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Palynological Study of Mimosoideae (Fabaceae) from Baghdad (Iraq)

The study included the determination of pollen grains features for 8 genera and 13 taxa of Mimosoideae subfamily grown in Baghdad/ Iraq by using each of light and scanning electron microscope. The samples of taxa were collected from various sites in Baghdad province in central Iraq located on 32 45° 0-33 45 0 N and 44 0 0- 44° 45 0 E. the results from this study revealed different pollen types as monad in each of Leucaena, Prosopis, and Neltuma, tetrad in Mimosa and polyads in Acacia, Albizia, Calliandra, Pithecellobium and Vachellia. Each taxa of these genera characterized by special palynological features as shape, size, number of polyads grain and conplateuration as well as other parameters included other dimensions, and these results revealed the importance of palynological study in Fabaceae family generally and specifically in Mimosoideae subfamily. Thus, the pollen grain features are an effective tool for classifying plant taxa especially when using LM and SEM microscopes.  

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A qualitative Study on Algae in Abdullah Abu-Nadjem Oasis, Al-Dewanyah,Iraq

  The present study was conducted on spring-fed(Abdullah Abu-Nadjem Oasis)west of AlDewanyah province,Iraq. ,during Winter 2007.    The results indicate that water quality was neutral tend to be slightly alkaline pH was 7.7 and 7.4 for station(1)and station (2) respectively.   Total hardness value of water about 1520 and 1488 mg/l.for two stations respectively ,This high values of hardness may be due to Calcium ions 397.5 and 395.5mg/l.for two stations. According to Salinity values (1.58 - 2.22) ‰(ppt) ,water of oasis may be classified as brackish water, the oasis water was well aerated dissolved oxygen was 5.3 and 7.4 mg/l.     On the other hand about (58) algal taxa were recorded

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Correlation Study between TP53 Gene Expression and Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Iraq

     Acute myeloid leukemia represents the most prevalent type of acute leukemia in adults. Mutations in the tumor protein (TP53) gene have been found in more than half of all human cancers. This study was done to investigate the relationship between TP53 gene expression and the appearance and progression of acute myeloid leukemia in Iraq. This study included 100 subjects, divided into 60 patients suffering from pre-diagnostic acute myeloid leukemia and 40 healthy individuals. The difference in TP53 gene expression between acute myeloid leukemia patients and healthy individuals has been investigated, and the gene expression of TP53 has been measured after extraction of total RNA at concentrations (15–83 n

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Hydrotreating of Sharki Baghdad Residue

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraq Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

Three hundred Iraqi people participated in demographic and attitudes study about red and white meat consumption. The mean age of the participants was 50 SD ± 11 years (mean 30-72); 51% were females and 49% males, mostly in forties who lived ≥ 5 years in Baghdad. The results showed that 80% of individuals prefer red meat. A 90% of people prefer fresh meat compared to frozen and processed meat. A 60% of people buy meat from popular markets. Nearly 87% of respondents believe the improving of livestock sector is essential and 80% of people confirmed there are obstacles to development this sector. An 80% of participates thought the reasons of the high prices of local fresh meat is the lack of planning and support to livestock sector. A survey

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectral Study of the Pollutants ( Gelbstoff) in Water Liquefaction of Some areas of Baghdad Province by Using the Technique of Raman, Flora

  In this research we study one of the pollutants(Gelbstoff ) such as Humic  and Fulvic Acids  in tap waters by using the technique of  Raman, Flora to some regions of Baghdad , the results appear that the tap waters  were pollutants which know yellow substance or Gelbstoff instant of suspending waters, which appear through the scattering of the incident light to same the wave length of Raman ,also calculate Raman shift which was 3640 cm-1 and force constant to band (O – H ) was 743 N/m, where the peak of Raman was at the wave length 441 nm after used the excitation wave length 380 nm . The results were in an agreement with lectures [8][9][10].

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Attitudes of University Students about the Statements of Iraqi Political Elites: A Survey Study of a Sample of University Youth in Baghdad

Various visual media are becoming an increasingly important and active instrument of communication. This fact has led some political parties and leading personalities in Iraq to make use of them as an accepted forum for the discussion of public affairs usually in a manner that conforms to their declared policy. They have to draw as much popular support as they could for the causes which they fight for. As a result, a state of great confusion has been created from the contradictory statements made by the contending parties and gave left grave consequences on all types of the audience receiving them. The problem of the study can be summarized in one major question: What is the opinions of the audience as regards the statements made by the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 2nd International Conference For Engineering, Technology And Sciences Of Al-kitab (icets)
Good governance of service quality through the adoption of sustainable energy the study of A1- Karkh historic center of in Baghdad city

Good governance of service quality through the adoption of sustainable energy the study of A1- Karkh historic center of in Baghdad city

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Dominions of Mindfulness on the Organizational Innovation “Descriptive analytical study in some faculties of the University of Baghdad”

Research seeks to test the impact of the dimensions of mindfulness on  organizational Innovation, proposed in the light of the review literature on two variables of the research, which referred in General to the dynamic relationship between them, as result of weakness of mindfulness as one important factor driving the diversity of innovation and time, ways to sustain and preserve and then support innovations made by creators, weakness in the overall level of organizational Innovation, this represents the problem research, data collection over designing   identification, distributed to sample Formed from (30) head Department at a number of colleges of the University of Baghdad, results confirms the validity of resea

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Lung Cancer Hazard Due to Radiate Radon Gas for Two Factories in Industrial Region (Shaikh Omar) of Baghdad Governorate

During the winter, in the industry region (Shaikh Omer) and by applying a passive radon detector (CR-39), lung cancer risk has been measured in twelve rooms of different workshops of two old factories in this site. The radon concentration is ranged from (123.345 Bq/m3) to (328.985 Bq/m3) with an average of (244.19±61.52 Bq/m3). Lung cancer risk ranged from 55.993 to 149.346 per million people and with an average of (110.855 per million people) which were lower than the recommended values (170-230 per million people), so there was no cancer risk on workers in these locations.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
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Ethical Perception of Leadership and Responsible Behavior: An Exploratory Study of Leaders of Public Organizations in Iraq

The study aimed to identify the effect of the ethical perception of a sample of managers in public organizations on responsible behavior in light of the rapid changes taking place in the external environment. To achieve this, the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach by applying a questionnaire of two parts. The first part dealt with the ethical perception according to the scale of Johnson (2015), which consisted of (22) items. The second part dealt with measuring responsible behavior, which consisted of (20) items based on the scale of Development of Ethical Behavior (Narvaez, 2006) for a sample of (125) respondents randomly chosen. The results showed that the estimation degree of managers in public governmental o

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