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The Effect of the Siberian Air Altitude on the Characteristics of the Climate of the Northern Arabian Peninsula
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The field of climatic geography focuses on the study of the Earth's surrounding atmosphere, particularly the lower (surface) part close to the Earth's surface. This field examines the interactions within the atmosphere resulting from the solar radiation that reaches the Earth and the subsequent distribution of atmospheric pressure. Consequently, certain surface pressure systems, both high and low, emerge and vary in their temporal and spatial impacts on the climate of the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive and detailed study to understand the causes, development, movement, geographical distribution, and monthly and seasonal recurrence of these pressure systems. For this purpose, a minor climatic cycle spanning eleven years (2007/2008 to 2021/2022) was selected. The study relied on analysing weather maps at the 1000 millibar pressure level to analyse the recurrence of the Siberian high-pressure system over the study area, using observations at both 00:00 and 12:00 during the study period.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Microfacies Analysis and Evolution of Porosity of the Albian-Early Cenomanian Mauddud Formation from Selected Wells in Ratawi Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Mauddud Formation (Albian stage-the Early Cretaceous) is an important oil reservoir in Ratawi field of southern Iraq. Four wells, R T-2, R T-3, R T-6, and R T-7, located 70 km northwest of Basra, were selected to study microfacies properties and petrophysical associations with the probability of oil production. Seventy-seven core samples are collected, and thin sections for petrographic analysis. The self-potential, Gamma-ray, resistivity, and porosity logs are used to determine the top and bottom of the Mauddud Formation. Water saturation of the invaded and uninvaded zones, shale volume, and porosity were calculated. The study area results showed that the quantity of shale is less than 15% for most of the wells, and the dominant po

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 09 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Fingerprints Recognition Using the Local Energy Distribution over Haar Wavelet Subbands
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Fingerprints are commonly utilized as a key technique and for personal recognition and in identification systems for personal security affairs. The most widely used fingerprint systems utilizing the distribution of minutiae points for fingerprint matching and representation. These techniques become unsuccessful when partial fingerprint images are capture, or the finger ridges suffer from lot of cuts or injuries or skin sickness. This paper suggests a fingerprint recognition technique which utilizes the local features for fingerprint representation and matching. The adopted local features have determined using Haar wavelet subbands. The system was tested experimentally using FVC2004 databases, which consists of four datasets, each set holds

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 23 2020
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science
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In this paper, we describe the cases of marriage and divorce in the city of Baghdad on both sides of Rusafa and Karkh, we collected the data in this research from the Supreme Judicial Council and used the cubic spline interpolation method to estimate the function that passing through given points as well as the extrapolation method which was applied for estimating the cases of marriage and divorce for the next year and comparison between Rusafa and Karkh by using the MATLAB program.

Publication Date
Thu Mar 20 2025
Journal Name
Al-rafidain University College For Sciences
Use GARCH model to predict the stock market index, Saudi Arabia
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In this paper has been building a statistical model of the Saudi financial market using GARCH models that take into account Volatility in prices during periods of circulation, were also study the effect of the type of random error distribution of the time series on the accuracy of the statistical model, as it were studied two types of statistical distributions are normal distribution and the T distribution. and found by application of a measured data that the best model for the Saudi market is GARCH (1,1) model when the random error distributed t. student's .

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Developing a Real Time Method for the Arabic Heterogonous DBMS Transformation
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   A common problem facing many Application models is to extract and combine information from multiple, heterogeneous sources and to derive information of a new quality or abstraction level. New approaches for managing consistency, uncertainty or quality of Arabic data and enabling e-client analysis of distributed, heterogeneous sources are still required. This paper presents a new method by combining two algorithms (the partitioning and Grouping) that will be used to transform information in a real time heterogeneous Arabic database environment

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2018
Journal Name
Asian Quarterly: An International Journal Of Contemporary Issue
Refugees and the Challenges for Language Education (LE): A Theoretical Study
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DBN Rashid, Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemporary Issue, 2018

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
1st Samarra International Conference For Pure And Applied Sciences (sicps2021): Sicps2021
Consequences for the groups 𝒮𝓛(2,𝒰), 𝒰 = 23 and 29
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Dissolution Study For Sodium Selenite Tablets Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
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The development of a meaningful dissolution procedure for drug products with limited water solubility has been a challenge to both the pharmaceutical industry and the agencies that regulate them. Natural surfactants aid in the dissolution and subsequent absorption of drugs with limited aqueous solubility. In vitro, various techniques have been used to achieve adequate dissolution of the sparingly water – soluble or water insoluble drug products such as the use of mechanical methods (i.e., increased agitation and the disintegration method) or hydro alcoholic medium or large volumes of medium. The necessity of assuring the quality of drugs , especially those with low aqueous solubility and in vivo absorption , has led to the development and

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adherence model to cervical cancer treatment in the Covid-19 era
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Cervical Uterine Cancer is a disease that explains the vulnerability in which women are in terms of reproductive health with an impact on occupational health and public health, even when in Mexico the prevalence rate is lower than the other member countries of the OECD, its impact on Human Development and Local Development shows the importance that the disease have in communities more than in cities where prevention policies through check-ups and medical examinations seem to curb the trend, but show the lack of opportunities and capacities of health centers in rural areas.   To establish the reliability, validity, and correlations between the variables reported in the literature with respect to their weighting in a public hospital. A

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study to modify the fat cow's milk for children and infants
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This study Ajert to modify the chemical composition of milk fat cows and make it similar to the installation of milk fat mother through the addition of protein and soybean oil to be given Alkhltatnsp sensory protein that the best plan is the ratio of 1:1

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