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Using Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Techniques to Reduce Earning Management
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This study aims to demonstrate the role of artificial intelligence and metaverse techniques, mainly logistical Regression, in reducing earnings management in Iraqi private banks. Synthetic intelligence approaches have shown the capability to detect irregularities in financial statements and mitigate the practice of earnings management. In contrast, many privately owned banks in Iraq historically relied on manual processes involving pen and paper for recording and posting financial information in their accounting records. However, the banking sector in Iraq has undergone technological advancements, leading to the Automation of most banking operations. Conventional audit techniques have become outdated due to factors such as the accuracy of data, cost savings, and the pace of business completion. Therefore, relying on auditing a large volume of financial data is insufficient. The Metaverse is a novel technological advancement seeking to fundamentally transform corporate operations and interpersonal interactions. Metaverse has implications for auditing and accounting practices, particularly concerning a company’s operational and financial aspects. Economic units have begun to switch from traditional methods of registration and posting to using software for financial operations to limit earnings management. Therefore, this research proposes applying one of the Data Mining techniques, namely the logistical regression technique, to reduce earning management in a sample of Iraqi private banks, including (11) banks. Accounting ratios were employed, followed by Logistic Regression, to achieve earnings management within the proportions.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Science International
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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Studying the Effect of Permeability Prediction on Reservoir History Matching by Using Artificial Intelligence and Flow Zone Indicator Methods
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The map of permeability distribution in the reservoirs is considered one of the most essential steps of the geologic model building due to its governing the fluid flow through the reservoir which makes it the most influential parameter on the history matching than other parameters. For that, it is the most petrophysical properties that are tuned during the history matching. Unfortunately, the prediction of the relationship between static petrophysics (porosity) and dynamic petrophysics (permeability) from conventional wells logs has a sophisticated problem to solve by conventional statistical methods for heterogeneous formations. For that, this paper examines the ability and performance of the artificial intelligence method in perme

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2024
Journal Name
Internet Technology Letters
Using <scp>5G</scp> Standards for Smart Healthcare Applications and Designing an Artificial Intelligence‐Based Industry 4.0 Communication System
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ABSTRACT<p>The introduction of Industry 4.0, to improve Internet of Things (IoT) standards, has sparked the creation of 5G, or highly sophisticated wireless networks. There are several barriers standing in the way of 5G green communication systems satisfying the expectations for faster networks, more user capacity, lower resource consumption, and cost‐effectiveness. 5G standards implementation would speed up data transmission and increase the reliability of connected devices for Industry 4.0 applications. The demand for intelligent healthcare systems has increased globally as a result of the introduction of the novel COVID‐19. Designing 5G communication systems presents research problems such as optimizing </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering &amp; Technology
Improvement of Gypsum Soil by Using Polyurethane to Reduce Erosion and Solubility of Irrigation Canals
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The reducing of erosion and the solubility of irrigation canals soils which constructed on gypsum soil is important in civil and water resources engineering. The main problem of gypsum soils is the presence of gypsum which represents one of most complex engineering problems, especially when accompanied by the moving of water which represent dynamic load along the canal. There are several solutions to this problem, in this research “Poly urethane” is used to give the gypsum soil sufficient hardness to reduce the solubility and erosion, after compacting the soil in the canal, percentages of Poly urethane was used to making cover to the soil by mixing percent of soil with Poly urethane, and the ratio was as follows: (5 and 10) % an

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
After Introducing Artificial Intelligence, can Pharmacists Still Find a Job?
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The effectiveness of artificial intelligence in contemporary digital graphic design
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In our world, technological development has become inherent in all walks of life and is characterized by its speed in performance and uses. This development required the emergence of new technologies that represent a future revolution for a fourth industrial revolution in various fields, which contributed to finding many alternatives and innovative technical solutions that shortened time and space in terms of making Machines are smarter, more accurate, and faster in accomplishing the tasks intended for them, and we find the emergence of what is called artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence), which is the technology of the future, which is one of the most important outputs of the fourth industrial revolution, and artificial inte

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Food Process Engineering
Artificial intelligence‐based modeling of novel non‐thermal milk pasteurization to achieve desirable color and predict quality parameters during storage
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>This study proposed using color components as artificial intelligence (AI) input to predict milk moisture and fat contents. In this sense, an adaptive neuro‐fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was applied to milk processed by moderate electrical field‐based non‐thermal (NP) and conventional pasteurization (CP). The differences between predicted and experimental data were not significant (<italic>p</italic> > 0.05) for lightness (<italic>L</italic>*), redness‐greenness (<italic>a</italic>*), yellowness‐blueness (<italic>b</italic>*), total color differences (∆<italic>E</italic>), hue angle (<italic>h</italic></p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Data And Network Science
The effects of big data, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence on e-learning and business performance: Evidence from Jordanian telecommunication firms
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This study sought to investigate the impacts of big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and business intelligence (BI) on Firms' e-learning and business performance at Jordanian telecommunications industry. After the samples were checked, a total of 269 were collected. All of the information gathered throughout the investigation was analyzed using the PLS software. The results show a network of interconnections can improve both e-learning and corporate effectiveness. This research concluded that the integration of big data, AI, and BI has a positive impact on e-learning infrastructure development and organizational efficiency. The findings indicate that big data has a positive and direct impact on business performance, including Big

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of applying the requirement of IFRS 9 regards impairment of Banks loans on earning management in Iraqi Banks
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Impairment of financial assets defined according to IFRS 9 as the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to an entity in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the entity expects to receive, the entity should estimates all the cash flows through looking to the contract terms during the life time period of the assets or for shorter period if possible, the cash flow should include the amounts of selling any collateral taken or any other enhancement. On the other hand, the Central bank of Iraq guidelines regards impairment differ from the IFRS 9 that’s does not consider the collateral value on calculating the impairment that’s effects on the net profit through recognizing exaggerated loss an

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2024
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Two Proposed Models for Face Recognition: Achieving High Accuracy and Speed with Artificial Intelligence
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In light of the development in computer science and modern technologies, the impersonation crime rate has increased. Consequently, face recognition technology and biometric systems have been employed for security purposes in a variety of applications including human-computer interaction, surveillance systems, etc. Building an advanced sophisticated model to tackle impersonation-related crimes is essential. This study proposes classification Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models, utilizing Viola-Jones, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Mutual Information (MI), and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques. The two proposed facial classification systems are J48 with LDA feature extraction method as input, and a one-dimen

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