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Predicting Age and Gender Using AlexNet
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Due to the availability of technology stemming from in-depth research in this sector and the drawbacks of other identifying methods, biometrics has drawn maximum attention and established itself as the most reliable alternative for recognition in recent years. Efforts are still being made to develop a user-friendly system that is up to par with security-system requirements and yields more reliable outcomes while safeguarding assets and ensuring privacy. Human age estimation and Gender identification are both challenging endeavours. Biomarkers and methods for determining biological age and gender have been extensively researched, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Facial-image-based positioning is crucial for many applications, including safety and security systems, border control, human engagement in sophisticated ambient analytics, and biometric identification. Determining a person's age and gender is a complex study method. With the advent of deep learning, the study of face systems has been completely transformed, and estimation accuracy is a crucial parameter for evaluating algorithms and their efficacy in predicting absolute ages. The UTKFace dataset, which serves as the backbone of the face estimating system, was used to assess the method. The eyes, cheeks, nose, lips, and forehead provide the foundation of this function. AlexNet achieves a 98% accuracy rate across its lifespan of system results.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Removal of lead, cadmium, and mercury ions using biosorption
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Separation Benzene and Toluene from BTX using Zeolite 13X
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This work deals with the separation of benzene and toluene from a BTX fraction. The separation was carried out using adsorption by molecular sieve zeolite 13X in a fixed bed. The concentration of benzene and toluene in the influent streams was measured using gas chromatography. The effect of flow rate in the range 0.77 – 2.0 cm3/min on the benzene and toluene extraction from BTX fraction was studied. The flow rate increasing decreases the breakthrough and saturation times. The effect of bed height in the range 31.6 – 63.3 cm on benzene and toluene adsorption from BTX fraction was studied. The increase of bed height increasing increases the break point values. The effect of the concentration of benzene in the range 0.0559 – 0.2625g/

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 28 2024
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Structural and Stress Analysis of NACA0012 Wing Using SolidWorks
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 02 2023
Journal Name
Second International Conference On Innovations In Software Architecture And Computational Systems (isacs 2022)
Synthesis and characterization of SAPO-11 using carbon nanotubes
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The thermal method was used to produce silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO-11) with different amounts of carbon nanotubes (CNT). XRD, nitrogen adsorption-desorption, SEM, AFM, and FTIR were used to characterize the prepared catalyst. It was discovered that adding CNT increased the crystallinity of the synthesize SAPO-11 at all the temperatures which studied, wile the maximum surface area was 179.54 m2/g obtained at 190°C with 7.5 percent of CNT with a pore volume of 0.317 cm3/g ,and with nano-particles with average particle diameter of 24.8 nm, while the final molar composition of the prepared SAPO-11 was (Al2O3:0.93P2O5:0.414SiO2).

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Satellite Image Classification using Spectral Signature and Deep Learning
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    When images are customized to identify changes that have occurred using techniques such as spectral signature, which can be used to extract features, they can be of great value. In this paper, it was proposed to use the spectral signature to extract information from satellite images and then classify them into four categories. Here it is based on a set of data from the Kaggle satellite imagery website that represents different categories such as clouds, deserts, water, and green areas. After preprocessing these images, the data is transformed into a spectral signature using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Then the data of each image is reduced by selecting the top 20 features and transforming them from a two-dimensiona

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Speech Signal Compression Using Wavelet And Linear Predictive Coding
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A new algorithm is proposed to compress speech signals using wavelet transform and linear predictive coding. Signal compression based on the concept of selecting a small number of approximation coefficients after they are compressed by the wavelet decomposition (Haar and db4) at a suitable chosen level and ignored details coefficients, and then approximation coefficients are windowed by a rectangular window and fed to the linear predictor. Levinson Durbin algorithm is used to compute LP coefficients, reflection coefficients and predictor error. The compress files contain LP coefficients and previous sample. These files are very small in size compared to the size of the original signals. Compression ratio is calculated from the size of th

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fast Text Analysis Using Symbol Enumeration and Hashing Methodology
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This paper is focusing on reducing the time for text processing operations by taking the advantage of enumerating each string using the multi hashing methodology. Text analysis is an important subject for any system that deals with strings (sequences of characters from an alphabet) and text processing (e.g., word-processor, text editor and other text manipulation systems). Many problems have been arisen when dealing with string operations which consist of an unfixed number of characters (e.g., the execution time); this due to the overhead embedded-operations (like, symbols matching and conversion operations). The execution time largely depends on the string characteristics; especially its length (i.e., the number of characters consisting

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Removal of Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury Ions Using Biosorption
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The biosorption of Pb (II), Cd (II), and Hg (II) from simulated aqueous solutions using baker’s yeast biomass was investigated. Batch type experiments were carried out to find the equilibrium isotherm data for each component (single, binary, and ternary), and the adsorption rate constants. Kinetics pseudo-first and second order rate models applied to the adsorption data to estimate the rate constant for each solute, the results showed that the Cd (II), Pb (II), and Hg (II) uptake process followed the pseudo-second order rate model with (R2) 0.963, 0.979, and 0.960 respectively. The equilibrium isotherm data were fitted with five theoretical models. Langmuir model provides the best fitting for the experimental results with (R2) 0.992, 0

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hybrid Images Compression and Transmitted Using MC-CDMA System
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In this paper, the combined source coding with Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) system is proposed, where the transmission of the compressed image produced from source coding through Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel for a single user and multi users. In which the (MC-CDMA) system removes Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). The hybrid compression system of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and predictive coding (PC) technique are integrated as a source coding. The simulation results indicates that the transmission system of a single user was much better than the transmission system of multi users. When the number of users increased, the Bit Error Rate (BER) increased. For a

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Detection and interpretation of clouds types using visible and infrared satellite images
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One of the most Interesting natural phenomena is clouds that have a very strong effect on the climate, weather and the earth's energy balance. Also clouds consider the key regulator for the average temperature of the plant. In this research monitoring and studying the cloud cover to know the clouds types and whether they are rainy or not rainy using visible and infrared satellite images. In order to interpret and know the types of the clouds visually without using any techniques, by comparing between the brightness and the shape of clouds in the same area for both the visible and infrared satellite images, where the differences in the contrasts of visible image are the albedo differences, while in the infrared images is the temperature d

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