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Study of different geostatistical methods to model formation porosity (Cast study of Zubair formation in Luhais oil field)
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Abstract<p>This study is concerned with making comparison in using different geostatistical methods for porosity distribution of upper shale member - Zubair formation in Luhais oil field which was chosen to study.</p><p>Kriging, Gaussian random function simulation and sequential Gaussian simulation geostatistical methods were adopted in this study. After preparing all needed data which are contour map, well heads of 12 wells, well tops and porosity from CPI log. Petrel software 2009 was used for porosity distribution of mentioned formation in methods that are showed above. Comparisons were made among these three methods in order to choose the best one, the comparing criteria was according to different statistical information and variograms analysis of entered porosity which was scaled up and modeled. The best method gave porosity distribution in model closest to enter porosity that represent real porosity of Zubair formation.</p><p>The comparison proved that sequential Gaussian simulation is the best model of porosity distribution followed by Gaussian random function simulation and kriging methods respectively. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the distribution accuracy of the porosity or other petrophysics properties is one of the main factors that affect building correct geological model that represents the base of reservoir model and also pore volume (Oil reserve) value was affected by geostatistical methods variation.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Seismic Structural and Stratigraphy Study of Shuaiba Formation in Kumait Oil Field-Southern Iraq
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The Kumait Oil field was interpreted using 3-D seismic data from Oil Exploration company. The Shuaiba Formation (Cretaceous Age) reflector is detected.Structural map of formation is prepared to obtain the location and direction of  the sedimentary basin and shoreline. Depth maps was drawn depending on the structural interpretation of  the picked reflector and show several structural feature as closures.The seismic interpretation of the area approves the presence of some stratigraphic features in the studied formation. Some distributary mound and flatspot were observed within the study area, but they are not continuous due to the tectonic effects. These activity elements give reasonable explanation for the hydrocarbon distributi

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural and Stratigraphic Study of Hartha Formation in the East Baghdad Oil Field, Central of Iraq.
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Three-dimensional seismic reflection study was conducted for the Eastern
Baghdad oil field which is located in the middle part of Iraq within Al-Madaaen
province that belong to Baghdad governarate, South of Diyala River , this field
includes two southern parts (S1 and S2), the study area was about 781.905 km 2 for
the upper Cretaceous age, synthetic seismogram was generated from data of EB-5
and EB-1 wells. Saadi reflector was picked and identified to determine the Hartha
Formation. The seismic sections and time slice maps confirmed that the upper
Cretaceous age was affected by faults and the indicators of faults ended within
Hartha Formation and continue to the deeper formations with increasing intensity.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geological Model for Jeribe/Euphrates Formation, Tertiary Reservoir in Qaiyarah Oil Field, North of Iraq
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Visualization of subsurface geology is mainly considered as the framework of the required structure to provide distribution of petrophysical properties. The geological model helps to understand the behavior of the fluid flow in the porous media that is affected by heterogeneity of the reservoir and helps in calculating the initial oil in place as well as selecting accurate new well location. In this study, a geological model is built for Qaiyarah field, tertiary reservoir, relying on well data from 48 wells, including the location of wells, formation tops and contour map. The structural model is constructed for the tertiary reservoir, which is an asymmetrical anticline consisting of two domes separated by a saddle. It is found that

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Building a 3D Petrophysical Model for Mishrif Formation in Nasiriyah Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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A 3D geological model for Mishrif Reservoir in Nasiriyah oil field had been invented "designed" "built". Twenty Five wells namely have been selected lying in Nasiriyah  Governorate in order to build Structural and petrophysical (porosity and water saturation) models represented by a 3D static geological model in three directions .Structural model showed that Nasiriyah oil field represents anticlinal fold its length about 30 km and the width about 10  km, its axis extends toward NW–SE  with structural closure about 65 km . After making zones for Mishrif reservoir, which was divided into 5 zones i.e. (MA zone, UmB 1zone,MmB1 zone ,L.mB1 zone and mB2zone) .Layers were built for each zone depending on petrophysical propertie

