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Precarity and Gender Performativity in Morrison’s Home
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Precarity means the lack of social and economic networks; a considerable exposure to danger and harm. Minority groups are precariat for they lack rights and full citizenship. Precarity is related, states Judith Butler, with the individual’s performativity, and his ability to perform his gender role. Toni Morrison continually goes to past to retell the history of African Americans. The issues of race, gender and national identity are recurrent in her work. Reading her book Home (2012) evokes the idea of precarity and performativity since the two main characters, Frank and Cee are precarious characters that fail to perform their gender role properly, and eventually are exposed to hazard and harm. This research displays how African American people were precariat during the 1950s. It traces Frank and Cee’s attempts to perform their gender roles to gain recognizability. It shows the failure of precarious people to be recognized in the society that denies Blacks’ rights

Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Spectrophotometric Evaluation of Paracetamol in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Preparations
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 10 2020
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Maternal Anemia Prevalence and Subsequent Neonatal Complications in Iraq
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BACKGROUND: Anemia during pregnancy is still a challenge throughout the world, and it may cause severe health consequences in the maternal and fetal sides. AIM: This study aims to find out the prevalence of maternal anemia and potential adverse outcomes in Iraq. METHODS: In Medical City Tertiary Center in Baghdad, singleton pregnant ladies came for delivery were involved over 6 months’ period. Based on hemoglobin (Hb) readings; they were divided into no anemia group (Hb>11 g/l) and anemia group which were further subdivided into mild, moderate, and severe (Hb =10–10.9, =7.1–9.9, and <7 g/l, respectively). Full history and examination were performed by attending obstetrician and pediatrician for the upcoming babies. RE

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecohumanism
Climate Changes and Societal Stability in Iraq: Proposed Measures
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Iraq is considered one of the countries most susceptible to the negative impacts of climate change. According to international reports, it is classified as among the top five most affected by climate change in the world, leading to economic resource shortages and an increase in water scarcity, which exposes societal stability in Iraq to a threat.  This may result in social disintegration and civil conflicts, so climate changes are considered one of the most dangerous crises affecting societal stability in Iraq during this stage.  In this context, the research attempts to trace the causes of climate change and their effects on societal stability in Iraq and suggest some necessary measures to confront them in the future.  The resea

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 28 2022
Journal Name
Politeia-journal Of Political Theory Political Philosophy And Sociology Of Politics
State-building and Ethnic Pluralism in Iraq after 2003
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The research article deals with the process of building or rebuilding the state in Iraq after 2003 in its various dimensions, in light of the vision and foundational procedures that were developed and supervised by the United States in cooperation with the new leaders of Iraq based on the mechanism of sectarianethnic representation, and diagnosing the imbalances that arose out of that vision and the accompanying procedures, which led to the emergence of new variables in the political process, especially in the post-ISIS* phase, which produced important challenges to the political system and the Iraqi state. The political dynamics and balances emerging after ISIS* represented at the same time opportunities and risks in the process of

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Information and communication technology and its impact on the quality of service of the tourism sector and hotel: An analytical study in selected hotels in the Iraqi capital Baghdad
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   The research statement to the amount of the contribution of information and communication technology in the quality of tourism and hotel services, and determine the relationship between the impact of information and communication and the quality of tourism services technology, The importance of the research is to establish the philosophical thinking of the nature of variables, as a modern administrative terminology and employ them towards the quality of tourism and hotel services, the research dealt with a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions, Was formulated based on the current situation witnessed by the tourism sector and hotel in Iraq, and the real gap was the lack of awareness of the impo

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Seasonal variation and correlation between the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water in selected area in Egypt (Case study): physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water
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Fresh water resources in terms of water quality is a crucial issue worldwide. In Egypt, the Nile River is the main source of fresh water in the country and monitoring its water quality is a major task on governments and research levels. In the present case study, the physical, chemical and algal distribution in Nile River was monitored over two seasons (winter and summer) in 2019. The aims of the study were to check the seasonal variation among the different water parameters and also to check the correlations between those parameters. Water samples were collected from the Nile in Cairo governorate in EGYPT. The different physiochemical and microbiological properties in water samples were assessed. The studied parameters were included: te

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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This study included the isolation and diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from cases of burns samples. 100 samples were collected from resident patients at Al-Kindi Teaching Hospital, who suffer from different types of burns. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated and diagnosed with 39% of the total samples. The cold and hot aqueous and alcoholic extract of flaxseeds oil was prepared and its inhibitory efficacy has been studied on the growth of isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is revealed that both extracts of flaxseeds oil had a high inhibitory effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of flaxseed oil on the studied bacteria was also estimated, which was 25 mg/ml. In conclusion, the efficacy of fla

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
Phytochemical investigation And high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) identification of flavonoids and phenolic acids in Euphorbia cyathophora (Family: Euphorbiaceae) cultivated in Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of small cardamom extracts on Mutans streptococci and Candida Albicans in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate and de-ionized water (In vivo study (
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Background: Small cardamom or green cardamom is the dried fruit of the tall perennial herbaceous plant, Elettaria cardamomum Maton belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. The major use of small cardamom on world wide is for domestic culinary purpose and in medicine. This study was conducted to test the effect of small cardamom extracts on Mutans streptococci and Candida Albicans in comparison to 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate and de-ionized water in vivo. Materials and Methods: Mutans streptococci and Candid Albicans were isolated, purified and diagnosed according to morphological characteristic and biochemical test. In this experiments, the effect of control agents and small cardamom extracts as a mouth rinses was tested on the saliva

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dilemmas in teaching human rights and democracy between the current reality and the difficulties in seeking to spread a culture of human rights
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In the age of information and communication revolution, education as one of life aspects has influenced with that revolution by integrating technology in education, which have become as an important learning tools of the whole educational process . Technology, when used appropriately, can help make science classroom a site of active learning and critical thinking, furthering student inquiry and connections with different materials. It is necessary to develop human rights education programs and materials for discretionary and extracurricular activities as it provide them with the skills and tools so that they are empowered to take action to realize their rights. Human rights education is a critical means of instilling the knowledge، skil

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