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Increasing confidence in full field modelling and water flood planning for a giant reservoir under primary depletion through Material Balance modelling
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Abstract<p>One of the principle inputs to project economics and all business decisions is a realistic production forecast and a practical and achievable development plan (i.e. waterflood). Particularly this becomes challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity. The main objectives of the Production Forecast and feasibility study for water injection are:</p><p>1- Provide an overview of the total expected production profile, expected wells potential/spare capacity, water breakthrough timing and water cut development over time</p><p>2- Highlight the requirements to maintain performance, suggest the optimum development pattern</p><p>3- Increasing confidence in business decisions to develop the reservoir in question</p><p>The main tool used for these purposes is a sophisticated reservoir simulation software, namely CMG©, since it can predict reservoir behavior, honor physical constraints and capture the heterogeneity within the reservoir to accurately predict performance. However, the starting point for this kind of complicated studies needs to start from the basics, in order to understand the big picture and be able to plan properly for the scope to be delivered, hence, utilizing analytical tools like MBAL becomes quite necessary, if not crucial, to the success of full field modelling and choosing an optimum water flood pattern and design.</p><p>This paper covers the methodology for building the reservoir component utilizing a Material Balance model, of which the results will be used as an input to reservoir simulation to evaluate and accurately predict reservoir performance, which directly feeds into planning for water flooding projects and selection of an optimum flood pattern.</p><p>A Tank model was built at first to assess and understand the driving forces (energies) of the reservoir in question, utilizing pressure and production data from legacy wells, the prepared model is also supported by geological and petro physical studies to give representative results. Acquired Static Bottom Hole Pressures (SBHPs) in wells were used as anchor points for the tank pressure and to test the validity of the history match. Multiple analytical methods to QC the results and STOIIP volume were conducted, e.g. the Havlena-Odeh method.</p><p>This methodology has been tested successfully in the stated super giant oil field, in which the reservoir in question is a carbonate rock formation. An example of this is covered in the paper. It was concluded that utilizing a history matched and coherent MBAL model before conducting a detailed reservoir simulation study can save a lot of time and effort by providing guidance to the path which needs to be followed, and sheds light on the critical elements to be looked after. This has also helped to uncover the driving mechanisms and energies in the reservoir, hence allowing the engineer to plan for the necessary voidage replacement and water injection rates to sustain the reservoir pressure and pattern development. Another technical advantage of the described method is the higher sustainability of the model.</p><p>The suggested method, in combination with geological and petro physical information available, can be applied to majority of the reservoirs. This combination is paramount to ensure optimum time and planning that is followed for each reservoir development study that involves water flooding.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Retention Techniques under Crop’s Root Zone a Tool to Enhance Water Use Efficiency and Economic Water Productivity for Zucchini
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 A new technique in cultivation by installing membrane sheet below the crop’s root zone was helped to save irrigation water in the root zone, less farm losses, increasing the field water use efficiency and water productivity. In this paper, the membrane sheet was installed below the root zone of zucchini during the summer growing season 2017 in open field.  This research was carried out in a private field in Babil governorate at Sadat Al Hindiya Township reached 72 km from Baghdad. Surface trickle irrigation system was used for irrigation process. Two treatment plots were used, treatment plot T1 using membrane sheet and treatment plot T2 without using the membrane sheet. The applied irrigation water, time of

