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vitrofertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection-embryo transfer (IVF/ICSI-ET) for infertile patients. Insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF1), Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and Total Testosterone (TT) may have a role on follicle growth, oocyte quality, embryo quality and subsequent pregnancy in patients undergoing IVF cycles. To explore the possibility of using DHEAS, TT and IGF1 as predictive indicator for successful pregnancy in patients undergoing (IVF/ICSI-ET). A prospective study was performed enrolling (12) non pregnant control group,(7) pregnant control group,(18) non-pregnant PCOS group and (12) pregnant PCOS group. The collection of blood and follicular fluid (FF) samples was done at the day of oocyte aspiration. Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) method was used to measure DHEAS levels, Chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) method was used to measure TT levels and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to measure IGF1 levels. Mean of FF DHEAS, serum DHEAS, FF TT and FF IGF1 were higher in pregnant control group than those of non-pregnant control group. The differences were statistically significant (except for serum DHEAS). Additionally, mean of FF DHEAS, serum DHEAS, FF TT, and FF IGF1 were statistically significant lower in pregnant PCOS group than those of non-pregnant PCOS group. Correlation analysis of control group revealed positive association between FF DHEAS and serum DHEAS levels with fertilization rate and cleavage rate. Correlation analysis of PCOS group found.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Effectiveness of Implication in New Formulations of the Contemporary Industrial Product: زياد حاتم حربي
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  The current research aims at transforming the concept of implication from the rhetoric into the industrial design in order to have a new term (the design implication) in which the industrial designer takes all or part of another's design to imply his design in it and acknowledge that, and if he did not do so, it would be (design theft) parallel to the literary plagiarism.
In order to show the potentials of the industrial design in the production of new formulations of the industrial products forms, as the design is the carrier of language that addresses the recipients, it is possible to use the implication as a the tool of literature in the design and as a design strategy as it is one of the concepts that takes its course in e

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of aqueous extract of olive (Olea europaea) fruit on lipid profile in female rabbits
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The activity of the aqueous extract of Olea europaea was tested at concentrations of 8, 15 or 20 mg/kg of body weight on lipid profile in twenty female local rabbits. These animals were randomly divided into four groups (five animals in each group). Three groups were dosed orally with the concentrations mentioned above, while the last was administered with distilled water and considered as a control group. These animals were orally dosed by aqueous extract using a micropipette for 30 days. The results showed that there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein (LDL-cholesterol), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL-cholesterol) concentrations and atherosclerosis index means for the three trea

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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Designing women clothes is one of the application arts has rules and fundamentals and also laws connected the individual , and it is the whole thought and the decorative element for the cloth, in this way it highlighted the aesthetic and functional aspects which achieving the basic objective of existing the design, and the design has motives of designer chisel of the ability to deduct and device new systems and relations of his self sense of the components from which one could sustain the designing thought.Besides, the cultural and philosophy level to him which considered elements and motives , the researcher depending on them in designing women clothes, and the research problem is limited on the imposing the following question: Could th

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 11 2021
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The article examines metaphors as one of the fundamental means used by D. Rubina when writing the novel “Parsley Syndrome” to form images of dolls as equal heroes of the work. The author of the article continues research related to the work of Dina Ilinichna Rubina, a representative of modern Russian prose.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Curcumin at Various Doses on the Pharmacokinetic Profile of Tacrolimus in Healthy Rabbits
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The purpose of present study is to evaluate the effect of co-administration of curcumin (CUR) at various doses on the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of tacrolimus (TAC), a CYP 3A4 substrate in healthy male rabbits. Healthy male rabbits (n=18) were employed in an in vivo, parallel-randomized study. Three groups of rabbits were selected and separated: The rabbits in the first group (control group) received 1 mg/kg TAC orally. Blood samples (1.5-2 mL) were drawn from rabbits' ear marginal veins at the following time frames:  15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 90.0, 120.0, 150.0, 180.0 and 300 minutes after TAC administration post dosing and analyzed by using a TAC chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLIA) detection kit. In the second and third gro

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The speech of the "Al Qeyam Al Fatimy " in the requirements of the generalized sayings
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The space occupied by the dialogic imperative in the language is a very wide range, as it is present in most of the speeches received by the recipient, and this is not limited to dialogues. That the literary discourse is a dialogical and fulfillment imperative, as the implication is related to the implicit connotations, as if the implication covers the indirect actions of the speech act theory.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2023
Journal Name
Tajseer Journal For Multidisciplinary Research And Studies
The general principle governing the duty of care (Study in the light of English law)
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The duty of care is the essence of the error of negligence under the English legal system, and without it, responsibility for negligence cannot be judged, regardless of the extent of the damage incurred. contained in English law. In view of the importance of proving the existence of the duty of care on the defendant so that it is possible to judge his responsibility for negligence, the need arises to find a general principle to which the defendant is subject in order to decide whether he owes the plaintiff with the duty of care and therefore responsible for the negligence, and this is what we will explain in the research topic the study.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Umbilical cord drainage versus intraumbilical cord oxytocin injection in management of third stage of labour
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Background: Postpartum hemorrhage is an important cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Considerable difference of opinion exist regarding the optimal approach to the management of the 3rd stage of labour, practice varies between countries &between units.Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of intra umbilical vein injection of oxytocin and umbilical cord driange in shortening the duration of third stage of labour.Patient and Methods: In this randomized controlled study, 100 women were enrolled in this study they divided into three groups. (Group 1 ,N =30 )received 20 units of oxytocin diluted in 20 ml 0.9% saline solution injected in the umbilical vein after clamping.(Group 2, N = 34) placental cord drainage.(Group 3,

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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The Symbolic Construction of Scenes of Love in the Feature Film: محمد عبد الحميد ضيدان
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Scenes of love constitute a large space within the orbit of the movies, so that there is almost no film (no matter what kind) void of these scenes, as they are associated with many dimensions and they constitute a major attraction for viewers, and thus the direction solutions and their connection to the director's vision constitute a large part in the process of employing signs to highlight what should be highlighted or to refer to it symbolically on the grounds that the director does not have full freedom in the transfer of scenes of love at all levels as they are in reality. The research included three sections within the theoretical framework:The first section: the concept of image and its rhetorical importance. This section discussed

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Examination of the blood and the alimentary canal of moorhens in two sites around
Baghdad area in the middle of Iraq showed that 38% of the examined birds were infected with
one or more of the following parasites, Haemoproteus baghdadensis, H. gallinulae
(Protozoa), Cyclocoelum mutbile (Trematoda), Diorchis inflata, Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda),
Amidostomum fulicae and Porrcaecum sp. (Nematoda) .The stomach analysis revealed that
the bird is omnivorous in feeding including wid range of invertebrate animals with some plant
origin food items.

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