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A new analytic method to tune a fractional order PID controller
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This paper proposes a new method to tune a fractional order PID controller. This method utilizes both the analytic and numeric approach to determine the controller parameters. The control design specifications that must be achieved by the control system are gain crossover frequency, phase margin, and peak magnitude at the resonant frequency, where the latter is a new design specification suggested by this paper. These specifications results in three equations in five unknown variables. Assuming that certain relations exist between two variables and discretizing one of them, a performance index can be evaluated and the optimal controller parameters that minimize this performance index are selected. As a case study, a third order linear time invariant system is taken as a process to be controlled and the proposed method is applied to design the controller. The resultant control system exactly fulfills the control design specification, a feature that is laked in numerical design methods. Through matlab simulation, the step response of the closed loop system with the proposed controller and a conventional PID controller demonstrate the performance of the system in terms of time domain transient response specifications (rise time, overshoot, and settling time).

Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Some Methods of Estimating the Parameters and Survival Function of a Log-logistic Distribution with a Practical Application
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The Log-Logistic distribution is one of the important statistical distributions as it can be applied in many fields and biological experiments and other experiments, and its importance comes from the importance of determining the survival function of those experiments. The research will be summarized in making a comparison between the method of maximum likelihood and the method of least squares and the method of weighted least squares to estimate the parameters and survival function of the log-logistic distribution using the comparison criteria MSE, MAPE, IMSE, and this research was applied to real data for breast cancer patients. The results showed that the method of Maximum likelihood best in the case of estimating the paramete

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Comparative Study for the Accuracy of Three Molecular Docking Programs Using HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors as a Model
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Flexible molecular docking is a computational method of structure-based drug design to evaluate binding interactions between receptor and ligand and identify the ligand conformation within the receptor pocket. Currently, various molecular docking programs are extensively applied; therefore, realizing accuracy and performance of the various docking programs could have a significant value. In this comparative study, the performance and accuracy of three widely used non-commercial docking software (AutoDock Vina, 1-Click Docking, and UCSF DOCK) was evaluated through investigations of the predicted binding affinity and binding conformation of the same set of small molecules (HIV-1 protease inhibitors) and a protein target HIV-1 protease enzy

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study The Properties of Structural And Optical of Cadmium Oxide Films Prepared In A Thermal Evaporation In A Vacuum
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  In   this  research  ,  the  structural   and  optical   properties   of  pure of cadmium  oxide, pure (CdO) were studided thin films in a thermal evaporation in a vacuum depositing metal cadmium pure rules of the glass at room temperature (300K) and thickness (300 ± 20nm) and the time of deposition (1.25sec) was oxidation of thin films cadmium (Cd) record temperature (673k) for a period of one hour to the presence of air optical energy gap for direct electronic transitions were calculated (permitted) as a function of absorption coefficient and permeability and reversibility by recording the spectrum absorbance and permeability of the membrane the record

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study Correlation between Levels IL-15, IL-23 and TNF-α in a Sample of Iraqi Psoriasis Patients
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Psoriasis is defined as a series of events that begins in its initial stage with dermatitis and then progresses to more widespread inflammation and increased oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to determine whether psoriasis and the levels of IL-15, IL-23, and TNF-α are related, the ELISA technique was used to detect the levels of inflammation in psoriasis patients and to compare them with healthy individuals. This study included 150 samples, including 90 patients with psoriasis and 60 healthy individuals, and the study was conducted from November 2021 to April 2022. The current study revealed that there was a significant difference in the level of TNF-α in the group of psoriasis patients compa

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
HRM Management Approaches, With a Focus on Employee Centric Approach: A Case Study In The Rafidain Bank In Iraq
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This research attempts to shed light on a topic that is considered one of the most important topics of HRMs management, which is the Employee centric approach by examining its philosophy and understanding . To achieve the goal, the research relied on the philosophical analytical method, which is one of the approaches used in theoretical studies. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are the theoretical studies that addressed this entry in the English language and the lack of it in the Arabic language, according to the researcher's knowledge. The research reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which was that this approach needs more research, analysis and study at the practical and th

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 03 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Serum Afamin As A Novel Biomarker for NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease as A Complication of Hypothyroidism in Iraqi Patients.
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Afamin, which is a human plasma glycoprotein, a putative multifunctional transporter of hydrophobic molecules and a marker for metabolic syndrome. Afamin concentration have been proposed to have a significant role as a predictor of metabolic disorders. Since NAFLD is associated with metabolic risk factors, e.g., dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and visceral obesity, it is considered as the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome. The objective of this study is to determine Afamin levels in hypothyroid patients with and without fatty liver disease and compare the results with controls. Also to study the relationship of Afamin level with the Anthropometric and Clinical Features (Age, Gender, BMI and Duration of Hypothyroidism) , Serum

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical Solution of Transient Heat Conduction through a Hollow Cylindrical Thermal Insulation Material of a Temperature Dependant Thermal Conductivity
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The one-dimensional, cylindrical coordinate, non-linear partial differential equation of transient heat conduction through a hollow cylindrical thermal insulation material of a thermal conductivity temperature dependent property proposed by an available empirical
function is solved analytically using Kirchhoff’s transformation. It is assumed that this insulating material is initially at a uniform temperature. Then, it is suddenly subjected at its inner radius with a step change in temperature. Four thermal insulation materials were selected. An identical analytical solution was achieved when comparing the results of temperature distribution with available analytical solution for the same four case studies that assume a constant the

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical Solution of Transient Heat Conduction through a Hollow Spherical Thermal Insulation Material of a Temperature Dependant Thermal Conductivity
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The one-dimensional, spherical coordinate, non-linear partial differential equation of transient heat conduction through a hollow spherical thermal insulation material of a thermal conductivity temperature dependent property proposed by an available empirical function is solved analytically using Kirchhoff’s transformation. It is assumed that this insulating material is initially at a uniform temperature. Then, it is suddenly subjected at its inner radius with a step change in temperature. Four thermal insulation materials were selected. An identical analytical solution was achieved when comparing the results of temperature distribution with available analytical solution for the same four case studies that assume a constant thermal con

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 12 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Biosciences
A functional connection of Dictyostelium paracaspase with the contractile vacuole and a possible partner of the vacuolar proton ATPase
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Pragmatic Analysis of Personal Deixes in Lyrical Poetry: Ezra Pound's Lyrics "Girl" and "A Virginal": رماح محي مجيد
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Deixes belong to the field of both semantics and  pragmatics as they lie in the edge of these two fields. Pragmatically, they are concerned with the relationship between the structure of a language and the contexts. The present work aims at analyzing the use of deixes using Levinson’s (1983) and Yule's (1996) concept of deixes, where the latter maintained that the referents of the deixes cannot be realized apart from the context where they are used. He added that the contextual information of certain utterances involves information about the participants (the speaker and the addressee), the time and the place. Consequently, a qualitative- descriptive approach has been adopted to meet the objective of the study which reads, “exam

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