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WDARS: A Weighted Data Aggregation Routing Strategy with Minimum Link Cost in Event-Driven WSNs
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Realizing the full potential of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) highlights many design issues, particularly the trade-offs concerning multiple conflicting improvements such as maximizing the route overlapping for efficient data aggregation and minimizing the total link cost. While the issues of data aggregation routing protocols and link cost function in a WSNs have been comprehensively considered in the literature, a trade-off improvement between these two has not yet been addressed. In this paper, a comprehensive weight for trade-off between different objectives has been employed, the so-called weighted data aggregation routing strategy (WDARS) which aims to maximize the overlap routes for efficient data aggregation and link cost issues in cluster-based WSNs simultaneously. The proposed methodology is evaluated for energy consumption, network lifetime, throughput, and packet delivery ratio and compared with the InFRA and DRINA. These protocols are cluster-based routing protocols which only aim to maximize the overlap routes for efficient data aggregation. Analysis and simulation results revealed that the WDARS delivered a longer network lifetime with more proficient and reliable performance over other methods.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
-Generalized b- Closed Sets in Topological Spaces
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     In this paper we introduce a new class of sets called -generalized b- closed (briefly gb closed) sets. We study some of its basic properties. This class of sets is strictly placed between the class of gp- closed sets and the class of gsp- closed sets. Further the notion of b- space is introduced and studied.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A05


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Applied Mechanics And Materials
Artistic Techniques for Developing Creativity in Design
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The design of future will still be the most confusing and puzzling issue and misgivings that arouse worry and leading to the spirit of adventures to make progress and arrive at the ways of reviving, creativity and modernism. The idea of prevailing of a certain culture or certain product in design depends on the given and available techniques, due to the fact that the computer and their artistic techniques become very important and vital to reinforce the image in the design. Thus, it is very necessary to link between these techniques and suitable way to reform the mentality by which the design will be reformed, from what has been said, (there has no utilization for the whole modern and available graphic techniques in the design proce

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Behavior of Defective Cast in Place Piles
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This paper deals with testing defected model piles in the soil in order to study their behavior. In this respect, the results of model pile tests are discussed either geotechnically or structurally according to the type of failure.


Two parameters were studied in order to evaluate the general behavior of defective piles. These parameters include the defect location and the defect type for floating and end bearing pile. The results of the experimental work indicated that the critical case for floating pile is seen to be when the defect of (5%) at the first third of the pile length at which the decrease in the bearing capacity is about (21%), while the decrease in the bearing capacity is found to be (

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Senses in the Holy Quran
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This study is based on the basic idea: that human communication does not stop at the limits of words spoken, but extends to include the movements of the body and its members, such as the face, hand, eye, hearing, touch, taste, sensation and the public body.
The human movements represented by polarization, frowns, tattoos, and movements are all auxiliary tools that reach meanings and affect others greatly.
 Perhaps their importance is also in their ability to translate what is going on in the soul, and to show it to the outside body members, without the control of the human in many cases, it is thus an important factor in the process of human communication.
The purpose of this study is to show the senses of the senses in the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Manifestations of femininity in Mahmoud Fahmy's drawings
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This tagged research deals with the manifestations of femininity in Mahmoud Fahmy's drawings by studying and monitoring the presence and how women were represented in the drawings of the artist Mahmoud Fahmy. Through the drawings of the expatriate Iraqi artist, Mahmoud Fahmy, in highlighting the manifestations of beauty for women, which constitute a formal characteristic that appears through the body, and Fahmy depicts it in an atmosphere of realism at times and magical realism at other times, as the research consists of four chapters. Through the following question: Did femininity appear in the drawings of the artist Mahmoud Fahmy? The importance of the research is that it sheds light on the manifestations of femininity in the drawings

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research was aimed to study the pollen morphology for the genus Pterocephalus(Vaill)  from Dipsacaceae family in Iraq, and to utilize these feathers in isolating the species as valuable taxonomic traits for enriching Iraqi flora. The study included characteristics of the type, shape, size, sculpturing and apertures, as well as determining the full dimensions using light microscopy as well as numerical analysis of this species and draw polygonal shapes and denderogram  convergence between species. The results of the study of pollen and polygonal forms showed significant differences in the characteristics at the level of each species, which helps to identification the genus species, as it was found that the pollen was a tricolp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Ssrn Electronic Journal
The Concept of Urbanization in Developing Countries
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The population density witnessed by the capital, Baghdad, due to successive wars and unemployment, is linked to the phenomenon of urbanization, which is a global phenomenon that means the increasing tendency of the rural population to reside in cities (urban), especially concentration in the capital, Baghdad. Therefore, the phenomenon of urbanization is associated with 3 terms: migration, countryside, and city. Migration is when a person or a group leaves their place of residence to move to live in another place with the intention of staying in the new place for a long time. As for the countryside: they are the areas surrounding cities usually, and the countryside is characterized by natural and agricultural areas and is considered an outle

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Palestinian Experience in Stage Four Pressure Ulcer
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Pressure ulcer (now called Pressure injury) happens when the bony prominence like the sacrum exposes to pressure for a long period and also can cause soft tissue injury. In order to prevent and cure pressure-induced wounds, continuous and attentive repositioning is necessary. Wound management begins with the identification and aggressive management of the modifiable factors, such as positioning, incontinence, spasticity, diet, devices, and medical comorbidity, which contribute to pressure injury formation. Initial interventions include washing, cleaning, and maintaining the surfaces of the wound. In certain cases, it may be sufficient to debride the non-viable or contaminated tissue; however, operational care in more severe cases

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Provisions of combat games In Islamic Jurisprudence
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Provisions of combat games In Islamic Jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lipid Profile Changes in Toxoplasmosis Aborted Women
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Blood lipids are important mediators of host defense during the acute phase of innate immunity. Parasites may induce significant changes in lipid parameters, as has been shown in vitro study where substitution of serum by lipid/cholesterol in medium and in experimental models (in vivo). Thus changes in lipid profile occur in patients that having active infections with most of the parasites. Toxoplasma cannot synthesize cholesterol and depends upon acquisition of low density lipoprotein (LDL)-derived from the host cell, via endocytosis mediated by the LDL receptor or the LDL receptor-related protein.The present study is conducted to evaluate the changes in lipid profile in T. gondii infected women.A total of patients included 87 aborted wom

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