أظهرت نتائج تقدير التركيب الكيميائي لمعزول بروتين بقول العدس المنبت التي تم الحصول عليها من الأسواق المحلية في محافظة بغداد وذلك باستخدام الاستخلاص القلوي عند الرقم الهيدروجيني 9.5 PH ثم الترسيب عند نقطة التعادل الكهربائي 4.5 PH،كانت نسبة البروتين، الرطوبة، الرماد، الألياف، الدهن والكربوهيدرات (71.58، 6.44، 2.58، 1.09، 0.25، 8.66) % على التوالي، وبينت نتائج تقدير المعادن في المعزول البروتيني لكل من الكالسيوم والفسفور والحديد والمغنسيوم والزنك (10.14، 13.88، 1.05، 8.47، 1.63) ملغم /١٠٠ غرم على التوالي، في حين أظهرت نتائج دراسة الخواص الوظيفية لمعزول بروتين العدس والمسحوق منزوع الدهن قابلية امتصاص الماء بلغت (4، 2.6) مل ماء/ غم بروتين على التوالي، وبلغت قابلية امتصاص الدهن للمعزول البروتيني (1.45) مل زيت/ غم بروتين بينما بلغت للمسحوق منزوع الدهن (1.25) مل زيت/ غم بروتين، وبينت نتائج قابلية تكوين الرغوة إذ بلغت سعة الرغوة عند PH (4.7) بلغت (12.5، 16) % على التوالي، وبلغت قيم ثبات الرغوة عند نفس الأرقام الهيدروجينية (4.7) (13، 12.5) % على التوالي، في حين بلغت قيم الاستحلاب (1.020، 5.796) % على التوالي لكل من المسحوق منزوع الدهن والمعزول البروتيني بينما أظهرت نشاط المستحلب (95.505، 100) % على التوالي لكل منهما.
Is the subject of the mind took a dimension in philosophy and psychology , and has cared psychologists this topic to a large extent , I started education institutions interest in the capabilities of intelligence since the early twentieth century , and the development of interest in them until he arrived to find Standards and Criteria to identify the degree IQ of any individual , and began to educational institutions interested in mental talent and talented .
The United States is the country chock first of these research projects , but they devoted all their attention on the wish talent mental and Gifted , until I got to the projects, the so-called time ( ( wars of the mind ) ) and projects Schools gifted
... Show MoreThis paper contains an equivalent statements of a pre- space, where are considered subsets of with the product topology. An equivalence relation between the preclosed set and a pre- space, and a relation between a pre- space and the preclosed set with some conditions on a function are found. In addition, we have proved that the graph of is preclosed in if is a pre- space, where the equivalence relation on is open.
On the other hand, we introduce the definition of a pre-stable ( pre-stable) set by depending on the concept of a pre-neighborhood, where we get that every stable set is pre-stable. Moreover, we obtain that
... Show MoreDeception is defined as a linguistic and non-linguistic behavior that is used in interaction in order to make the addressees believe what is believed to be false or lack evidence. McCornack (1992) classifies deception into four manipulative strategies (i.e., fabrication, distortion, equivocation and concealment), other scholars argue that deception encompasses the strategies of “fabrication (outright lying), equivocation (being vague and ambiguous), or concealment (with holding relevant information) Thus, the present study investigates the deception strategies and motives that are used by Johnny Depp and Amber Heard during their defamation trials. Qualitative and quantitative methods are employed when analyzing the data in question. Th
... Show MoreThere is a variety of artificial foot designs variable for use with prosthetic legs . Most of the design can be divided into two classes, articulated and non-articulated feet. one common non-articulated foot is the SACH . The solid ankle cushion heel foot referred to as the SACH foot has a rigid keel .
One key or the key factor in designing a new prosthesis is in the analysis of a patients response .
This view is the most important because if the foot does not provide functional , practical or cosmetically acceptable characteristics the patient will not feel comfortable with the prosthesis , therefore design and manufacturing a new foot is essential, this foot made from polyethylene, its different shape and characte
... Show MoreIn this communication, introduce the split Mersenne and Mersenne-Lucas hybrid quaternions, also obtaining generating functions and Binet formulas for these hybrid quaternions and investigating some properties among them.
The speaker identification is one of the fundamental problems in speech processing and voice modeling. The speaker identification applications include authentication in critical security systems and the accuracy of the selection. Large-scale voice recognition applications are a major challenge. Quick search in the speaker database requires fast, modern techniques and relies on artificial intelligence to achieve the desired results from the system. Many efforts are made to achieve this through the establishment of variable-based systems and the development of new methodologies for speaker identification. Speaker identification is the process of recognizing who is speaking using the characteristics extracted from the speech's waves like pi
... Show MoreThe aerodynamic and elastic forces may cause an oscillation of the structure such as the high frequency of the airfoil surfaces and the dynamic instability occurring in an aircraft in flight and failure may occur at a speed called flutter speed. In this work, analytical and numerical investigations of flutter limits of thin plates have been carried out. The flutter speed of rectangular plates were obtained and compared with some published results. Different design parameters were investigated such as aspect ratio, thickness and their effects on flutter velocity. It was found that the structural mode shape plays an important role in the determination of the flutter speed and the coupling between the bending and torsional mode is the main
... Show MorePraise be to God, prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him mercy, gift, and grace, and rendered his family and the good righteous is followed until the Day of Judgment. After: The Koran
Requires economic work finding built institutional paint strategies and policies are formulated general economic and clarity in its stated objectives and the involvement of all economic institutions, political and stakeholders to discuss all the issues of economic, financial, monetary and analyzed for the purpose of renewal energies and determine the duties and responsibilities, leaving full freedom to the private sector in the formation of institutions to carry out his duties economic, and that the institutional structures to create the right climate for the implementation of its economic policies, which would facilitate the task of the private sector, and this h
... Show MoreПредметом нашего исследования является вводные слова и их значения в современном русском языке. И прежде чем углубиться в нашу научную работу нам было необходимо определить понятие вводных слов и их функция и место в системе русского языка. По словам В. Г. Лебедева и Л. С. Тюревы "Вводные слова вводятся в предложении, чтобы выражать отношение говорящего к высказываемой мысли, оценки ее содержа
... Show More