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Study of Kirkuk Group Formation in Amara Oil Field- Southeastern Iraq
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The Amarah Oil field structure was studied and interpreted by using 2-D seismic data obtained from the Oil  Exploration company. The study is concerned with Maysan Group Formation (Kirkuk Group) which is located in southeastern Iraq and belongs to the Tertiary Age. Two reflectors were detected based on synthetic seismograms and well logs (top and bottom Missan Group). Structural maps were derived from seismic reflection interpretations to obtain the location and direction of the sedimentary basin. Two-way time and depth maps were conducted depending on the structural interpretation of the picked reflectors to show several structural features. These included three types of closures, namely two anticlines extended in the directions of

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Reflection Study for Zubair Formation in East Nasiriya area, Southern Iraq
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An interpretive (structural and stratigraphic) study of the two,-dimensional seismic, data of East Nasiriya area (30 km to the south east of Nasiriya oil field within Thi-Qar province, southeastern Iraq) was carried out using Petrel 2017 program. The study area has an importance due to its location between many oil fields, but still without exploration of oil wells. Twenty five seismic lines were used, date back to different types of seismic surveys conducted in the region at different time periods.  Also, the seismic velocity surveys of the nearest wells to oil fields, such as Nasiriya-1 and Subba-8, in addition to their sonic and density logs were used. A synthetic seismogram with a good matching with the seismic section was achie

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
3D Geological Model for Zubair Reservoir in Abu-Amood Oil Field
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The Zubair reservoir in the Abu-Amood field is considered a shaly sand reservoir in the south of Iraq. The geological model is created for identifying the facies, distributing the petrophysical properties and estimating the volume of hydrocarbon in place. When the data processing by Interactive Petrophysics (IP) software is completed and estimated the permeability reservoir by using the hydraulic unit method then, three main steps are applied to build the geological model, begins with creating a structural, facies and property models. five zones the reservoirs were divided (three reservoir units and two cap rocks) depending on the variation of petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability) that results from IP software interpr

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Field Description and Lithostratigraphic Study of Sargelu Formation in Rania and Sargelu sections, Northern Iraq: Lithostratigraphic Study of Sargelu Formation
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     The Sargule Formation was deposited during the Middle Jurassic, representing one of the most important source rocks in Iraq and surrounding areas.

Jurassic successions are commonly exposed as an isolated patch at some eroded anticline’s cores and limbs in the High Folded Zone, Imbricate Zone, and Thrust Zones of northern Iraq. The Sargelu section is located in Sargelu village at Surdash anticline, while the Rania section is located in Rania city near Hanjira village at Shaweri anticline.  Fieldwork in Rania and Sargelu Sections allow to divide Sargelu Formation lithostratigraphically into many subdivisions as follow:

The Sargelu Formation in the Rania section is about 40 m and can be divide

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Petrophysical Properties of Nahr Umar Formation in Nasiriya Oil Field
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   Petrophysical characterization is the most important stage in reservoir management. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate reservoir properties and lithological identification of Nahr Umar Formation in Nasiriya oil field. The available well logs are (sonic, density, neutron, gamma-ray, SP, and resistivity logs). The petrophysical parameters such as the volume of clay, porosity, permeability, water saturation, were computed and interpreted using IP4.4 software. The lithology prediction of Nahr Umar formation was carried out by sonic -density cross plot technique. Nahr Umar Formation was divided into five units based on well logs interpretation and petrophysical Analysis: Nu-1 to Nu-5. The formation lithology is mainly

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biostratigraphy of Yamama Formation in Faihaa Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The Yamama Formation was studied in three wells (Fh-1, Fh-2, and Fh-3) within Faihaa oil field, south Iraq. Thin sections were studied by using the polarizing microscope examination in order to determine microfossils and biozone. Thirty-five species of benthic foraminifera were recognized, including four index species. In addition,  twelve species of calcareous green algae were recognized, including  two index species. Other fossils that were recognized in Yamama Formation include Gastropoda, Bryozoa, Coral, Rudist, and Pelecypoda.

Six biozones were observed, which are Charentia cuvillieri sp. (Range Zone of Berriasian age), Psudochryalidina infracretacea

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