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Compliance in Reality Television Programming Contracts -A Legal Study in light of the American Experience
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The development of the television industry has led to the emergence of a new type of entertainment program in which producers have abandoned stereotypes in traditional programs, known as (Reality TV show). This type of program has spread rapidly in America, (where there are more than 40 series of these programs), as well as Europe and more than twenty countries around the world, including the Arab countries, where the number of these programs today to about 1000 programs and the number is increasing , Especially with the readiness of the production networks to produce more of these programs for the huge profits they derive from them (because of the high viewing rates and the large number of ads broadcast through them) in return for low production wages on the one hand, and the alignment of thousands of those who want to participate in it (and who accept all conditions Developed by production networks) in the hope of obtaining On the job opportunity in case they achieve success, as well as receive cash prizes on the other hand.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 02 2017
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
المطالبات في عقود الانشاءات (الفيديك)
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يتناول البحث جزئية من جزئيات عقد الفيديك

Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Joseph Curtis… A Study in Perspective and Concept
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Joseph Curtis wrote in his book (Introduction to Semiotics narrative and rhetoric) on the development of a semiotic project in exploring the meaning of communion. The book is rich in theoretical and analytical benefits both in the approach of texts and in the pursuit of letters in search of mechanisms of scriptural and scriptural generation and mechanics in narrative production, especially as the book offers exercises that help to assess the distance separating the narrative spread from the sin of the text, for the semiotics, Refers to the theoretical developments of the science of relations, through the combination of conventional definitions and the representative and comparative limitations, to provide an approach to the application o

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the financial Statements in Achieving of the Banking Supervision: An Applied Study in A sample of Iraqi Banks
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Banks are considered the main basis of financial sector ,so they must be submitted to sound and strict regulatory system and so as to ensure their operations and according to instructions and regulations , in order to maintain the integrity of the banking sector and financial sector in general .One of the importance regulatory tools that are adopted by the Iraqi Central Bank to control over the banks an financial and periodic statements that are provided by the banks in accordance with planned schedules .The financial statements of the banks must reflect clearly and accurately financial situation and the result of their activities during the period in which they represent to achiveing its purposes.So it has the goal of Search is statemen

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Problem of Paradox and its Manifestations: A Study in the Titles of Najm Wali's Novels
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The irony pushes us to inquire about what is in the text of contradiction, irony, suspense, and other acts of paradox, as well as a departure from what is logical, or familiar, that attracts the attention of the addressee, and this is what drives us to introspect the text and interrogate it in order to get to know the intended product of the text or its real or metaphorical intent. On the other hand, the irony is more in the literary text than in the scientific texts. Therefore, critics add the word literature to it in their definition.

 As it is represented by the paradox, we will seek to study the paradox of the title and the problematic that it may pose as the beginning of the text, and i

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The impact of new media in social relations: (A field study on a sample of young people in Baghdad)
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Modern communication and media technology has pioneered new horizons and curried out deep changes in the various fields of social life, It effected enormously human communication as well.
Content one Who late the developments which have effected the social relations ،due to the new media ،especially Face book ,will certainly notice the far cry changes of the social relation net which has been effected ,in a way or another ،the accelerated development ،under the appearance of the so called the virtual society .
Face book has embodied the means – communication ,which has become an important turn point in the social communication .
It is the point the present paper tries to expose an discuss by a field study curried on a sam

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 20 2020
Journal Name
Al-bahith Al-a'alami
Creativity in the television advertising message andits effectivenessin attracting the attention of the recipient
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eclaration has become today has an important and active and influential role in the recipient public life، and are concentrated advertising on the creativity component manufacture to attract his attention toward what to be announced from a variety products ، and is dominated by television commercials tempo and imagination، and display them a variety of ways catches the attention and an impressive simulates the their senses of hearing and sight ، to influence in the receiver and the public paid for purchase. Through it crystallization the subject of our research on the importance of creativity in television advertising and effective for attracting the attention of the public towards the receiver advertised products، and in

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 24 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Axillary Artery Injuries Surgical experience review in a single vascular trauma center
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Background: Injuries to blood vessels are among the most dramatic challenges facing trauma surgeons because repair is often urgent, the surgeon has to decide between management options (open or endovascular), and gaining control and reconstructing a major arterial injury can be technically demanding .
Objective:,To analyze the cause of injury, surgical approach, outcome and complications of axillary artery injuries.
Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study on fifty patients at Ibn-Alnafees hospital in Baghdad from January 2005 to December 2010
Results Males were more commonly affected than female with ratio of 6.1:1. Most injuries were caused by bullet and shell (84%), followed by stab wounds (10%) and blunt trauma (6%). Pati

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of elections in solidifying the process of democratization: a case study of Tunisian elections in 2019
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The electoral mechanism is remarkably clear, a political tool for institutional construction, directing political life, forming the political scene, and forming the partisan scene. This process was through the design of electoral laws, as elections in Tunisian political history represented the indicator of its slow and accelerated transformations, so The elections in Tunisia usually coincide with important political stages, accompanied by legislative or constitutional amendments in general, Islamic or secular forces have played a fundamental role in promoting the democratic experience and the principle of the peaceful transfer of power. This led to the formation of a national consensus that would help the country not enter into political

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Social service in Addressing Social Problems Aversion for Teenagers (A field Study in Baghdad)
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Adolescence important and sensitive stage in social terms, being a stage where learns teenager bear social responsibilities and composition of their ideas about family life, as well as it is the stage where the teenager looking to himself for an important place in the community to become independent socially people, so it highlights the role of Social Work to do better effort and I believe him in order to prepare for the adolescent stage of adolescence and help him overcome the problems so that makes it adapts to the society in which he lives

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Arrhythmia-Induced Cardiomyopathy. A Palestinian Experience
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A 20 year-old male was admitted with a history of recurrent palpitations from 5 years. Baseline ECG revealed premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) with delta waves. Stress ECG showed short non-sustained Ventricular tachycardia (VT). Echocardiography showed moderate dilation of the left ventricle with mild reduced systolic function and Ejection fraction was estimated to be 42%. Right ventricle was mildly dilated and hypokinetic. Both atria were mildly dilated. The patient referred to CVC for EP study with possible ablation. The ablation of the focus led to complete suppression of the ectopy. Post-procedure ECG and echocardiography showed normalized rhythm and systolic function.

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