle curves. The radii for the circles are estimated as a distance between the intersection points of the blood vessel edges with the orthogonal plane to the middle curve gradient. The system then uses these circles and the middle curve gradients to produce a solid volume that represents the 3D shape of the blood vessel. The method was tested and evaluated using different cases of angiogram images, and showed a reasonable agreement between the generated shapes and the tested images.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimum Design of Power System Stabilizer based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
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This paper presents an improved technique on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The procedure is applied on Single Machine with Infinite Bus (SMIB) system with power system stabilizer (PSS) at three different loading regimes. The simulations are made by using MATLAB software. The results show that by using Improved Ant Colony Optimization (IACO) the system will give better performance with less number of iterations as it compared with a previous modification on ACO. In addition, the probability of selecting the arc depends on the best ant performance and the evaporation rate.


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance of STBC Based MIMO-OFDM Using Pilot-aided Channel Estimation
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Many studies have been published to address the growing issues in wireless communication systems. Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) is an effective and practical MIMO-OFDM application that can address such issues. It is a powerful tool for increasing wireless performance by coding data symbols and transmitting diversity using several antennas. The most significant challenge is to recover the transmitted signal through a time-varying multipath fading channel and obtain a precise channel estimation to recover the transmitted information symbols. This work considers different pilot patterns for channel estimation and equalization in MIMO-OFDM systems. The pilot patterns fall under two general types: comb and block types, with

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
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Intelligent Robotic Welding Based on a Computer Vision Technology Approach
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Robots have become an essential part of modern industries in welding departments to increase the accuracy and rate of production. The intelligent detection of welding line edges to start the weld in a proper position is very important. This work introduces a new approach using image processing to detect welding lines by tracking the edges of plates according to the required speed by three degrees of a freedom robotic arm. The two different algorithms achieved in the developed approach are the edge detection and top-hat transformation. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system ANFIS was used to choose the best forward and inverse kinematics of the robot. MIG welding at the end-effector was applied as a tool in this system, and the wel

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal On Interactive Design And Manufacturing (ijidem)
A real-time automated sorting of robotic vision system based on the interactive design approach
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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Orbital Prosthesis Rehabilitation in Biomedical Engineering by Means of Computer Vision-Photogrammetry and 3D Prototyping
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Eye loss may be caused as a result of eye trauma, accidents, or malignant tumors, which leads the patient to undergo surgery to remove the damaged parts. This research examines the potential of computer vision represented by Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry in fabricating the orbital prosthesis as a noninvasive and low-cost technique. A low-cost camera was used to collect the data towards extracting the dense 3D data of the patient facial features following Structure from Motion-Multi View Stereo (SfM-MVS) algorithms. To restore the defective orbital, a Reverse Engineering (RE) based approach has been applied using the similarity RE algorithms based on the opposite healthy eye to rehabilitate the defected orbital precisely

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Investigation of Physical Parameters in Cardiac Vessels as a New Medical Support Science for Complex Blood Flow Characteristics
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This study proposes a mathematical approach and numerical experiment for a simple solution of cardiac blood flow to the heart's blood vessels. A mathematical model of human blood flow through arterial branches was studied and calculated using the Navier-Stokes partial differential equation with finite element analysis (FEA) approach. Furthermore, FEA is applied to the steady flow of two-dimensional viscous liquids through different geometries. The validity of the computational method is determined by comparing numerical experiments with the results of the analysis of different functions. Numerical analysis showed that the highest blood flow velocity of 1.22 cm/s occurred in the center of the vessel which tends to be laminar and is influe

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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Picasso ceramics represented illuminated sign in ceramic art and excelled in accord ceramic art dimension aesthetically, and put it in a new prospects, despite the simplicity of the forms turn into a magical images and multiple interpretations.
So the search deliberately to choose purposive (37) samples divided into four groups, as follows: -
A flat shapes / palets or saucers / the vases /modified vases .
benefiting from indicators were spawned from literature ,to analyzing samples within the totals for the identification systems act forming art work`s:-
(1)Picasso's ceramic work product of a deliberate process represented a capacity of technical experience, and formal
(2)The system configuration in the ceramic art works c

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A proposed Mathematical Expression for Computer Design of Electrostatic Mirror
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A computational investigation has been carried out on the design and properties of the electrostatic mirror. In this research, we suggest a mathematical expression to represent the axial potential of an electrostatic mirror. The electron beam path under zero magnification condition had been investigated as mirror trajectory with the aid of fourth – order – Runge – Kutta method. The spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients of mirror has computed and normalized in terms of the focal length. The choice of the mirror depends on the operational requirements, i.e. each optical element in optical system has suffer from the chromatic aberration, for this case, it is use to operate the mirror in optical system at various values

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design And Implementation of Microcontroller Based Curing Light Control of Dental System.
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In this paper, a microcontroller-based electronic circuit have been designed and implemented for dental curing system using 8-bit MCS-51 microcontroller. Also a new control card is designed while considering advantages of microcontroller systems the time of curing was controlled automatically by preset values which were input from a push-button switch. An ignition based on PWM technique was used to reduce the high starting current needed for the halogen lamp. This paper and through the test result will show a good performance of the proposed system.



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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation ofICT-Based Recycle-Rewarding System for Green Environment
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This paper proposes a collaborative system called Recycle Rewarding System (RRS), and focuses on the aspect of using information communication technology (ICT) as a tool to promote greening. The idea behind RRS is to encourage recycling collectors by paying them for earning points. In doing so, both the industries and individuals reap the economical benefits of such system. Finally, and more importantly, the system intends to achieve a green environment for the Earth. This paper discusses the design and implementation of the RRS, involves: the architectural design, selection of components, and implementation issues. Five modules are used to construct the system, namely: database, data entry, points collecting and recording, points reward

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