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A new analytic method to tune a fractional order PID controller
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This paper proposes a new method to tune a fractional order PID controller. This method utilizes both the analytic and numeric approach to determine the controller parameters. The control design specifications that must be achieved by the control system are gain crossover frequency, phase margin, and peak magnitude at the resonant frequency, where the latter is a new design specification suggested by this paper. These specifications results in three equations in five unknown variables. Assuming that certain relations exist between two variables and discretizing one of them, a performance index can be evaluated and the optimal controller parameters that minimize this performance index are selected. As a case study, a third order linear time invariant system is taken as a process to be controlled and the proposed method is applied to design the controller. The resultant control system exactly fulfills the control design specification, a feature that is laked in numerical design methods. Through matlab simulation, the step response of the closed loop system with the proposed controller and a conventional PID controller demonstrate the performance of the system in terms of time domain transient response specifications (rise time, overshoot, and settling time).

Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Honeyword Generation Using a Proposed Discrete Salp Swarm Algorithm
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Honeywords are fake passwords that serve as an accompaniment to the real password, which is called a “sugarword.” The honeyword system is an effective password cracking detection system designed to easily detect password cracking in order to improve the security of hashed passwords. For every user, the password file of the honeyword system will have one real hashed password accompanied by numerous fake hashed passwords. If an intruder steals the password file from the system and successfully cracks the passwords while attempting to log in to users’ accounts, the honeyword system will detect this attempt through the honeychecker. A honeychecker is an auxiliary server that distinguishes the real password from the fake passwords and t

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Rawal Medical Journal
Obesity in COVID-19 patients is a complex interaction
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Objective: To assess role of obesity in Covid-19 patients on antibodies production, diabetes development, and treatment of this disease. Methodology: This observational study included 200 Covid-19 patients in privet centers from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. All patients had fasting blood sugars and anti-Covid-19 antibodies. Anthropometric parameters were measured in all participants. Results: The patients were divided into two groups according to body weight; normal body weight (50) and excess body weight (150). There was a significant difference between them regarding age. Diabetes mellitus developed in 20% of normal weight patients while 80% of excess weight patients had diabetes (p=0.0001). Antibodies production (IgM and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 21 2023
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Enhancing Spatial Accuracy of OpenStreetMap Data: A Geometric Approach
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OpenStreetMap (OSM), recognised for its current and readily accessible spatial database, frequently serves regions lacking precise data at the necessary granularity. Global collaboration among OSM contributors presents challenges to data quality and uniformity, exacerbated by the sheer volume of input and indistinct data annotation protocols. This study presents a methodological improvement in the spatial accuracy of OSM datasets centred over Baghdad, Iraq, utilising data derived from OSM services and satellite imagery. An analytical focus was placed on two geometric correction methods: a two-dimensional polynomial affine transformation and a two-dimensional polynomial conformal transformation. The former involves twelve coefficients for ad

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 12 2023
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Pure And Applied Sciences
Cavitation microbubbles in the medical ultrasound imaging: A Review
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Ultrasound is a mechanical energy which can generate altering zones of compression and rarefaction along its path in the tissues. Ultrasound imaging can provide a real time screening for blood and multiple organs to aiding the diagnostic and treatment. However, ultrasound has the potential to deposit energy in the blood and tissues causing bio effects which is depending on ultrasound characteristics that including frequency and the amount of intensity. These bio effects include either a stable cavitation presented non thermal effects or inertial cavitation of harmful effect on the tissues. The non-thermal cavitation can add features in diagnostic imaging and treatment more than the inertial cavitation. Ultrasound Contrast agents are a micro

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences (iosr-jdms)
Diabetic Cheiroarthropathy in a Sample of Iraqi Diabetic Patients
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Background: Diabetic cheiroarthropathy is a term derived from the Greek word “cheiros” meaning “of the hand”, It is characterized by stiff hands with distinctively thick, tight, and waxy skin, especially on the dorsal aspects of the hands. It is part of long term complication of diabetes and many suggest it is associated with microvascular complication. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of diabetic cheiroarthropathy in Iraqi patients with diabetes, and to study its association with diabetic retinopathy and glycemic control. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study in which 110 diabetic patients and 110 non-diabetic healthy people who accepted to take part in the study were ran

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Mathematical Model for One Year Planning of a Manufactory
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This paper is an attempt to help the manager of a manufactory to

plan for the next year by a scientific approach, to maximize the profit and Ø¢ provide optimal Ø¢ monthly quantities of Ø¢ production, Ø¢ inventory,

work-force, prices and sales. The computer programming helps us to execute that huge number of calculations.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 17 2023
Journal Name
Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental
Complete Street as a Key for Urban Environment Development
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Purpose: The concept of complete street is one of the modern trends concerned with diversifying means of transportation and reducing the disadvantages of mechanical transportation modes. This paper discusses the role of complete streets can play in developing the urban environment in the Alyarmok District of Baghdad.   Method/design/approach: The linear regression method used to analyze the opinions of 100 respondents surveyed in the study area in order to find the relationship between the urban environment and the complete street elements.   Theoretical framework: The Modern trends in urban planning aim to find alternatives to the policies of traditional transportation planning that focus on vehicular mobi

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
A Cryptosystem for Database Security Based on RC4 Algorithm
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Because of vulnerable threats and attacks against database during transmission from sender to receiver, which is one of the most global security concerns of network users, a lightweight cryptosystem using Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) algorithm is proposed. This cryptosystem maintains data privacy by performing encryption of data in cipher form and transfers it over the network and again performing decryption to original data. Hens, ciphers represent encapsulating system for database tables

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
2008 15th Asia-pacific Software Engineering Conference
G2Way A Backtracking Strategy for Pairwise Test Data Generation
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