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The Most Common Characteristics of Fragile Video Watermarking
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The progress of network and multimedia technologies has been phenomenal during the previous two decades. Unauthorized users will be able to copy, retransmit, modify reproduction, and upload the contents more easily as a result of this innovation. Malicious attackers are quite concerned about the development and widespread use of digital video. Digital watermarking technology gives solutions to the aforementioned problems. Watermarking methods can alleviate these issues by embedding a secret watermark in the original host data, allowing the genuine user or file owner to identify any manipulation. In this study, lots of papers have been analyzed and studied carefully, in the period 2011–2022. The historical basis of the subject should not be forgotten so studying old research will give a clear idea of the topic. To aid future researchers in this subject, we give a review of fragile watermarking approaches and some related papers presented in recent years. This paper presents a comparison of many relevant works in this field based on some of the outcomes and improvements gained in these studies, which focuses on the common characteristics that increase the effect of watermarking techniques such as invisibility, tamper detection, recovery, and security  

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Synergy of Modern Technology and Artistic Aesthetics in the Cinema and Television Achievement: براق انس المدرس
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       Most of the cinema and television production relies on the use of modern digital technologies, which today become the as ideal as the artistic expressive style that sends aesthetic values ​​through the use of electronic elements of the language of cinema and television to achieve aesthetic dazzling, and design the digital production for the purpose of persuasion, as well as the use of digital effects and graphics to activate the aesthetic pleasure. The research tries to subject all these aspetcs to study and apply them to a modern sample in order to get the results that confirm this technical and artistic aesthetic synergy that leads to the emergence of a cinema and television achievement the leas

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Alienation in Contemporary Sculpture between the Works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg (A Comparative Study)
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  • The subject of this research is the study of the formal alienation of contemporary English sculpture, by comparing the most important sculptors of the new contemporary generation. This research problem is to look for the important factors in the formation of the contemporary sculptural structure of the exotic, and what is the mechanism of formation and output of these forms. The research seeks to explore (Alienation in contemporary sculpture between the works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg) in a comparative study. The importance of the research is to identify the concept of alien forms in contemporary British sculpture, especially in the cases of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg that this research is considered a know

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of depression status on dental caries severity among internally displaced people in Baghdad/Iraq
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Background: changing in lifestyle like displacing place could cause depression which is a common mental disorder that change general health that affect dental caries incidence and severity. The aims of this study were to assess the relation of depression status on prevalence and severity of dental caries among internally displaced people. Material and Method: The sample include 121 internally displaced people aged from 13-17 years. Method for depression measuring is by using Children Depression Inventory (CDI2) questionnaire. Dental caries is measured by using caries experience (DMFs) and caries severity D1-4. Result: the mean value for decayed and missing surfaces were higher in high depression grade as compering with low and medium dep

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Human Resources Investment as an Introduction to improve the efficiency & activity of workers in E – Government
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The human resources are considered to be the main pillar of the organizations , economic development and the foundation of moving wheels of individual growth. This is considered as the basic tasks for any productive and economic activity . The investment of the human resources is the economic pillar of production , but the most important element of the production . This research tried to access the method of resource investment and to identify the problems and training as key element in establishment of E –government . A questionnaire document have been distributed to the workers at different levels in the colleges and institutes. The research concluded the necessity of job description , continuous training of the workers , usi

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 17, Nº. 3, 2022, Págs. 130-132
The Effect of Special Abilities Exercises on Growth Hormone and Achievement for Advanced Weightlifters, Baghdad Clubs
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Autorías: Ghassan Adeeb Abdulhasan, Falih Hashim Fenjan, Hussein Jabber Abood. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 3, 2022. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Well Performance Following Matrix Acidizing Treatment: Case Study of the Mi4 Unit in Ahdeb Oil Field
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The productivity of oil wells may be improved by determining the value of enhancing well productivity and the likely reasons or sources of formation damage after the well has been recognized as underperforming. Oil well productivity may be improved, but the economics of this gradual improvement may be compromised. It is important to analyze the influence of the skin effect on the recovery of the reserve.    The acid treatment evaluated for the well AD-12, primarily for the zone Mi4;  using a license of Stimpro Stimulation Software to validate the experimental work to the field scale, this software is considered the most comprehensive instrument for planning and monitoring matrix acid treatments and utilizing actual data to provide a far

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological Security and Its Relation to Motivation for Achievement of Social Researchers Working in the Courts
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The research aims to measure the psychological security of social working in the courts, to measure the motivation of achievement for social researchers working in the courts. In addition to, identify the Psychological security and its relation to the motivation of achievement for social researchers working in the courts. To achieve these aims, the researcher adopted two scales: Maslow scale for Psychological security, which was translated to Arabic by Dwany and Dirany 1983 consisted of (75) items. The second scale is Othman scale for achievement motivation 2014 consisted of (24) items. The two scales had been applied to a sample consisted of (100) social researchers working in the courts of Baghdad with its two branches Al-karkh and Al-

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
of the Government finance Statistics GFS System In StrengtheningThe Role Oversight on performance Centrally Funded Units
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This study aims to highlight the role of financial control in the development of government performance through the use of "GFS" system and its application in the service of government units, which will help them in how to use financial resources efficiently through the quality of accounting information provided by this system in the financial statements that reflect the predictability in that fiscal policy of the state through government programs and activities fee as well as to identify weaknesses and address them quickly in order to avoid wastage and loss of public money, which leads to the possibility of utilization of available financial resources of the state to effectively and efficiently, has been reached that the failure of gove

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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230 stool samples were collected from 2 state homes for (males and females) to investigate
the infection of different intestinal parasites (pathogenic and non-pathogenic).
The infection rate was higher among males 15.7% than females 6%, these rates were
increased when concentration method was employed up to 54.8% for males and 8.7% for
females significantly.
Most infected orphans were found to harbor single parasite followed by double, triple
The highest rate of infection was found among young age group (1-5) years old, while
the older age groups got lowest rates.
Of helminthes, the commonest parasite was Hymenolepis nana 5.7% and of protozoa, the
commonest intestinal parasite was Giardia lamblia

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Studying the effect of changing optical fibers parameters on their modes properties at 1000 nm wavelength
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Abstract<p>Optical fiber technology is without a doubt one of the most significant phases of the communications revolution and is crucial to our daily lives. Using the free version (2022) of RP Fiber Calculator, the modal properties for optical fibers with core radii (1.5−7.5) μm, core index (1.44−1.48) and cladding index (1.43−1.47) have been determined at a wavelength of 1000 nm. When the fiber core’s radius is larger than its operating wavelength, multimode fibers can be created. The result is a single-mode fiber in all other cases. All of the calculated properties, it has been shown, increase with increasing core radius. The modes’ intensity profiles were displayed.</p>
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