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Parental Perceptions of Silver Diamine Fluoride Discoloration in Baghdad/Iraq

Introduction: The major drawback of Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de was the dark discoloration of the treated carious lesion. Aim: This study was conducted to determine the parental acceptability and perceptions to the discoloration and assess whether the degree of their acceptability could be altered with the position of the discoloured teeth, child attitude and the demographic characteristics of parents. Method: The parents who attended the dental clinic received a questionnaire which formulated with short summery about silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de with photographs (before and after treatment) and containing questions about the demographical data, attitude of the child in the dental clinic and the acceptability of SDF discoloration at different locations and situation according to child attitude. Coded data were processed in IBM SPSS statistics software for calculating the result by using independent t- test and P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒntǤ Results: 79 mothers and 23 fathers with different backgrounds were participated in this study. The acceptance of silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration was more in the back teeth 71.6% and less in the front teeth 43.2%. Statistically, nonǦ s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒnt differences were obtained with the demographic data like age, gender, community, and educational level while high associations were found with the different child attitudes. Conclusion: Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration showed widely different acceptability. The position of the tooth and child attitude were the most ‹nϔŽuenced factors in the perception of the parents that the discoloration was more tolerable when the tooth located posteriorly, and the child acting was worse. Key words Iraq, Parental perception, SDF, Silver diamine fluoride Black discoloration:

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Dentistry
Preventive effect of combined Er, Cr: YSGG and fluoride gel on acid resistance of the permanent tooth enamel: An in vitro study

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

Studies in Iraq that concerned identification of free-living Protozoa (sarcodina) are scarce; so the current study deals with these protozoan communities inhabiting the Tigris River in Baghdad City. Sampling collection stations have been selected at each of AL-Gheraiˈat and AL-Adhamiyah area adjacent to the river. Monthly intervals sampling with three samples were collected from each station from June to September 2020. Total of 23 sarcodina taxa were listed, out of them 5 taxa were new record to the Tigris River in Baghdad: Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Arcellinida, Difflugiidae), Heleopera perapetricola Leidy, 1879 (Arcellinida, Heleoperidae), Rhaphidiophrys pallida F.E. Schulze, 1874 (Centrohelida, Raphidiophridae), Saccamoeba sp

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A new species of Solanum L.(Solanaceae) from Baghdad city Iraq

Solanum americanum is a new annual shrubby plant seen recently in fields and gardens of Baghdad city. A new species is described and illustrated, inhabit wet or semi dry places and have consequently a mesophytic habit. A detailed morphological study of the stems, leaves, Inflorescence, flower, male and female reproductive organs and fruits has been done, revealed several interesting taxonomic characteristics, which have not previously been studied in Iraq. Also, anatomical studies reveals constant taxonomical characteristics such as the presence of anthocayanine in outer row of epidermis, distinct chlorenchyma in whole cortex, the wide pith of stems, and presence of distinct mesophyll that differentiated into palisade layer and spongy laye

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

Twelve species of Tubuliferous thrips, of the family Phlaeothripidae had been reported from Iraq. Two of these were reported previously, Haplothrips cerealis Priesner, by El-Haidari and Daoud 1971 and Haplothrips tritici kurdjumov by Al-Ali 1977 and the rest were recorded for the first time: these are Haplothrips hukkineni Priesner; Haplothrips subtilissimus (Haliday); Haplothrips reuteri Karny; Haplothrips jasonis Priesner; Haplothrips sallloumensis Priesner; Haplothrips pharao Priesner; Phlaeothrips sycomri Priesner; Karnyothrips flavipus (Jones); Karnyothrips melaleucus (Bagnall); Dolicholepta micrurus (Bagnall). Number of insec

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 03 2021
Journal Name
Sys Rev Pharm
Evaluation Of Histological Changes In Kidney Of Male Albino Rats Treated With Silver Nanoparticles

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Green Method Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Leaves Extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis

The silver nanoparticles synthesized have to be handled by humans and must be available at cheaper rates for their effective utilization; thus, there is a need for an environmentally and economically feasible way to synthesize these nanoparticles. Therefore, this study aimed to synthesis of silver nanoparticles using phenolic compounds extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis. The maceration method and Soxhlet apparatus were used to prepare aqueous and methanolic Rosmarinus officinalis leaves extracts respectively, Furthermore, Rosmarinus officinalis silver nanoparticles (RAgNPs) were prepared from the aqueous and methanolic leaves extract of this plant and diagnosed using the ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM),

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Polymers And Polymer Composites
Preparation and characterization of silver self-metallization on polyimide

In this work, silver (Ag) self-metallization on a polyimide (PI) film was prepared through autocatalytic plating. PI films were prepared through the solution casting method, followed by etching with potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution, sensitization with tin chloride (SnCl2), and the use of palladium chloride (PdCl2) to activate the surface of PI. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) showed the highest peak in the (Ag) region and confirmed the presence of AgNPs. The diffraction peaks at 2θ = 38.2°, 44.5°, 64.6°, and 78.2° represented the 111, 200, 220, and 311 planes of Ag, respectively. The FT–IR an

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
The effect of silver nanoparticles on braf gene expression

The recent studies suggested the possible toxicities or genetic alterations associated with biological and medical applications of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The current research is directed to see if AgNPs administration can lead to some changes in expression of BRAF gene in selected body organs tissues. Fifty-six male of musmusculs (Balb/C) mice from the animal house of Al-Nahrain Centre of Biotechnology were used. These animals were divided randomly to seven groups (eight mouse in each group), one of these groups represented the control group, three groups were subjected to different doses of AgNPs (0.25, 0.5and 1 mg/kg of body weight) for one week, and the remaining three groups were subjected to three different doses of AgNP

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral Health Condition and Nutritional Status among Cleft Lip and Palate in Baghdad-Iraq

Background: Orofacial cleft is the most common craniofacial birth defect and the fourth most common congenital malformation in humans that have an effect on oral health in addition to nutrient intake affected in those children. This research aims to investigate gingival condition, dental caries experience and nutritional status among children with orofacial cleft and compare them with normal children. Materials and methods: The study group included 36 children with an age ranged (4-9) years of orofacial cleft. The control group included 37 children matched the control group in age and gender. Gingival condition measured by Gingival Index (Löe and Silness, 1963), while dental caries status was measured by (D1-4MFs/d1-4mfs) index according

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Study for the Informal Settlement Supposed to Be Distributed by the Iraq Government for Poor People in Baghdad City - Republic of Iraq

This paper set forth the spatial suitability of the informal settlement supposed to be distributed by the Iraqis government to poor people. The Iraqi government identified 9 locations of informal settlement in Baghdad city and acceptance it as a reality as a help for them to getting home. In this paper I discovered the suitability of those locations which one will be suitable more than others for living. The analysis process was applied using the GIS environment – spatial analysis. According to the results, It has been identified as the most important measures to identify which one of these areas suitable for development for housing by using some criteria (Distance from the city center, Proximity from transport routes, Proximity of high v

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