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The Effect of the Siberian Air Altitude on the Characteristics of the Climate of the Northern Arabian Peninsula
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The field of climatic geography focuses on the study of the Earth's surrounding atmosphere, particularly the lower (surface) part close to the Earth's surface. This field examines the interactions within the atmosphere resulting from the solar radiation that reaches the Earth and the subsequent distribution of atmospheric pressure. Consequently, certain surface pressure systems, both high and low, emerge and vary in their temporal and spatial impacts on the climate of the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive and detailed study to understand the causes, development, movement, geographical distribution, and monthly and seasonal recurrence of these pressure systems. For this purpose, a minor climatic cycle spanning eleven years (2007/2008 to 2021/2022) was selected. The study relied on analysing weather maps at the 1000 millibar pressure level to analyse the recurrence of the Siberian high-pressure system over the study area, using observations at both 00:00 and 12:00 during the study period.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adapting the rhetorical concepts architecturally Excerption and inclusion as example
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Excerption and inclusion are two terms in Arabic rhetoric. The excerption is defined as a taking a part of text from Holly Quran or Hadith and put it in a poem, verse line, or put it in a prose text. But the linguistics expand the concept of this term to include taking from another sciences and knowledge, like Grammar, Philology, and Prosody.
Inclusion is defined as taking a verse line or part of verse line from another poet to put it in a new poem, it is necessary that the poet who take the text should declare it, and if he hides it, it will be plagiarism.
This search is use these two terms in architecture, we have now new two terms in architecture, first one; architectural excerption, it means the designer takes a part of religio

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
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Some Ur III Texts from Irisagrig in the Iraq Museum
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This article publishes seven cuneiform tablets in the collection of the Iraq Museum Baghdad. Six of the tablets have an Irisagrig/Al Sarraki provenance, the seventh is of uncertain origin. They are dated to the reigns of Amar-Suen (AS) and Ibbi-Suen (IS) of the Ur III Dynasty. The texts represent administrative texts of the governing institutions and account for economic activities including the assignment of female workers for wool plucking, the remuneration of canal work with barley and the selection of wool for textiles. Three tablets record offerings in respect of cultic observances, two of which describe the disbursement of foodstuffs for the king's monthly 83-63 offerings to the new moon.

Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Mon Nov 25 2019
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Barbara Kingsolver: Evaluating Her Contribution to the Eco-Feminist Novel
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Climate change, together with terrorism, economic depressions, and mass-destructive weaponry, is a source of international phobia for many people. The advancement in technology increases the competition among world powers and economic systems to develop their industrial enterprises. The smoke that emits from the factories, the pollution caused by the industrial projects, the excessive use of green gas result in the increase of global warming and have catastrophic effects on the ecosphere of the planet. Besides, man’s wrong practices even in agricultural matters are exhausting the natural resources of the lands, and they badly affect the ecological diversity and the wellbeing of the humans and non-humans alike. Contemporary feminis

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Model for Predicting the Optimum Gypsum Content in Concrete
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The problem of internal sulfate attack in concrete is widespread in Iraq and neighboring countries.This is because of the high sulfate content usually present in sand and gravel used in it. In the present study the total effective sulfate in concrete was used to calculate the optimum SO3 content. Regression models were developed based on linear regression analysis to predict the optimum SO3 content usually referred as (O.G.C) in concrete. The data is separated to 155 for the development of the models and 37 for checking the models. Eight models were built for 28-days age. Then a late age (greater than 28-days) model was developed based on the predicted optimum SO3 content of 28-days and late age. Eight developed models were built for all

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Basmaya Residential Complex compatibility with the Iraqi Green Architecture Code
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The increase in the Iraqi population put pressure on urban cities as there were no new cities built since the 1980s due to the wars and the economic blockade imposed in 1991 and the deteriorating security situation after 2003, where the population in 2018 reached about forty million people. Iraq also suffered during the past decades from problems and challenges in many respects that affected the local environment, and the constructed buildings had a role in increasing these impacts, so the Ministry of Housing worked to issue the Iraqi Green Architecture Code in 2019 to reduce damage to the environment and use resources more efficiently. And because the constructed buildings were not constructed according to green standards, including Bas

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The main problem of this research titled (the prevailing scientific values in children's programs provided by the channel (mbc3) is the disclosure of the scientific values that are included in the children's program in the mbc3 channel) which are directed to an important group of society, which is the category of children who spend long hours in front of TV screens to watch these programs, and therefore they acquire many values that can replace fixed values, such as social, moral, religious, etc., and the content analysis method has been used to analyze children's programs presented by mbc3 channel), and the research has reached a number of The results can be summarized b To come:

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Inducing the Health Promotion Model for Nursing Practice: Qualitative Study
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Objective: To generate a model that conceptualizes the phenomenon of health promotion and its related factors.
Methodology: A grounded theory methodology is used as qualitative method to explore the health promotion as
phenomenon of interest and its other related factors from the perspectives of specialists in this field. The study is
carried out from January 2002 through September 2004. A sample of (20) specialists in health sciences are
selected and interviewed as experts in the area of health promotion. The investigators conducted intensive and
structured interviews with the specialists to collect the data. These interviews were transcribed verbatim,
analyzed and interpreted.
Results: Findings of the study indicat

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Conflict between Somalian – Ethiopian Aboyt Al – Oaghaden 1960 – 1978
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The study of the subject shows us the couflict between Somalian- Ethiopian. About Al-Oaghaden (1960-1978). This province is purely Somalian area in their language ،manners ،
traditions ،and their most population from Migrant bedouin.
In the last nineteenth century ،Ethiopia had entered to exit from plateau ،and become nearly from Red Sea and Indian Ocean.
The study shows us ،the conflict between colonization countries ،about African horn ،then fore Ethiopia entered as partner to divide the zone area ، and that division hadn’t Cares about the unity of people ،or the similar of language or religoun ،for this reason which had interference happened between broders and division about the same tribe from more Century ،

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The viral marketing ( Its orgins, understandable, his campaing (stages, measured
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The concept of viral marketing is a modern concepts in the field of marketing studies and research in marketing functions, by relying on the notion of the spoken word and the written word, it is worth mentioning the lack of local research on viral marketing, research, analysis, and application and significantly encouraged interest in this topic by addressing basic concepts stand on its first seeds with focus theoretically on the viral marketing campaign planning across a field research adoption questionnaire prepared for this purpose had been distributed to a sample on a random sample of students of the Business Administration Department / College of administration and economics / University of Baghdad of 56 students and using the adequa

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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The Pressing References towards Abstraction in Arab and Islamic Art
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The Arab Islamic art was best known as pure abstraction or realism distorted from what is natural. The two styles, or one of them, was the most prominent in the Islamic arts, such as decoration, photography and architecture. The analogy that was prevalent in the non-Islamic world did not have a presence equivalent the aforementioned styles despite the great openness to the cultures of different countries, which characterized that stage, which resulted from the Islamic conquests, the conversion of many people to the Islamic faith, and their migration to the Islamic cities at the time, bringing with them their arts and methods of formulation. This makes us question the influential references that invite the Arab Muslim artist to follow the

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