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Compliance in Reality Television Programming Contracts -A Legal Study in light of the American Experience
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The development of the television industry has led to the emergence of a new type of entertainment program in which producers have abandoned stereotypes in traditional programs, known as (Reality TV show). This type of program has spread rapidly in America, (where there are more than 40 series of these programs), as well as Europe and more than twenty countries around the world, including the Arab countries, where the number of these programs today to about 1000 programs and the number is increasing , Especially with the readiness of the production networks to produce more of these programs for the huge profits they derive from them (because of the high viewing rates and the large number of ads broadcast through them) in return for low production wages on the one hand, and the alignment of thousands of those who want to participate in it (and who accept all conditions Developed by production networks) in the hope of obtaining On the job opportunity in case they achieve success, as well as receive cash prizes on the other hand.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Optics Narrators in the Six Books : (Analytical Study)
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions, and from his family and after ...
It is the right of every nation to be proud of its heritage, science and civilization among the nations, taking pride in the efforts of its construction and the keenness of its scholars and dedication to serve their nation and their history, and from the great sciences that boast and honor our great nation and distinguish it over others the science of attribution and the preservation of the novel over generations and ages. The novel is preserved from the plagiarism of the nullified, the excess of the deceitful and the liars, and the science of isnad from religion as the scholars said, and without the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Biology Textbook for Scientific Sixth Class in Iraq (A Comparative Study)
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The textbook is the primary means of creativity and thinking, which has a major role in the development of the readership and mental abilities of the student. It is the basic tool in education in Iraq for the teacher and the student, which cannot be dispensed in any educational program. The current study aimed at the book of the biology of the sixth grade of science in Iraq (comparative study). It was compared to the book of biology for the twelve grade in the Kingdom of Jordan to identify the ratio of similarity and differences between them, in addition, to identify the weaknesses in the Iraq curriculum and developing appropriate solutions and suggestions to address them. The sample was represented with books of biology (six-science cla

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2002
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Domestic Animals in English and Iraqi Rural Proverbs: A Pragmastylistic Study
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Proverbs gain their importance not only from the fact that they represent a cultural record of the people of every nation, but they reveal the way they use language and how they exploit their environments as a good source of inspiration to enrich that language.  Domestic animals, as part of every environment, play a major role in composing proverbs in every nation.

       This study is an attempt to pragmastylistically analyse some selected English and Iraqi rural proverbs using domestic animals in their texts. It limits itself to investigate certain stylistic and pragmatic devices such as: the type of sentences, their lengths, their content and grammatical words, the part of speech used, metaph

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Rural Colonization In Iraq Study Of The Rural Colonization To The Kubeisah
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Iraq is considered the origin of civilization first colonies have been cited in its northern parts , when the first attempt in agriculture and animal breeding were began ,and the cave , were taken as houses. That time the first agricultural colony were colonized in Kirkuk and Mussel . There colonies have been developed to be villages which had another activities in addition to the main activity which was agriculture . The distribution without any administrative planning . Lately , the stochastic distribution starting to disappear due to the planning of cities and their to rural surrounding. This study is involved in the analysis of the patterns of the location distribution of the villages , and the form that taken by the village

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article The reality of the settlements in the occupied West Bank, and its impact on the future of the Palestinian state
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تتناول هذه الورقة مخططات وسياسات الاستيطان في الضفة الغربية والقدس الشرقية منذ العام 1967، عبر سياسات قادها حزب العمل وأكملها حزب الليكود وكاديما وبقية الأحزاب الإسرائيلية، تلك السياسات التي استهدفت فرض السيطرة السياسية الكاملة على الأرض، وما نتج عن ذلك من سيطرة حصرية على الأرضوتقييد استخداماتها، ومحاصرة الوجود الفلسطيني والتضييق عليه، وتحويل مراكز ال

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of caries experience on quality of life among dental students in Iraq
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Background: Dental caries is generally given the highest priority in national oral health services for adult populations. Yet, there is no study which has explored the impact on quality of life specifically related to dental caries in samples of dental students. The purpose of the current study was to assess the impact of caries experience on quality of life among dental students in three governorates in Iraq. Materials and Methods: This observational study included 1364 dental students aged 18–22 years old, from three governorates. Information on quality of life was obtained from a structured, self-administered questionnaire from the students who were willing to participate in the study. The data was collected, summarized and sta

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of University Of Human Development
“Unspeakable Suffering”: Women’s Experience of Trauma in Lynn Nottage’s Ruined
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Lynn Nottage's Ruined, a Pulitzer Prize play, tackles the plight of women’s survival during the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The play is a loud scream for the whole world to view the physical violence of women and hear their traumatic memories, hoping that this attempt might save them from their disastrous lives resulting from the brutalities of civil war. In this play, women are portrayed beyond victims of the political and armed conflicts as they serve as a reflection of a serious issue that threatens the human race in general: the continuing dehumanization whereby women are considered minorities and the “others,” even within their own society. By applying a critical analysis technique, the current paper ai

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Pharmacy Education
Students' experience and evaluation of community pharmacy internship in Iraq
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Background: Pharmacy internship programmes are driven by most developed countries to outweigh the ongoing growth in the pharmacy career which encourages pharmacists to play a significant role as healthcare providers.    Objectives: This study examines pharmacy students' perception, satisfaction, challenges, and limitations with the internship curriculum.    Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey with different elements to examine students' perceptions of various aspects.    Result: Most students reported a positive impression regarding their internships, however, they were less satisfied with the allowance for filling prescriptions and compounding also, the college's follow-up was inadequate. F

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Factors associated with the phenomenon of marriage outside the court And the consequences of it A field study in Sadr City
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Marriage outside the court is a manifestation of the oppression that women are subjected to in Iraq its seriousness comes out of the consequences that it leads to The. It overlooks the age of the girl and her marriage in younger age or coerced to marry as it leads to neglecting the affordability of marital relationship as long as the marriage does not have any legal or material consequences. The present study aims to detect Characteristics of both wives, husbands and families Who agree to marry her daughters outside the court. And the reasons that lead them to marry outside the courts. It also aims to provide information on the circumstances of marriage and reasons for refusing to ratify it in court. The study was based on the sample soc

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The effectiveness of intense pulsed light (home use) device in facial hair reduction
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Background: Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices produce polychromatic incoherent high-intensity pulsed light with a specified wavelength spectrum, fluence, and pulse duration through the use of flashlamps and bandpass filters. Similar to lasers, IPL devices operate on the selective photothermolysis principle, with melanin acting as the chromophore. Despite this similarity, they are constructed differently and produce different amounts of light Aim of the study: To investigate the efficacy of IPL home-use device in hair reduction technique for women with unwanted facial hair. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted in Baghdad on forty-five female subjects with Fitzpatrick skin phototype (II to IV) and black, brown hair in a period of ei

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