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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Study of Person Deixis in J. M. Singe's Riders to the Sea

This study deals with an important area in the field of linguistics, namely person deixis.
The study aims at: (1) Describing the notion of deixis, its importance, and its place in the field
of linguistics, (2) Presenting a detailed illustration of person deixis, and (3) Conducting an
analysis of person deixis in one of Synge‟s plays Riders to The Sea according to Levinson‟s
model. The most important aim of these three is the third one (the analysis). To achieve this
aim, the researcher depends on Levinson‟s (1983) descriptive approach. According to the
descriptive approach of deixis, the category of person deixis can be defined as the encoding of
the participant roles in the speech situation. This encoding is r

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
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Structural Efficiency of Hollow Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Partial Uniformly Distributed Loading

Reinforced concrete (RC) beams containing a longitudinal cavity have become an innovative development and advantage for economic purposes of light-weight members without largely affecting their resistance against the applied loads. This type of openings can also be used for maintenance purposes and usage space of communication lines, pipelines, etc. RC beams are primarily loaded in the plane of the members, which are two-dimensional in a plane stress state and the dominant structural behaviours include bending, shear, or combination of both. In the present study, six numerical models of RC beams with and without openings were simulated by using commercial finite element software ANSYS to evaluate the structural behaviours of those b

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Assessing the Environmental Footprint of the Cement Industry: A Pathway to Sustainable Development
Abstract<p>Achieving a connection between sustainability processes and environmental protection, or what is known as sustainable development, requires paying more attention to environmental and sustainability issues for various projects and their effects on environmental problems. It involves determining the most appropriate ways to deal with them within pillars of sustainability (environmental, social, economic, and natural resources. As cement is a fundamental component of industrial services and construction in cities, it has a direct and significant interaction with the development process, making it one of the most important industries in Iraq. Because of the clinker particles and combustio</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Cellular, Molecular And Biomedical Reports
Investigation of GJB2 and SLC26A4 genes related to pendred syndrome genetic deafness patients

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Computation of the Relationships of X-ray to Radio Luminosities of a Sample of Starburst Galaxies

      The goal of this research is to better understand the physical features of starburst galaxies. Radio and X-ray observations are good for exploring the stuff within the central regions of galaxies.  A galaxy that is undergoing a strong star formation, usually in its central area, is known as a starburst galaxy. This paper provides the results of a statistical analysis of a sample of starburst galaxies. The data used in this research have been collected from NASA Extragalactic Database (NED), and HYPERLEDA. Those data have been used to examine possible luminosity correlations of X-ray to a radio of a sample of starburst galaxies. In this research, statistical software, known as statistic-win-program, has been used to investigat

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Scopus (5)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Computation of the Relationships of X-ray to Radio Luminosities of a Sample of Starburst Galaxies

      The goal of this research is to better understand the physical features of starburst galaxies. Radio and X-ray observations are good for exploring the stuff within the central regions of galaxies.  A galaxy that is undergoing a strong star formation, usually in its central area, is known as a starburst galaxy. This paper provides the results of a statistical analysis of a sample of starburst galaxies. The data used in this research have been collected from NASA Extragalactic Database (NED), and HYPERLEDA. Those data have been used to examine possible luminosity correlations of X-ray to a radio of a sample of starburst galaxies. In this research, statistical software, known as statistic-win-program, has been used to inves

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension: Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension


The aim of the present research is to identify the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension among postgraduate students at the University of Samarra according to the variables of the department,  gender,  age,  and employee or non-employee, and revealing the relationship between the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension. The research sample consisted of (75) students randomly selected from postgraduate students at the college of Education. The researcher applies test –wisdom of (Mellman & Ebel) and measurement of preoccupation with learning prepared by (Al-zaabi 2013) also, the researcher used the scale of t

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using K-mean Clustering to Classify the Kidney Images

      This study has applied digital image processing on three-dimensional C.T. images to detect and diagnose kidney diseases.  Medical images of different cases of kidney diseases were compared with those of   healthy cases. Four different kidneys disorders, such as stones, tumors (cancer), cysts, and renal fibrosis were considered in additional to healthy tissues. This method helps in differentiating between the healthy and diseased kidney tissues. It can detect tumors in its very early stages, before they grow large enough to be seen by the human eye. The method used for segmentation and texture analysis was the k-means with co-occurrence matrix. The k-means separates the healthy classes and the tumor classes, and the affected

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Strongly (E,F)-convexity with applications to optimization problems

In this paper, a new class of nonconvex sets and functions called strongly -convex sets and strongly -convex functions are introduced. This class is considered as a natural extension of strongly -convex sets and functions introduced in the literature. Some basic and differentiability properties related to strongly -convex functions are discussed. As an application to optimization problems, some optimality properties of constrained optimization problems are proved. In these optimization problems, either the objective function or the inequality constraints functions are strongly -convex.&nbsp;

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Heuristic Approach to the Consecutive Ones Submatrix Problem

Given a matrix, the Consecutive Ones Submatrix (C1S) problem which aims to find the permutation of columns that maximizes the number of columns having together only one block of consecutive ones in each row is considered here. A heuristic approach will be suggested to solve the problem. Also, the Consecutive Blocks Minimization (CBM) problem which is related to the consecutive ones submatrix will be considered. The new procedure is proposed to improve the column insertion approach. Then real world and random matrices from the set covering problem will be evaluated and computational results will be highlighted.

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