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Using GIS Technique for evaluating water quality of Abu Zarag marsh during the flood season
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Abstract<p>This research deals with the most important heritage in Iraq, which are the Iraqi marshes, especially Abu Zarag marsh in Al-Nasiriyah city south of Iraq. The research is divided into two parts. The first part deals with evaluating the water quality parameters of Abu Zarag marsh for the period from December 2018 to April 2019 which is the flooding season. The parameters are Temperature, pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Sulfate, Nitrate. The second part is a comparison between the water quality parameters during the recent period with the same period during the previous years from 2014 to 2019. The results are </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2010
Journal Name
All Days
Optimal Field Development Through Infill Drilling for the Main Pay in South Rumaila Oil Field
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Abstract<p>Study of determining the optimal future field development has been done in a sector of South Rumaila oil field/ main pay. The aspects of net present value (economic evaluation) as objective function have been adopted in the present study.</p><p>Many different future prediction cases have been studied to determine the optimal production future scenario. The first future scenario was without water injection and the second and third with 7500 surface bbls/day and 15000 surface bbls/day water injection per well, respectively. At the beginning, the runs have been made to 2028 years, the results showed that the optimal future scenario is continuing without water in</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
3D- ABAQUS Modelling of Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beams with Multi-Openings of Different Shapes
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A long-span Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beam with Multi-Opening has been developed as an alternative to steel structural elements. The commercial finite element package ABAQUS/CAE version 2019 has been utilized. This article has presented the results of three-dimensional numerical simulations investigating the flexural behaviour of existing experimental work of supported Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beams with multiple openings of varying shapes under static monotonic loads. Insertion openings in such a beam lead to concentrate stresses at the corners of these openings; as a result, extensive cracking would appear. Correlation between numerical models and empirical work has also been discussed regarding load displacemen

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Estimation of Petrophysical Properties for Zubair Reservoir in Abu-Amood Oil Field
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The petrophysical analysis is significant to determine the parameters controlling the production wells and the reservoir quality. In this study, Using Interactive petrophysics software to analyze the petrophysical parameters of five wells penetrated the Zubair reservoir in the Abu-Amood field to evaluate a reservoir and search for hydrocarbon zones. The available logs data such as density, sonic, gamma ray, SP, neutron, and resistivity logs for wells AAm-1, AAm-2, AAm-3, AAm-4, and AAm-5 were used to determine the reservoir properties in Zubair reservoir. The density-neutron and neutron-sonic cross plots, which appear as lines with porosity scale ticks, are used to distinguish between the three main lithologies of sandstone, limesto

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Permeability Estimation for Carbonate Reservoir (Case Study/ South Iraqi Field)
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   The heterogeneity nature of carbonate reservoirs shows sever scattering of the data, therefore, one has to be cautious in using the permeability- porosity correlation for calculating permeability unless a good correlation coefficient is available. In addition, a permeability- porosity correlation technique is not enough by itself since simulation studies also require more accurate tools for reservoir description and diagnosis of flow and non-flow units.

Evaluation of reservoir characterization  was conducted by this paper for Mishrif Formation in south Iraqi oil field (heterogeneous carbonate reservoir), namely the permeability-porosity correlation, the hydraulic units (HU’s) an

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Permeability Estimation for Carbonate Reservoir (Case Study/ South Iraqi Field)
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     The heterogeneity nature of carbonate reservoirs shows sever scattering of the data, therefore, one has to be cautious in using the permeability- porosity correlation for calculating permeability unless a good correlation coefficient is available. In addition, a permeability- porosity correlation technique is not enough by itself since simulation studies also require more accurate tools for reservoir description and diagnosis of flow and non-flow units. Evaluation of reservoir characterization  was conducted by this paper for Mishrif Formation in south Iraqi oil field (heterogeneous carbonate reservoir), namely the permeability-porosity correlation, the hydraulic units (HU’s) and global hydraulic elements (GHE

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Reservoir Model and Production Strategy of Mishrif Reservoir-Nasryia Oil Field Southern Iraq
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Nasryia oil field is located about 38 Km to the north-west of Nasryia city. The field was discovered in 1975 after doing seismic by Iraqi national oil company. Mishrif formation is a carbonate rock (Limestone and Dolomite) and its thickness reach to 170m. The main reservoir is the lower Mishrif (MB) layer which has medium permeability (3.5-100) md and good porosity (10-25) %. Form well logging interpretation, it has been confirmed the rock type of Mishrif formation as carbonate rock. A ten meter shale layer is separating the MA from MB layer. Environmental corrections had been applied on well logs to use the corrected one in the analysis. The combination of Neutron-Density porosity has been chosen for interpretation as it is c

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 10 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics In Operational Research
Modelling time-series process of an agricultural crop production process by EWMA quality control chart
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Water Process Engineering
Biochemical performance modelling of non-vegetated and vegetated vertical subsurface-flow constructed wetlands treating municipal wastewater in hot and dry climate
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