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Parental Perceptions of Silver Diamine Fluoride Discoloration in Baghdad/Iraq
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Introduction: The major drawback of Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de was the dark discoloration of the treated carious lesion. Aim: This study was conducted to determine the parental acceptability and perceptions to the discoloration and assess whether the degree of their acceptability could be altered with the position of the discoloured teeth, child attitude and the demographic characteristics of parents. Method: The parents who attended the dental clinic received a questionnaire which formulated with short summery about silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de with photographs (before and after treatment) and containing questions about the demographical data, attitude of the child in the dental clinic and the acceptability of SDF discoloration at different locations and situation according to child attitude. Coded data were processed in IBM SPSS statistics software for calculating the result by using independent t- test and P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒntǤ Results: 79 mothers and 23 fathers with different backgrounds were participated in this study. The acceptance of silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration was more in the back teeth 71.6% and less in the front teeth 43.2%. Statistically, nonǦ s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒnt differences were obtained with the demographic data like age, gender, community, and educational level while high associations were found with the different child attitudes. Conclusion: Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration showed widely different acceptability. The position of the tooth and child attitude were the most ‹nϔŽuenced factors in the perception of the parents that the discoloration was more tolerable when the tooth located posteriorly, and the child acting was worse. Key words Iraq, Parental perception, SDF, Silver diamine fluoride Black discoloration:

Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of silver nanoparticles in the liver of female quail (Coturnix coturnix )
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This study aimed to identify the alterations of liver in the quail (Coturnix coturnix) exposed by nanosilver particles.45 quail (females) were collected from agriculture research center in Abu-Ghraib, divided into (6) groups including: T1(12 quails were exposed to 4ppm), T2 (12 quails were exposed to 8ppm) and T3 (12 quails were exposed to 12ppm) of silver nanoparticles solution for 60 days. As well as three groups for control (3 females for each). Birds were dissected to isolate livers for histological preperations after fixation with Bouin's fluid, Routine stains Hematoxyline and eosin were used. Histological study showed that the structure of liver in a control groups consist of hepatocytes arranged radially cords around the central vein

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 13 2014
Journal Name
Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
Estimating the health risks associated with air pollution in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 16 2022
Journal Name
Comparative Parasitology
A Comparative Study of Some Intestinal Parasites in Fecal Samples of Domestic and Stray Cats in Baghdad, Iraq
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Some feline intestinal parasites such as Toxocara, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium can spread to humans through feces. Therefore, it is important to prevent exposure of family members by screening cat fecal samples twice per year for potential treatment regimes. This study was initiated to compare and identify gastrointestinal parasites of domestic and stray cats (Felis domesticus) in Baghdad City, Iraq. Parasite eggs and oocysts were identified under light microscopy by applying standard laboratory techniques (flotation and sedimentation). Overall, 59 of 121 (48.7%) fecal samples were positive for intestinal parasites. The rate of infection by Toxoplasma gondii was (3.31%), Isospora spp. (6.61%), Cryptosporidium spp. (31.4%), and Toxocara spp

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The influence of excellent offensive basketball skill-learning activities based on sensory perceptions for female pupils.
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The aim of this research is to develop qualitative workouts based on certain sensory perceptions for the development of offensive basketball abilities and to determine their impact on female pupils. Several findings, based on the au-thor's extensive expertise instructing basketball materials and our closeness to the sample, revealed deficits in some sensory perceptions “in the game of basketball”, which impair the accuracy of passing the ball to the best team-mate. It also affects the pace of dribbling and the difficulty of selecting the op-timal moment and distance to fire. Therefore, the researcher designs qualita-tive activities based on many sensory experiences, including distance, speed, force, and direction shift. In addition, the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stimulation of Macrophage Cells Against Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Using Silver Nanoparticles
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Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a disease caused by Leishmania tropica parasite. Current treatments for this parasite are undesirable because of their toxicity, resistance, and high cost. Macrophages are key players against pathogens. Nitric oxide (NO), a molecule produce by immune cells, controls intracellular killing of pathogens during infection. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) demonstrated broad-spectrum activity against various types of infectious diseases. It has the ability to stimulate oxygen species production.  This study aims to analyze the macrophages activation through NO production and estimate the cytotoxicity based on the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release upon exposure to L. tropica and

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Green synthesis of graphene-coated glass as novel reactive material for remediation of fluoride-contaminated groundwater
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Salt Crystallization and Mineralogy of Sabkhas in Abu Ghraib, Western Baghdad, Abu Graib, Iraq
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The research aims to study Sabkha mineralogy to determine the mineral types, the nature of the precipitation, and the patterns of salt crystallization. Two Sabkhas in Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad, were studied. It was found that the Sabkhas were formed in flat ponds from saturated solutions in a semi-arid to arid climate. Halite predominates, followed by anhydrite and gypsum as evaporite minerals. As for the minerals of the Sabkha soil, it consisted of feldspar, calcite, quartz, and dolomite, in addition to the clay minerals represented by kaolinite, illite, and chlorite. Needle forms, hopper shapes, dendritic crystals, and polygon shapes are the main crystallization patterns dominantly found in the Sabkhas. All these types of crysta

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
International Society For The Study Of Vernacular Settlements
Evaluation of Sustainability Using LEED Rating Scales: The Bismayah New City in Baghdad, Iraq
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Basement Kind Effects on Air Temperature of a Solar Chimney in Baghdad - Iraq Weather
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A solar updraft tower power plant (solar tower) is a solar thermal power plant that utilizes a combination of solar

air collector and central updraft tube to generate an induced convective flow which drives pressure staged turbines to generate electricity.


 This paper presents practical results of a prototype of a solar chimney with thermal mass, where the glass surface is replaced by transparence plastic cover. The study focused on chimney's basements kind effect on collected air temperatures. Three basements were used: concrete, black concrete and black pebbles basements. The study was conducted in Baghdad from August to November 2009.

The results show that the best chimney efficiency attaine

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Qualitative and Quantitative study of Epipelic algae in Tigris River within Baghdad City, Iraq
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The present study conducted to study epipelic algae in the Tigris River within Baghdad city for one year from September 2011 to August 2012 due to the importance role of benthic algae in lotic ecosystems. Five sites have been chosen along the river. A total of 154 species of epipelic algae was recorded belongs to 45 genera, where Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms) was the dominant groups followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The numbers of common types in three sites were 47 species. Bacillariophyceae accounted 88.31% of the total number of epipelic algae, followed by Cyanophyceae 7.14 % and Chlorophyceae 4.55%. A 85 species (29 genera) recorded in site 1, 103 species (34 genera) in site2, 112 species (35 genera) in site3, 96 species

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