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Abstract<p>Iraq, home of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, has survived an extreme deficiency of surface water assets over the years. The gap is due to the decline of the Iraqi water share every year, as well as a high demand for water use from different sectors, particularly agriculture.</p><p>Dam development has long given significant economic benefits to Iraq in circulating low‐priced electricity and supporting low‐income farmers by supplying them with a free irrigation system (Zakaria et al, 2012). This encouraged domestic consumption and investment.</p><p>Despite the fact that numerous advantages are expected from dam construction, it should be painstakingly assessed, utilizing cost–benefit analysis before endorsement.</p><p>This study aims to evaluate the capability of the Duyridge Dam in Maysan Governorate to harvest rainwater in Iraq and meet the local populations' needs as well as the geological, topographic, hydrological and economic requisites of water.</p><p>The result indicates that the net present costs and net present benefits at a 10% discount rate are equal to US$18.8 million and US$20.2 million respectively, while the net present value is equal to US$179 000 and the benefit–cost ratio is equal to 1.08.</p><p>Likewise, the results show that the internal rate of return is 11% and the payback of the project period is 5 years. The sensitivity analysis of the dam was estimated as well. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
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Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
The impact of atheism on the individual and society, Iraq as a model
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Atheists have spread in the modern era, so that atheism has become a bad phenomenon in the world in general and in Islamic societies in particular, so the research aims to study the individual and social effects left by atheism on the atheists themselves, and the research included multiple axes: atheism linguistically and idiomatically, atheism in the Qur’an Noble and Modern (and Contemporary) Atheism Statistics: and the reasons for atheism: Studying the phenomenon of atheism in Iraq as a model, then studying the effects of atheism: on the individual first, then atheism and its impact on society, then the conclusion, recommendations, sources and references

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Water Quality Index for Iraqi Surface Water
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The study aims to build a water quality index that fits the Iraqi aquatic systems and reflects the environmental reality of Iraqi water. The developed Iraqi Water Quality Index (IQWQI) includes physical and chemical components. To build the IQWQI, Delphi method was used to communicate with local and global experts in water quality indices for their opinion regarding the best and most important parameter we can use in building the index and the established weight of each parameter. From the data obtained in this study, 70% were used for building the model and 30% for evaluating the model. Multiple scenarios were applied to the model inputs to study the effects of increasing parameters. The model was built 4 by 4 until it reached 17 parame

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Modified Symmetric Key Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Based on Read-Muller Code
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Homomorphic encryption became popular and powerful cryptographic primitive for various cloud computing applications. In the recent decades several developments has been made. Few schemes based on coding theory have been proposed but none of them support unlimited operations with security.   We propose a modified Reed-Muller Code based symmetric key fully homomorphic encryption to improve its security by using message expansion technique. Message expansion with prepended random fixed length string provides one-to-many mapping between message and codeword, thus one-to many mapping between plaintext and ciphertext. The proposed scheme supports both (MOD 2) additive and multiplication operations unlimitedly.   We make an effort to prove

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 02 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Rjounal Of Science
The immunohistochemical assessment of Muc5ac in patients with gastric carcinoma (Gc) in Iraq
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The expression of MUC5AC has been associated with the loss of the differentiation, TNM system, and nodal metastasis, in many cancers including gastric carcinoma (GC).Objective: To evaluate whether the MUC5AC could be used as a predictor in patients with GC and to assess the correlation between the expression of MUC5AC& the clinicpathological parameters as age, sex, histopathological subtypes, grade and stage of the tumor. This is a retrospective study conducted on 60 randomly selected patients (30 normal vs 30 GC), at the Pathology Department of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Teaching Hospital&some private laboratories. They were collected and diagnosed during the period 2014-2018. Histological sections were stained with H&E and IHC st

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Public Health
Detection of Antibiotics in Drinking Water Treatment Plants in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Persistence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment has raised concerns regarding their potential influence on potable water quality and human health. This study analyzes the presence of antibiotics in potable water from two treatment plants in Baghdad City. The collected samples were separated using a solid-phase extraction method with hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) cartridge before being analyzed. The detected antibiotics in the raw and finished drinking water were analyzed and assessed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), with fluorometric detector and UV detector. The results confirmed that different antibiotics including fluoroquinolones andB-lactams were detected in the raw an

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Al Wahda Treatment Plant in Baghdad City- Iraq
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This study aims to evaluate drinking water quality at the Al Wahda plant (WTP) in Baghdad city. A conventional water treatment plant with an average flow rate of 72.82 MLD. Water samples were taken from the influent and effluent of the treatment plant and analyzed for some physicochemical and biological parameters during the period from June to November 2020. The results of the evaluation indicate that treated water has almost the same characteristics as raw water; in other terms, the plant units do not remove pollutants as efficiently as intended. Based on this, the station appears to be nothing more than a series of water passage units. However, apart from Total dissolved solids, the mean values of all parameters in th

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Disadvantages of using Nano-particles as fertilizers in Iraq
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Abstract<p>The agriculture around the world faced many difficulties and the important was to reduce inputs of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase the total yield specially with the continuous grow of populations numbers at the world expected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050. In other hand there are other problems which make the challenges bigger such as wars, biotic and abiotic stress, and diseases. The scientists tried to find solutions by using Nano-fertilization which consider a modern way to quickly grow up the yield and decrease use the chemicals. The use of nanotechnology may be destructive on human and the environment due to fast accumulation in the tissues of alive bodie</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Simulation and assessment of water supply network for specified districts at Najaf Governorate
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Abstract<p>This study aims to simulate and assess the hydraulic characteristics and residual chlorine in the water supply network of a selected area in Al-Najaf City using WaterGEMS software. Field and laboratory work were conducted to measure the pressure heads and velocities, and water was sampled from different sites in the network and then tested to estimate chlorine residual. Records and field measurements were utilized to validate WaterGEMS software. Good agreement was obtained between the observed and predicted values of pressure with RMSE range between 0.09–0.17 and 0.08–0.09 for chlorine residual. The results of the analysis of water distribution systems (WDS) during maximum demand </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 07 2022
Journal Name
Hiv Nursing
Assessment of ApoE Gene Variants and Apob-100 R3500q Mutation as Genetic Risks for Dyslipidemia: A Case-Control Study
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Background: Dyslipidemia is defined as an abnormally high level of various lipids in the blood. It is considered a major risk for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Genetic susceptibility can have a significant influence on the development and progression of dyslipidemia. ApoB-100 R3500Q mutation and ApoE variants are among those genetic risks for dyslipidemia. This study aims to assess the possible contribution of ApoB and ApoE variants on lipid profile among a group of early-onset ischemic heart disease (IHD) patients in comparison to a group of controls. Methods: Forty patients with dyslipidemia and early-onset IHD without chronic conditions likely to cause derangement of lipid levels were recruited to this case-control study

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Evaluation water quality of Diyala River in Iraq using Bhargava method
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Diyala River is a tributary of Tigris River, it is one of the important rivers in Iraq. It covers a total distance of 445 km (275 miles). 32600 km2is the area that drains by Diyala River between Iraqi-Iranian borders. This research aims to evaluate the water quality index WQI of Diyala River, where three stations were chosen along the river. These stations are D12 at Jalawlaa City at the beginning of Diyala River, the second station is D15 at Baaquba City at the mid distance of the river, and the third station is D17 which is the last station before the confluence of Diyala River with Tigris River at Baghdad city. Bhargava method was used in order to evaluate the water quality index for both irrigation and drink

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