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Predicting Age and Gender Using AlexNet
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Due to the availability of technology stemming from in-depth research in this sector and the drawbacks of other identifying methods, biometrics has drawn maximum attention and established itself as the most reliable alternative for recognition in recent years. Efforts are still being made to develop a user-friendly system that is up to par with security-system requirements and yields more reliable outcomes while safeguarding assets and ensuring privacy. Human age estimation and Gender identification are both challenging endeavours. Biomarkers and methods for determining biological age and gender have been extensively researched, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Facial-image-based positioning is crucial for many applications, including safety and security systems, border control, human engagement in sophisticated ambient analytics, and biometric identification. Determining a person's age and gender is a complex study method. With the advent of deep learning, the study of face systems has been completely transformed, and estimation accuracy is a crucial parameter for evaluating algorithms and their efficacy in predicting absolute ages. The UTKFace dataset, which serves as the backbone of the face estimating system, was used to assess the method. The eyes, cheeks, nose, lips, and forehead provide the foundation of this function. AlexNet achieves a 98% accuracy rate across its lifespan of system results.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 02 2024
Journal Name
Quantum Studies: Mathematics And Foundations
Implementation of a modified noise-free and noisy multistage quantum cryptography protocol using QISKIT
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Classical cryptography systems exhibit major vulnerabilities because of the rapid development of quan tum computing algorithms and devices. These vulnerabilities were mitigated utilizing quantum key distribution (QKD), which is based on a quantum no-cloning algorithm that assures the safe generation and transmission of the encryption keys. A quantum computing platform, named Qiskit, was utilized by many recent researchers to analyze the security of several QKD protocols, such as BB84 and B92. In this paper, we demonstrate the simulation and implementation of a modified multistage QKD protocol by Qiskit. The simulation and implementation studies were based on the “local_qasm” simulator and the “FakeVigo” backend, respectively. T

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 22 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic and Theoretical Study of Removal Gentian Violet from Aqueous Solution Using Stachy Plant
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     The main parameters and methods influencing the removal of Gentian Violet (GV) dye from aqueous media were investigated using a stachy plant in this study. The surface of the stachy plant was determined using FTIR spectra. Adsorption is influenced by the adsorbent's characteristic groups. The research took into account the usual conditions for GV dye adsorption by the stachy plant, such as the impact of contact time. Mass dosage , after 0.3 g the amount of adsorbed dye declines. Study pH and ionic strength, the results obtained showed that at pH 3 the largest adsorption of (GV) was seen, while at pH 9, the lowest adsorption was observed  at 298 K, the adsorption kinetics and equilibrium constants were achieved, and the equ

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 09 2020
Journal Name
Banks And Bank Systems
Cooperative decision-making on fiscal and monetary policy in Iraq using the prisoner’s dilemma
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This paper investigates the interaction between fiscal and monetary policy in Iraq after 2003 using the prisoner’s dilemma.The paper aims to determine the best form of coordination between these policies to achieve their goals; payoff matrix for both policies was constructed. To achieve the purpose, the quantitative approach was applied using several methods, including regression, building payoff matrices and decision analysis using a number of software.The results of the monetary policy payment function show that inflation rate has an inverse relationship with the auctions of selling foreign currency and a positive relationship with the government’s activity, while the fiscal policy function shows that real growth is positively

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Using Three-Dimensional Logistic Equations and Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Generate S-Box
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences
Improving the Moisture Damage Resistance of HMA by Using Ceramic Fiber and Hydrated Lime
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The Moisture damage is considered as one of the main challenge for the experts in the field of asphalt pavement design. The aims of the present study is to modify moisture resistance of the asphalt concrete by utilizing ceramic fibers as a type of reinforcement incorporated with hydrated lime. For this purpose, a penetration grade of the asphalt cement (40-50) was utilized as a binder with an aggregate of the maximum nominal size of 12.5mm and mineral filler limestone dust. A series of specimens has been fabricated by utilizing 0.50, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 percentages of ceramic fibers. For each of these contents, another subsequent group of specimens with hydrated lime with 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 percentages were moulded. For the additi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Effect of Using Microwave Radiation and H-Donors on Improving Heavy Oil
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The present research has investigated the effect of microwave energy on improving the flow properties of heavy crude oil. The fragmentation of crude oil molecules was carried out with and without using 1 and 10 wt. % concentration of various types of H-donors like tetralin, cyclohexane, and naphtha.  Microwave power of 320, 385, and 540 W and radiation time 1-9 min, and temperature were studied. The kinematic viscosity and asphaltene content were measured for evaluation the improving of heavy crude oil.

   Results show that viscosity of crude oil decreased with increase H-donor concentration, a maximum percentage of viscosity reduction was10.63 % for tetralin at 6 min radiation time, while 8.67%, and 7.34% for cycl

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing Arabic License Plate Recognition System Using Artificial Neural Network and Canny Edge Detection
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In recent years, there has been expanding development in the vehicular part and the number of vehicles moving on the roads in all the sections of the country. Arabic vehicle number plate identification based on image processing is a dynamic area of this work; this technique is used for security purposes such as tracking of stolen cars and access control to restricted areas. The License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) exploits a digital camera to capture vehicle plate numbers is used as input to the proposed recognition system. Basically, the proposed system consists of three phases, vehicle license plate localization, character segmentation, and character recognition, the License Plate (LP) detection is presented using canny edge detection

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study electron transport coefficients for Ar, O2 and their mixtures by using EEDF program
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using GPR Technique Assessment for Study the Sub-Grade of Asphalt and Concrete Conditions
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The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is frequently used in pavement engineering
for road pavement inspection. The main objective of this work is to validate
nondestructive, quick and powerful measurements using GPR for assessment of subgrade
and asphalt /concrete conditions. In the present study, two different antennas
(250, 500 MHz) were used. The case studies are presented was carried in University
of Baghdad over about 100m of paved road. After data acquisition and radar grams
collection, they have been processed using RadExplorer V1.4 software
implementing different filters with the most effective ones (time zero adjustment and
DC removal) in addition to other interpretation tool parameters.
The interpretatio

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biosynthesis, Characterization, Adsorption and Antimicrobial studies of Manganese oxide Nanoparticles Using Punica Granatum Extract
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Manganese sulfate and Punica granatum plant extract were used to create MnO2 nanoparticles, which were then characterized using techniques like Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The crystal's size was calculated to be 30.94nm by employing the Debye Scherrer equation in X-ray diffraction. MnO2 NPs were shown to be effective in adsorbing M(II) = Co, Ni, and Cu ions, proving that all three metal ions may be removed from water in one go. Ni(II) has a higher adsorption rate throughout the board. Co, Ni, and Cu ion removal efficiencies were 32.79%, 75

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