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Properties of the HPS‐ICME‐CIR Interaction Event of 9–10 September 2011
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Abstract<p>During 9–10 September 2011 the ACE, Wind, and SOHO spacecraft measured the complex interaction between an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) and a corotating interaction region (CIR) associated with the heliospheric sector boundary. Except for a few short periods, the suprathermal electrons are unidirectional, suggesting that the ICME magnetic field has opened through interchange reconnection. Signatures of interaction are distributed throughout the event suggesting that the structures have become entangled or embedded. Since the ICME speed is relatively low, the strong forward shock must be caused by the ICME‐CIR interaction. Other interesting features are the upstream heating flux discontinuity, the very high proton density in the frontal boundary of the heliospheric plasma sheet and the forward shock, the significant speed elevation within the sheath, the distortion of <italic>Bz</italic> in the magnetic cloud, the indistinct location of the stream interface, the unidirectional domination of the suprathermal electrons, and the reverse shock at the CIR rear boundary. There is an unusual delay between the proton density and temperature profiles. Furthermore, large differences in proton speed and forward shock density measured between L1 spacecraft indicate high variation at small spatial scales. A few days earlier, STEREO B recorded the undisturbed CIR, which shows that (i) some general features of the CIR are preserved, (ii) the CIR is compressed by a factor of ∼4 by the ICME, and (iii) a magnetic exhausted region at the front of the CIR is a continuous feature and is not formed due to the ICME interaction.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 16 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
The Social Interaction of Langauge in a Comic Series: A Sociolinguistic Study
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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Manifestation, implicitness, and the interaction of Quranic discourse systems - a stylistic study
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Stylistics represents a modern approach in understanding the literary text through the linguistic patterns that form it. The distinctive phenomena that the text includes constitute special features in it. As well as exploring its aesthetic aspects through description and analysis at the same time. The close link between stylistics and linguistics made stylistics occupy a prominent place in modern literary criticism.
In this regard, we do not want to dwell on the different directions of stylistics. Rather, we will prolong the discussion in the study of the style as a (deviation. Aversion) from the original. Because this trend plays on the chord of the paradox between the surface structure and the deep structure, especially when the sur

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Drag Forces under Longitudinal Interaction of Two Particle
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Direct measurements of drag force on two interacting particles  arranged in the longitudinal direction for particle Reynolds numbers varying from J O to 103 are conducted using a micro-force measurement system. The effect of the interparticle distance and Reynolds number on the drag forces  is examined. An empirical equation is obtained to describe the effect of the interparticle distance (l/d) on the dimensionless drag.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Interaction and functional structural transformation of product design
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The research discussed the propositions of functional structures and the requirements for their transformation according to the variables of use and human interaction through the variables of functions with one form products، multifunctional variables، and transforming form in one product. The patterns of user’s interaction with products were discussed through the variables of functional type، starting from defining the types of functions in the industrial product structures to: practical functions، which were classified into: informational functions، ergonomic functions، use، handling، comfort، global، anthropometric adaptation and physical postures. While the interaction variables were discussed according to the meaning fun

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Evaluation of the levels of IFN-gamma, IL-10 and Copper in children with Visceral Leishmaniasis.
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Background: Visceral Leishmaniasis( VL ) is a systemic infection of the reticulo- endothelial system that could affect the immune system and biochemical parameters like the concentration of Copper which may be significantly hanged .
Objective: The study aims to evaluate the level of cytokines (INF- γ ,IL-10 ) and trace element (Cu ) in Visceral Leishmaniasis in children after diagnosis .
patients and Methods: A total of 98 children, whose their ages ranged (6 menthes -5 years) were attending the Central Public Health Laboratory and Teaching Laboratories of Medical City, who were suspected to be infected with kala- azar, who were diagnosed by both IFAT technique and Rapid Kala-azar (r-K39) detecting test and trying to evaluate the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 05 2021
Journal Name
Al Ustath
he Treatment of 9/11 Trauma in Don DeLillo'sFalling Man (2007)
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The danger of the attacks of 9/11 in America, mainly on the WorldTrade Center at Ground Zero, had brought America into a position thatnever seen before. People who lived there faced a historical calamity marked a turning point in history and a beginning of a new era. Thepaper examines the behavior of traumatized individuals in relation tosociety that trauma involves both. The socio cultural approach willachieve the goal. It studied the responses of the individuals to the event and the motives behind these reactions. Don DeLillo, a member of apost 9/11 group of writers, an American novelist of Italian origin, through his portrayal of the characters, tries to present a vivid image t

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Yamanies Service to al- Haj between the 4 – up to 9 centuries A.H.
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The Yemen Kings and gaverners allered notable services to the pilgrims, who
were in their way to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca. Among them Al-Hysen Ibn
Salama (dead 384, Aih). The governer of Al- Zeadiea state, who concern about
pilgrimage route from its beginning at Hudrumot to its end at Mecca Al Makruma, the
distant was estimated by 60th days to pass the way he also eastablished asystem of
water “artesian wells” as long as the pilgrimage way also setting up large Mosqeses
and Marking out the way of the caravans of pilgrimage to save these caravans from
lossing the right way, he setting up under ground water chanal started from Arafat to
holy Mecca in order to ensure water supplies for the erea. This proje

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Law /al-nahrain University
The content of contract Study in the light of French legislative decree no. 131-2016 of 10 February 2016
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Of the new concepts introduced by the decree of the amendment of the French Civil Code No. 131-2016 issued on 10 February 2016, which raised a debate in jurisprudence both at the level of French jurisprudence or the Arab, the concept of (the content of the contract), which seems to have emerged from the appearance of new legal articles ( 1162-1171) is the cornerstone of the contract and the contract in the contract, the two pillars which, over the course of 200 years and a half, have been one of the main pillars of the codification of Napoleon. Is that the decree of amendment has already abandoned these two pillars, or most of what he did is a change in terminology while preserving the content of these two pillars implicitly, this is what w

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
i, The Impact of Adoption of IFRS 9 on the Value Relevance Accounting Information for the Companies Listed in ISX
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This research aims to know the effect of adopting IFRS 9 on the relevance of the value of the accounting information of the companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange. Researchers relied on analyzing the financial statements of 10 listed companies for years 2016 – 2019. Researchers used the Ohlson price model to test the relationship between accounting information and value relevance. The research indicated that there is a significant relationship between the adoption of IFRS 9 and the relevance of the value of the earnings and the book value, but the earnings information is more relevance than the book value information, it is due to the interest of investors in the income statement in making investment decisions.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public Budget and the Roles of Legislative and Executive Power Regarding It with Reference to Iraq)2004-2011)
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The public budget is regarded a main tool for economic and social development. The preparation of the public budget constitute an important stream which enriches the developmental efforts and the definition of its priorities, therefore it is the focus point of many specializations. The public budget has numerous functions. It is a means to precise and to execute the political and economic goals of the executive authority, a mirror of the economic structure which reflects its strength and weakness points, specifies its revenues and others. Since the parliament is the voice of the society which expresses its interests, then, it must monitor the performance of the government so that the participation of the legislative authority in

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