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Predicting Age and Gender Using AlexNet
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Due to the availability of technology stemming from in-depth research in this sector and the drawbacks of other identifying methods, biometrics has drawn maximum attention and established itself as the most reliable alternative for recognition in recent years. Efforts are still being made to develop a user-friendly system that is up to par with security-system requirements and yields more reliable outcomes while safeguarding assets and ensuring privacy. Human age estimation and Gender identification are both challenging endeavours. Biomarkers and methods for determining biological age and gender have been extensively researched, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Facial-image-based positioning is crucial for many applications, including safety and security systems, border control, human engagement in sophisticated ambient analytics, and biometric identification. Determining a person's age and gender is a complex study method. With the advent of deep learning, the study of face systems has been completely transformed, and estimation accuracy is a crucial parameter for evaluating algorithms and their efficacy in predicting absolute ages. The UTKFace dataset, which serves as the backbone of the face estimating system, was used to assess the method. The eyes, cheeks, nose, lips, and forehead provide the foundation of this function. AlexNet achieves a 98% accuracy rate across its lifespan of system results.

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Publication Date
Mon May 30 2022
Journal Name
The Journal Of Infection In Developing Countries
SARS-CoV-2 viral shedding and susceptibility: perspectives on gender and asymptomatic patients
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Despite efforts to contain and manage the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak which was declared a public health emergency of international concern in January 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic still remains a major global challenge. Patients who display the classical symptoms of the infection are easily identified, tested, isolated and monitored. However, many cases of infected asymptomatic patients have been documented. These patients are not easily identified even though many evidences suggest that they can spread the virus to others. How and why these COVID-19 asymptomatic presentations occur remain unclear. The many theories and views are conjectural, and supporting evidences are still needed. In this review, we

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Advanced Research In Pure And Applied Science (icarpas2021): Third Annual Conference Of Al-muthanna University/college Of Science
Dimensional analysis of predicting the removal of chemical oxygen demand from domestic wastewater using moving bed biofilm reactor
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Municipal wastewater sources are becoming increasingly important for reuse, for irrigation purposes, so they must be treated to meet environmentally friendly local or global standards. The aim of this study is to establish, calibrate, and validate a model for predicting chemical oxygen demand for the pilot plant of mobile biofilm reactors operating from municipal wastewater in Maaymyrh located in Hilla city Using the approach of dimensional analysis. The approach of Buckingham's theorem was used to derive a model of dimensional analysis design for the forecast of (COD) in the pilot plant. The effluent concentration (COD) It has been derived as a result of the influential concentration of (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), volume of pilot plant

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Successive Convolution Layers to Detect Gender
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Image classification can be defined as one of the most important tasks in the area of machine learning. Recently, deep neural networks, especially deep convolution networks, have participated greatly in end-to-end learning which reduce need for human designed features in the image recognition like Convolution Neural Network. It is offers the computation models which are made up of several processing layers for learning data representations with several abstraction levels. In this work, a pre-trained deep CNN is utilized according to some parameters like filter size, no of convolution, pooling, fully connected and type of activation function which includes 300 images for training and predict 100 image gender using probability measures. Re

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al – Bahith Al – A A‚lami
Gender Profiling of ads in Egyptian Channel MBC
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The study begins with the idea that advertising is a form of culture. Therefore, it is not possible to be surrounded by an actual briefing from one-sided premises such as those that are based solely on the artistic, aesthetic or technical aspects, without linking it to the culture in which it is produced. The researcher attempts to shed light on the relation between the advertising letter and the concept of gender. And here lies the importance of the research as the content of the ads and their form and implicit values in the text and image reflect the cultural values that must be identified as well as the most important roles that are stereotyped in advertisements and their relationship to the culture of society. Advertising is an importan

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Gender Profiling of ads in Egyptian Channel MBC
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The study begins with the idea that advertising is a form of culture. Therefore, it is not possible to be surrounded by an actual briefing from one-sided premises such as those that are based solely on the artistic, aesthetic or technical aspects, without linking it to the culture in which it is produced.
The researcher attempts to shed light on the relation between the advertising letter and the concept of gender. And here lies the importance of the research as the content of the ads and their form and implicit values in the text and image reflect the cultural values that must be identified as well as the most important roles that are stereotyped in advertisements and their relationship to the culture of society.
Advertising is

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Healthcare Engineering
Complexity and Entropy Analysis to Improve Gender Identification from Emotional-Based EEGs
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Investigating gender differences based on emotional changes becomes essential to understand various human behaviors in our daily life. Ten students from the University of Vienna have been recruited by recording the electroencephalogram (EEG) dataset while watching four short emotional video clips (anger, happiness, sadness, and neutral) of audiovisual stimuli. In this study, conventional filter and wavelet (WT) denoising techniques were applied as a preprocessing stage and Hurst exponent

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Bone density determination for the maxilla and the mandible in different age groups by using computerized tomography (Part I)
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Background: Mini implant stability is primarily related to local bone density; no studies have evaluated bone density related to mini implant placement for orthodontic anchorage between different age groups in the maxilla and the mandible. The present research aims to evaluate side, gender, age, and regional differences in bone density of the alveolar bone at various orthodontic implant sites. Materials and method: Fifty three individuals who were divided into two groups according to their age into: group I (ages 16-20 years) and group II (ages 21-29 years) had subjected to clinical examination, then 64-multislice computed tomography scan data were evaluated and bone density was measured in Hounsfield unit at 102 points (51 in the maxilla

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gender and Supportive Moves of Criticism: Evidence from Iraqi-Arabic and Malay Speech Communities
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This study aims to reveal the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malay university learners and their genders in producing the supportive moves of criticism. To this end, 30 Iraqi and 30 Malay university learners have participated in this study. A Discourse Completion Test (DCT) and a Focus Group Interview (FGI) are conducted to elicit responses from the participants. Nguyen’s (2005) classification of criticism supportive moves is adapted to code the data. The data are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Overall, the findings unveil that both groups use similar categories of supportive moves, but Iraqis produce more of these devices than Malays in their criticisms. Although both females and males of both groups use id

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using the Sherrod model in predicting financial failure in Iraqi private banks: an applied study in the Iraqi commercial and Iraqi Islamic banks
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              The phenomenon of financial failure is one of the phenomena that requires special attention and in-depth study due to its significant impact on various parties, whether they are internal or external and those who benefit from financial performance reports. With the increase in cases of bankruptcy and default facing companies and banks, interest has increased in understanding the reasons that led to this financial failure. This growing interest should be a reason to develop models and analytical methods that help in the early detection of this increasing phenomenon in recent year   . The research examines the use of

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Al Adab Journel
Gender Struggle and Women's Predicament in Tennessee Williams' A Street Car named Desire
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Abstract The aim of this paper is to shed light on the theme of Gender Struggle and Women’s Predicament in Tennessee Williams’ A Street Car Named Desire .The paper tries to show William's dealings with the critical social themes like Men's Brutality and women's predicament. The paper exposes the complete shift of the balance of power between the genders in America after the two world wars. Williams illustrates society’s changing attitudes towards masculinity and denounces the society's attitudes towards women in America at that time. He rebels against the cruelty of the modern age and regrets the disintegration of the values of the south and their being replaced by the disruptive forces of modern life. In the end of the play, brutalit

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