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Preparing of ECG Dataset for Biometric ID Identification with Creative Techniques
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The Electrocardiogram records the heart's electrical signals. It is a practice; a painless diagnostic procedure used to rapidly diagnose and monitor heart problems. The ECG is an easy, noninvasive method for diagnosing various common heart conditions. Due to its unique advantages that other humans do not share, in addition to the fact that the heart's electrical activity may be easily detected from the body's surface, security is another area of concern. On this basis, it has become apparent that there are essential steps of pre-processing to deal with data of an electrical nature, signals, and prepare them for use in Biometric systems. Since it depends on the structure and function of the heart, it can be utilized as a biometric attribute for identification and recognition. This academic paper presents a new data formatting technique to be used in biometric systems based on the two major dataset kinds, PTB and PTB-XL.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Image & Video Processing
Enhancement of LBP-based face identification system by adopting preprocessing techniques
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Face Identification system is an active research area in these years. However, the accuracy and its dependency in real life systems are still questionable. Earlier research in face identification systems demonstrated that LBP based face recognition systems are preferred than others and give adequate accuracy. It is robust against illumination changes and considered as a high-speed algorithm. Performance metrics for such systems are calculated from time delay and accuracy. This paper introduces an improved face recognition system that is build using C++ programming language with the help of OpenCV library. Accuracy can be increased if a filter or combinations of filters are applied to the images. The accuracy increases from 95.5% (without ap

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
System Identification Algorithm for Systems with Interval Coefficients
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In this research a new system identification algorithm is presented for obtaining an optimal set of mathematical models for system with perturbed coefficients, then this algorithm is applied practically by an “On Line System Identification Circuit”, based on real time speed response data of a permanent magnet DC motor. Such set of mathematical models represents the physical plant against all variation which may exist in its parameters, and forms a strong mathematical foundation for stability and performance analysis in control theory problems.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Compression of an ECG Signal Using Mixed Transforms
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Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important physiological signal for cardiac disease diagnosis. With the increasing use of modern electrocardiogram monitoring devices that generate vast amount of data requiring huge storage capacity. In order to decrease storage costs or make ECG signals suitable and ready for transmission through common communication channels, the ECG data
volume must be reduced. So an effective data compression method is required. This paper presents an efficient technique for the compression of ECG signals. In this technique, different transforms have been used to compress the ECG signals. At first, a 1-D ECG data was segmented and aligned to a 2-D data array, then 2-D mixed transform was implemented to compress the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
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This paper deals with the design and implementation of an ECG system. The proposed system gives a new concept of ECG signal manipulation, storing, and editing. It consists mainly of hardware circuits and the related software. The hardware includes the circuits of ECG signals capturing, and system interfaces. The software is written using Visual Basic languages, to perform the task of identification of the ECG signal. The main advantage of the system is to provide a reported ECG recording on a personal computer, so that it can be stored and processed at any time as required. This system was tested for different ECG signals, some of them are abnormal and the other is normal, and the results show that the system has a good quality of diagno

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Preparing HMA with Modified Asphalt Cement on Moisture and Temperature Susceptibility
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Many researchers tried to prevent or reduce moisture damage and its sensitivity to temperature to improving the performance of hot mix asphalt because it is decreasing the functional and structural life of fixable pavement due to the moisture damage had exposed to it.

The main objective of this study is to inspect the effect of (fly ash “3%, 6%, 12%”, hydrated lime”5%, 10%, 20%” and silica fumes”1%, 2%, 4%) referring to previous research by the net weight asphalt cement as a modified material on the moisture and temperature sensitivity of hot mix asphalt. This was done using asphalt from AL-Nasiria refinery with penetration grade 40-50, nominal maximum size (12.5) mm (surface course) of aggregate and on

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Variable Selection Using aModified Gibbs Sampler Algorithm with Application on Rock Strength Dataset
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Variable selection is an essential and necessary task in the statistical modeling field. Several studies have triedto develop and standardize the process of variable selection, but it isdifficultto do so. The first question a researcher needs to ask himself/herself what are the most significant variables that should be used to describe a given dataset’s response. In thispaper, a new method for variable selection using Gibbs sampler techniqueshas beendeveloped.First, the model is defined, and the posterior distributions for all the parameters are derived.The new variable selection methodis tested usingfour simulation datasets. The new approachiscompared with some existingtechniques: Ordinary Least Squared (OLS), Least Absolute Shrinkage

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Preparing and Characterization of Nanocomposite (PTh/SWCNT) for NO2 Gas Sensing
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We prepared polythiophene (PTH) with single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) nanocomposite thin films for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gas sensing applications. Thin films were synthesized via electrochemical polymerization method onto (Indium tin oxide) ITO coated glass substrate of thiophene monomer with magnesium perchlorate and different concentration from SWCNT (0.012 and 0.016) % in the presence130mL of Acetonitrile used. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) were used to characterized these nanocomposite thin films. The response of these nanocomposite for NO2 gas was evaluated via monitoring the change

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Electrical Properties of Preparing Biodegradable Polymer Blends of PVA/Starch Doping with Rhodamine –B
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            This research focuses on the characteristics of polyvinyl alcohol and starch polymer blends doping with Rhodamine-B. The polymer blends were prepared using the solution cast method, which comprises 1:1(wt. /wt.).  The polymer blends of PVA and starch with had different ratios of glycerin 0, 25, 30, 35, and 40 % wt. The ratio of 30% wt of glycerin was found to be the most suitable mechanical properties by strength and elasticity. The polymer blend of 1:1 wt ratios of starch/PVA and 30% wt of glycerin were doped with different ratios of Rhoda mine-B dye 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6% wt and the electrical properties of doping biodegradable blends were studied. The ratio of Rhodamine-B 5% wt to the polymer blends showed hi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Advances In Science And Technology Research Journal
Vein Biometric Recognition Methods and Systems: A Review
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Noise Removal of ECG Signal Using Recursive Least Square Algorithms
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This paper shows an approach for Electromyography (ECG) signal processing based on linear and nonlinear adaptive filtering using Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithm to remove two kinds of noise that affected the ECG signal. These are the High Frequency Noise (HFN) and Low Frequency Noise (LFN). Simulation is performed in Matlab. The ECG, HFN and LFN signals used in this study were downloaded from, and then the filtering process was obtained by using adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) that illustrated better results than infinite impulse response (IIR) filters did.

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