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The Most Common Characteristics of Fragile Video Watermarking
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The progress of network and multimedia technologies has been phenomenal during the previous two decades. Unauthorized users will be able to copy, retransmit, modify reproduction, and upload the contents more easily as a result of this innovation. Malicious attackers are quite concerned about the development and widespread use of digital video. Digital watermarking technology gives solutions to the aforementioned problems. Watermarking methods can alleviate these issues by embedding a secret watermark in the original host data, allowing the genuine user or file owner to identify any manipulation. In this study, lots of papers have been analyzed and studied carefully, in the period 2011–2022. The historical basis of the subject should not be forgotten so studying old research will give a clear idea of the topic. To aid future researchers in this subject, we give a review of fragile watermarking approaches and some related papers presented in recent years. This paper presents a comparison of many relevant works in this field based on some of the outcomes and improvements gained in these studies, which focuses on the common characteristics that increase the effect of watermarking techniques such as invisibility, tamper detection, recovery, and security  

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Frontiers In Chemistry
Numerical analysis of the energy-storage performance of a PCM-based triplex-tube containment system equipped with arc-shaped fins
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This study numerically intends to evaluate the effects of arc-shaped fins on the melting capability of a triplex-tube confinement system filled with phase-change materials (PCMs). In contrast to situations with no fins, where PCM exhibits relatively poor heat response, in this study, the thermal performance is modified using novel arc-shaped fins with various circular angles and orientations compared with traditional rectangular fins. Several inline and staggered layouts are also assessed to maximize the fin’s efficacy. The effect of the nearby natural convection is further investigated by adding a fin to the bottom of the heat-storage domain. Additionally, the Reynolds number and temperature of the heat-transfer fluid (HTF) are e

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of a novel coating material on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration in primary teeth – An in vitro study
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Background: Glass ionomer restorations are widely employed in the field of pediatric dentistry. There is a constant demand for a durable restoration that remains functional until exfoliation. This study aimed to measure and compare the effect of a novel coating material (EQUIA Forte Coat) on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration (EQUIA Forte HT) in primary teeth. Material and method: Thirty cavitated (class-II) primary molars were allocated randomly into two groups based on the coat application; uncoated (control) and coated group (experimental). Cavities were prepared by the use of a ceramic bur (CeraBur) and restored with EQUIA Forte HT with or without applying a protective coat (EQUIA Forte Coat). Samples went through the

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Sintering Temperature and Soaking Time on the physical and Dielectric Properties of BaTiO3 for Different Ba/Ti Ratio
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Recent research has examined the improvement of physical and dielectric properties of BaTiO3 ceramic material by small addition of excess TiO2 or BaCO3. The prepared samples sintered at different temperatures and varying soaking time. The results show that increasing the sintering temperature within 1350°C and soaking time of 10 hrs give better electrical and physical properties, which indicate the reaction is complete at higher temperature and period.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 23 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biosciences
Serum and salivary levels of thyroid antibodies (TPO-Ab&Tg-Ab) in the of hypothyroid patients with and without periodontitis
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Hypothyroidism is the decrease in thyroid hormones production and thyroid gland function. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism with production of autoantibodies directed toward autoantigens thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO). This study was carried out to determine and compare serum and salivary levels of thyroid antibodies (TPO-Ab and Tg- Ab) in hypothyroid patients (with and without periodontitis) and healthy control; as well as to estimate the possibility to evaluate and measured these antibodies in the saliva as measured in the serum. Serum and saliva samples were collected from sixty hypothyroid patients with age ranged (20-64) years (30 of patients were with periodontitis and 30 without per

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 18 2020
Journal Name
Diagnostic Accuracy of Oral Fluids Biomarker Profile to Determine the Current and Future Status of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases
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Severe periodontitis is ranked as the sixth most prevalent disease affecting humankind, with an estimated 740 million people affected worldwide. The diagnosis of periodontal diseases mainly relies upon assessment of conventional clinical parameters. However, these parameters reflect past, rather than current, clinical status or future disease progression and, likely, outcome of periodontal treatment. Specific and sensitive biomarkers for periodontal diseases have been examined widely to address these issues and some biomarkers have been translated as point-of-care (PoC) tests. The aim of this review was to provide an update on PoC tests for use in the diagnosis and management of periodontal diseases. Among the PoC tests developed so

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Sb2O3 and/or CdO nanoparticle substitution on the properties of high-TC superconducting Bi1.6-x SbxPb0.4Sr2Ca2-yCdyCu3OZ material
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High temperature superconductors materials with composition Bi1.6-xSbxPb0.4Sr2Ca2-yCdyCu3OZ (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) and (y = 0.01 and 0.02), were prepared by using the chemical reaction in solid-state ways, and test influence of partial replacement of Bi and Ca with Sb and Cd respectively on the superconducting properties, all samples were sintered at the same temperature (850 oC) and for the same time (195 h). The structural analysis of the prepared samples was carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements performed at room temperature, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and dc electrical resistivity was measured as a function of temperature. It was found that the sample prepared by partial substitution of Sb at ratio (x= 0.2

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News coverage of Arab revolutions in satellite channels An analytical study of the news bulletins in Al - Tijah satellite channel
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The news media material to any means of mass media, and increasingly

 important in TV; what the associated word and image effects, which do different cover events (political, economic, sports, and social .... etc.) directly from the event site and gather the news and do prepared formulation and arranged within the framework provided by the newsletter, as it requires the viewer to provide the public with information about this news correlated; to achieve the greatest gravity following the shapes and styles and technical fees (Alkraveks) during the submission. What we are witnessing today from technological developments help existing staff to cover the news activity quickly and efficiently prohibitivel

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Case Studies In Thermal Engineering
Comparative assessment of the performance and combustion attributes of a free piston linear generator fuelled with CNG and CNG-CO2
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study the Effect of 12-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid Concentration on Preparation and Characterization of Floating Organogels using Cinnarizin as Modeling Drug
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This work targeted studying organogel as a potential floating system. Organgel has an excellent viscoelastic properties, floating system posses a depot property.  Different formulations of 12-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (HOA) in sesame oil were gelled and selecting F1, F3 and F5 HOA organogels for various examinations: tabletop rheology, optical microscopy, and oscillatory rheology studies. Also, the floating properties studies were conducted at in vitro and in-vivo levels. Lastly, the in-vitro release study using cinnarizine (CN) was to investigate the organogel depot property. Based on the results, the selected concentrations of HOA in sesame oil organogels showed temperature transitions fr

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of multi choice Goal Programming to reduce storage and shortage costs of blood units in health care centers
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We use of multi-choice Goal Programming (MCGP), which is a developed model of Goal Programming where it is used in circumstances of the multiplicity and difference of goals when choosing between decision alternatives in cases of allocating resources, as it is a model that seeks to find the closest and best solutions to the specific values ​​of the goals within the aspiration levels, as the first goal in the multi-choice goal programming model that is used to reduce the total cost of storage and shortage, while the other goal was to reduce the difference between the real demand that the hospitals need from the blood transfusion center and the units that already achieved. The case Iraqi Center

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