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Parental Perceptions of Silver Diamine Fluoride Discoloration in Baghdad/Iraq
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Introduction: The major drawback of Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de was the dark discoloration of the treated carious lesion. Aim: This study was conducted to determine the parental acceptability and perceptions to the discoloration and assess whether the degree of their acceptability could be altered with the position of the discoloured teeth, child attitude and the demographic characteristics of parents. Method: The parents who attended the dental clinic received a questionnaire which formulated with short summery about silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de with photographs (before and after treatment) and containing questions about the demographical data, attitude of the child in the dental clinic and the acceptability of SDF discoloration at different locations and situation according to child attitude. Coded data were processed in IBM SPSS statistics software for calculating the result by using independent t- test and P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒntǤ Results: 79 mothers and 23 fathers with different backgrounds were participated in this study. The acceptance of silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration was more in the back teeth 71.6% and less in the front teeth 43.2%. Statistically, nonǦ s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒnt differences were obtained with the demographic data like age, gender, community, and educational level while high associations were found with the different child attitudes. Conclusion: Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration showed widely different acceptability. The position of the tooth and child attitude were the most ‹nϔŽuenced factors in the perception of the parents that the discoloration was more tolerable when the tooth located posteriorly, and the child acting was worse. Key words Iraq, Parental perception, SDF, Silver diamine fluoride Black discoloration:

Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Severe Dust Storm in Iraq in May 2022
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Dust storms are a common ecological occurrence in many world‘s countries, mainly in dry and semi-dry parts. Dust storms tremendously influence human health, the environment, the climate, and numerous social aspects. In this paper, spatial and temporal analysis, metrological triggers, and trajectory, dust exporting areas of a severe dust storm that occurred in Iraq on May 16, 2022, were investigated. The dust storm's backward trajectory was determined using HYSPLIT model, which is then compared with MODIS and Meteosat satellite images. The weather is then analyzed using the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis model, and the approximate area of these sources was determined using Landsat 8 satellite image classification method. The results revealed

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Sudanese Depression in Snowfall on Baghdad City (dated 11/1/2008): The Role of Sudanese Depression in Snowfall on Baghdad City (dated 11/1/2008)
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On 11/1/2008 amounts of snows fell on various sections of Iraq, one of
which is Baghdad. The analysis process of climatic maps proved that the
advance trough of Sudanese depression towards the city is the reason behind
the formation of this weather state supported by could trough in the (500) mb
pressure level. .
The research concluded that the phenomenon of global warming
witnessed by the world recently had a main role in the occurrence of this
phenomenon due to the raise in earth temperature as a result of evaporation
rate increase leading to an increase in water vapor and cloud formation with
high tops and low bases which form sows with high rates accumulating at high
and moderate latitudes le

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
SPECIALIZED JOURNALISM IN IRAQ : (After The Events of 09-04-2003)
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The specialized Journalism plays an important role in our daily lives using all of its different ways, including news, caricature, commentary and dialogue. The specialized Journalism deserves vigilance and interest for it is caring about having a new media system. It is meant by “specialization”, first: identifying the areas of work in which the person concerned possesses great knowledge in the specialty resulting from a long experience, it also means being able to continuously develop required skills in that specialty. The specialization is not only a feature of the press, but also a feature of human development; thousands of years ago, the primitive society consisted of people from different specializations: fishermen, farmers, her

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Decentralization in Iraq: Addressing The State – Society Gap
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The implementation of decentralization in Iraq was asymmetrical, leading to different forms and paces of implementation. Comparing four cases of Basra, Kirkuk, Nineveh, and Sulaymaniyah indicate that these cases differ in their political stability and autonomy in a way that led to a different forms of decentralization. This paper argues that the higher the level of political autonomy from the federal government, the more efficient the governance model, and the more efficient the governance model, the more legitimate the system (trust), and the more legitimate a system, the more accountable elected officials. Therefore, it recommends reforming the institutional setup of decentralization by having districts, instead of provinces, as the bu

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Determination of heavy metals in tattoo inks from the local market in Baghdad city
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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Attitudes of the Elderly towards Social Service Provided in Nursery Home in Baghdad City
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Through social service tasks for the elderly, it natural for elder people to have some attitudes about the quality and nature of provided services, whether negative or positive. Accordingly, the current research is an attempt to investigate the attitudes of the elderly toward the social service provided to them in the nursery homes. The research sample included 60 elderly people chosen from the nursey home at Al-Karrada district and then a scale of attitudes was administered to them that had proved its reliability and validity. The study concluded with a set of recommendations and suggestions were.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 15 2020
Journal Name
​​​​arabian Journal Of Scientific Research
Isolation and characterization of Candida glabrata from clinical specimens in some hospitals in Baghdad
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This study aimed for isolation and identification of Candida glabrata and identifying some virulence factors. The distribution of patients with candidemia thrush showed that the age group 50-65 years old recorded the highest incidence of candidiasis in female and male with leukemia by 50% and 37.9 % respectively compared to the lowest incidence of candidiasis in the age group under 17 years old in female and male 8.8% and 13.5%, respectively. While the age group between 5-8 years was high, reaching 18 cases of oral candidiasis and 42% of children with leukemia compared with the age group, which was the least, that reached 9 cases, 21%. The highest incidence of C. glabrata was 59 isolates of females and males with leukemia, while C. kefyer w

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Publication Date
Tue May 05 2015
Journal Name
The 16th Science Conference/ College Of Basic Education.
Detection of Microbial and Chemical Contamination in Canned Meat Available in Baghdad Local Markets
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of the Level of some Adipokines in Hypo-and Hyperthyroids Patients in Baghdad City
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Determination of the level of adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6)in hypo-and hyperthyroid patients from Educational Baghdad Hospital in Baghdad City was investigated. Fifty patients with hypothyroidism and Fifty patients with hyperthyroidism were selected. A control group of thirty euthyroid persons was included. Blood was collected by vein puncture and serum was separated and stored at –20C. Adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6) were estimated using ELISA method. The findings show a significant (p<0.05) increase in obestatin level in hypothyroid patients, while there is no significant difference in hyperthyroid patientsas compared with the euthyroid subjects.

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Leadership skills in boos department in collages of Baghdad University from staff point of view
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                           This research   included recent skills of transformed ieadership ,its five aspect and they are(transformed,speech of boos,chorus co-0perative work,behavior adjustment of values,common view point,understanding,and apologizing)Thescale is being made for these five aspects and it  done on sample of Baghdad university staff and the sample consist of(424)teacher of both genders.The study found out existence of  transformedskills of leadership    for  girls  .             &

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