غالبا ما يكون تعامل المنظمات المالية والمصرفية مع الزبائن بشكل أساسي مما يتطلب منها جمع كميات هائلة من البيانات عن هؤلاء الزبائن هذا بالإضافة الى ما يرد اليها يوميا من بيانات يجعلها أمام أكداس كبيرة من البيانات تحتاج الى جهود جبارة تحسن التعامل معها والاستفادة منها بما يخدم المنظمة.
ان التعامل اليدوي مع مثل هذه البيانات دون استخدام تقنيات حديثة يبعد المنظمة عن التط
... Show MoreEconomic analysis plays a pivotal role in managerial decision-making processes. This analysis is predicated on deeply understanding economic forces and market factors influencing corporate strategies and decisions. This paper delves into the role of economic data analysis in managing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to make strategic decisions and enhance performance. The study underscores the significance of this approach and its impact on corporate outcomes. The research analyzes annual reports from three companies: Al-Mahfaza for Mobile and Internet Financial Payment and Settlement Services Company Limited, Al-Arab for Electronic Payment Company, and Iraq Electronic Gateway for Financial Services Company. The paper concl
... Show MoreThe research deals with a new type of high-performance concrete with improved physical properties, which was prepared by using metal additives minutes (Metakaolin) and by studing their impact on the properties of mortar and concrete high-performance through destructive and non destructive tests. This type of concrete is used broadly in public buildings and in other structures . The research involved a number of experiments such as finding the activity index of burned at a temperature of 750 º C according to the standard ( ASTM C-311/03), as well as casting models for the cubic mortar mixtures and concrete containers at different rates of metakaolin ranging between (5% - 20%) as an added part to the cement mix to get a high- compressive
... Show Moremajor goal of the next-generation wireless communication systems is the development of a reliable high-speed wireless communication system that supports high user mobility. They must focus on increasing the link throughput and the network capacity. In this paper a novel, spectral efficient system is proposed for generating and transmitting twodimensional (2-D) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols through 2- D inter-symbol interference (ISI) channel. Instead of conventional data mapping techniques, discrete finite Radon transform (FRAT) is used as a data mapping technique due to the increased orthogonality offered. As a result, the proposed structure gives a significant improvement in bit error rate (BER) performance. Th
... Show MoreGround-based active optical sensors (GBAOS) have been successfully used in agriculture to predict crop yield potential (YP) early in the season and to improvise N rates for optimal crop yield. However, the models were found weak or inconsistent due to environmental variation especially rainfall. The objectives of the study were to evaluate if GBAOS could predict YP across multiple locations, soil types, cultivation systems, and rainfall differences. This study was carried from 2011 to 2013 on corn (Zea mays L.) in North Dakota, and in 2017 in potatoes in Maine. Six N rates were used on 50 sites in North Dakota and 12 N rates on two sites, one dryland and one irrigated, in Maine. Two active GBAOS used for this study were GreenSeeker and Holl
... Show MoreOrthogonal polynomials and their moments serve as pivotal elements across various fields. Discrete Krawtchouk polynomials (DKraPs) are considered a versatile family of orthogonal polynomials and are widely used in different fields such as probability theory, signal processing, digital communications, and image processing. Various recurrence algorithms have been proposed so far to address the challenge of numerical instability for large values of orders and signal sizes. The computation of DKraP coefficients was typically computed using sequential algorithms, which are computationally extensive for large order values and polynomial sizes. To this end, this paper introduces a computationally efficient solution that utilizes the parall
... Show MoreThe smart city concept has attracted high research attention in recent years within diverse application domains, such as crime suspect identification, border security, transportation, aerospace, and so on. Specific focus has been on increased automation using data driven approaches, while leveraging remote sensing and real-time streaming of heterogenous data from various resources, including unmanned aerial vehicles, surveillance cameras, and low-earth-orbit satellites. One of the core challenges in exploitation of such high temporal data streams, specifically videos, is the trade-off between the quality of video streaming and limited transmission bandwidth. An optimal compromise is needed between video quality and subsequently, rec
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