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Analyzing Conversation in Children’s Short Stories
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Conversation analysis has long been the concern of many linguists who work in the field of discourse analysis. In spite of the fact that there are many researches have been done in the field of short stories but up to the researcher knowledge the investigation of the selected short stories has not been studied yet. Hence, this paper aims at answering the following questions: what are the features of children’s short stories language and the differences between short stories of four years old and those of six years old.  Hence, the devices used by the story tellers in reciting the short stories should be observed. Thus, the researcher has consulted the models presented by Johnson and Fillmore (2010) to show tenses and sentence structure, and Smith (2008) for conversation analysis.In the light of the analysis according to Johnson and Fillmore (2010), the researcher has reached to the following results: It is clear that simple sentences and past simple tense are used more than the other devises due to the fact that it is the main features of children’s short stories language. The conversation of children’s short stories has also showed that the language of four years old is somehow similar to those of six years old. According to Smith (2008), it is clear that the language of children is similar to those of short stories then it is similar to those of real life conversation.

Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Methods of Teaching Conversation in Russian Students Speaking Arabic: Методы преподавания говорения на русском языке в арабской аудитории
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      This paper tackles methods of teaching conversation in Russian to students speaking Arabic. It analyses the differences between the two languages, as well as the difficulties and major errors faced by Arabic speakers studying Russian. Particularly, it looks at the difficulty of transforming spoken language. Finally, the paper suggests ways for teaching spoken language and treating the reasons behind making errors.


          Данная статья рассматривает методы преподавания говорения на русском языке для носителей арабского яз

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Multilayer Perceptron for analyzing satellite data
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Different ANN architectures of MLP have been trained by BP and used to analyze Landsat TM images. Two different approaches have been applied for training: an ordinary approach (for one hidden layer M-H1-L & two hidden layers M-H1-H2-L) and one-against-all strategy (for one hidden layer (M-H1-1)xL, & two hidden layers (M-H1-H2-1)xL). Classification accuracy up to 90% has been achieved using one-against-all strategy with two hidden layers architecture. The performance of one-against-all approach is slightly better than the ordinary approach

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analyzing and Optimizing Bits Performance in Three Iraqi Oil-Fields
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
Analyzing the behavior of different classification algorithms in diabetes prediction
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<span lang="EN-US">Diabetes is one of the deadliest diseases in the world that can lead to stroke, blindness, organ failure, and amputation of lower limbs. Researches state that diabetes can be controlled if it is detected at an early stage. Scientists are becoming more interested in classification algorithms in diagnosing diseases. In this study, we have analyzed the performance of five classification algorithms namely naïve Bayes, support vector machine, multi layer perceptron artificial neural network, decision tree, and random forest using diabetes dataset that contains the information of 2000 female patients. Various metrics were applied in evaluating the performance of the classifiers such as precision, area under the c

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Applying Social Stories in Developing Social Interaction Skills among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of social stories in increasing social interaction among children with an autism spectrum disorder. The researcher used the single-subject design methodology (Single Subject Designs, SSD) with

 (A-B) design to answer the research questions. The study sample consisted of (3) children with autism spectrum disorder enrolled in a transit daycare center in the Asir region, Saudi Arabia. The results of the study showed that there is a positive functional relationship between social stories and play to increase social interaction among children with autism spectrum disorder, which contributed to the acquisition and generalization of this behav

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2004
Journal Name
Faculty Of Engineering/mustansiriyah University
Studying and Analyzing Actual Safety Situation of Construction Factories in Iraq
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Safety programmes are considered one of the means to protect workers from different accidents and injuries and also to protect all assets including machines equipment and various materials. In spite of world state interests in occupational safety, this subject didn't get the required attention by senior staff of management at most of our country construction factories and the application of safety programmes still limited and in active. In order to a achieve the goal of the study, scientific method has been pursued to obtain the necessary information related to this study through tours to related companies and their construction factories and review literature that deal with occupational safety subject and their programmes and cost, in a

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Pre-Topology Generated by the Short Path Problems
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Let G be a graph, each edge e of which is given a weight w(e). The shortest path problem is a path of minimum weight connecting two specified vertices a and b, and from it we have a pre-topology. Furthermore, we study the restriction and separators in pre-topology generated by the shortest path problems. Finally, we study the rate of liaison in pre-topology between two subgraphs. It is formally shown that the new distance measure is a metric

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analyzing Laser Speckle Pattern Using the Discrete Cosine Transform
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The use of Cosine transform to analyze the model-noise pattern alteration with different vibration model applied on multimode fiber optics are studied. It's results compared with the Fourier transform to perform the same analysis using total frequency difference and the computation time, which almost coincide for the both transforms. A discussion for the results and recommendation are introduced.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Absence of the Applied Semiotic Approach in Analyzing the Media Phenomenon
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the contemporary Arab scholars deal with semiotics as an approach that helps them understand the texts, its meaning, and its structural functionalism . that’s why every now and then we find some
studies and researches using semiotics as an approach in study and comparatives, some of them even used the semiotic approach in analyzing old and new texts, while others think that semiotic holds and important place in critical approaches .
even though some of them considers semiotic just a trend of fashion this really didn’t lessen the value of semiotic as a scientific and procedural approach in literary and media studies as well as in analyzing literary and journalistic texts. for this reason it is considered as an important approa

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Graph Mining Method in Analyzing Turkish Loanwords Derived from Arabic Language
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Loanwords are the words transferred from one language to another, which become essential part of the borrowing language. The loanwords have come from the source language to the recipient language because of many reasons. Detecting these loanwords is complicated task due to that there are no standard specifications for transferring words between languages and hence low accuracy. This work tries to enhance this accuracy of detecting loanwords between Turkish and Arabic language as a case study. In this paper, the proposed system contributes to find all possible loanwords using any set of characters either alphabetically or randomly arranged. Then, it processes the distortion in the pronunciation, and solves the problem of the missing lette

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