الخلفية: العقدية المقيحة المعروفة أيضًا باسم ""(GAS) هي احدى مسببات الأمراض ذات الأهمية الصحية العامة، حيث تصيب 18.1 مليون شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم وتقتل 500000 شخص كل عام. الهدف: حددت هذه المراجعة المقالات المنشورة حول عوامل الخطر واستراتيجيات الوقاية والسيطرة لأمراض المكورات العقدية. المواد والأساليب: تم إجراء بحث منهجي لتحديد الأوراق المنشورة على قواعد البيانات الإلكترونية Web of Science و PubMed و Scopus و Google Scholar في محاولة لتوفير معلومات أساسية حول عدوى Streptococcus ، والمخاطر المحتملة لانتشارها ، واستراتيجيات العلاج والوقاية . النتائج: الطرق الأكثر شيوعًا لانتقال العقديه القيحيه هي من خلال الرذاذ التنفسي ، الآفات الجلدية التي تسببها العقديه القيحيه ملامسة الأشياء أو الأجهزة المصابة. هناك طريقة أخرى محتملة وهي انتقال العدوى عن طريق الغذاء ولكن هناك حاجة إلى مزيد من البحث لتحديد مسار العدوى هذا. تم العثور على المجتمعات الأصلية ، وتلك ذات الوضع الاجتماعي والاقتصادي المنخفض في جميع أنحاء العالم معرضة بشكل خاص لأمراض المكورات العقدية ، وكذلك الأطفال وكبار السن والذين يعانون من ضعف في جهاز المناعة. هذه المجموعات معرضة للإصابة بعدوى العقديه القيحيه ومضاعفاتها مع ارتفاع معدلات العدوى في المؤسسات التعليمية والمستشفيات والازدحام والزيادة المستمرة في الاتصال الاجتماعي. أهمية تحسين الظروف المعيشية والنظافة الشخصية واليدين هي إحدى التقنيات للوقاية من عدوى العقديه القيحيه مع التركيز على طرق مكافحة العدوى بدقة أكبر. الاستنتاج: يجب أن تستهدف تدابير المنع والمكافحةللعدوى بالعقديه القيحيه مع تحسين الظروف المعيشية والنظافة الشخصية غسل اليدين باستمرار ايضا يجب التأكيد على الالتزام بممارسات الوقاية من العدوى ومكافحتها في الاشخاص الذين يملكون ظروف مريضيه عالية الخطورة .
Insect pest management has been dominated by the use of synthetic pesticides since early 1950s. However, lately this control method is not widely accepted due to an increase in environmental awareness, food safety concerns and the increasing number of insecticide-resistant species. In Iraq, the chemical insect pest control is still a dominant control method regardless of the increased pressure to replace it gradually with environment friendly alternatives such as predators, parasitoids, nematodes and entomopathogenic fungi. In Iraq, there is an increasing volume of research that has used different genus and species of entomopathogenic fungi for controlling several agricultural pests. However, these efforts are not yet reflected
... Show MoreIntroduction: Diabetic foot infections are one of the most severe complications of diabetes. This study was aimed to determine the common bacterial isolates of diabetic foot infections and the in vitro antibiotic susceptibility then treatment.
Methods: A swab was taken from the foot ulcer, and the aerobic bacteria were isolated and identified by cultural, microscopic and biochemical test, then by api-20E system. After that their antibiotic susceptibility pattern was determined. Then local and systemic treatment was used to treat the diabetic foot patients.
Results: Bacterial isolates belonging to twelve species were obtained from diabetic foot patients. Gram (-) bacteria were the predominant pathogens in the diabetic foot infection
Many water supplies are now contaminated by anthropogenic sources such as domestic and agricultural waste, as well as manufacturing activities, the public's concern about the environmental effects of wastewater contamination has grown. Several traditional wastewater treatment methods, such as chemical coagulation, adsorption, and activated sludge, have been used to eliminate pollution; however, there are several drawbacks, most notably high operating costs, because of its low operating and repair costs, the usage of aerobic waste water treatment as a reductive medium is gaining popularity. Furthermore, it is simple to produce and has a high efficacy and potential to degrade pollu
... Show MoreBiosensor is defined as a device that transforms the interactions between bioreceptors and analytes into a logical signal proportional to the reactants' concentration. Biosensors have different applications that aim primarily to detect diseases, medicines, food safety, the proportion of toxins in water, and other applications that ensure the safety and health of the organism. The main challenge of biosensors is represented in the difficulty of obtaining sensors with accuracy, specific sensitivity, and repeatability for each use of the patient so that they give reliable results. The rapid diversification in biosensors is due to the accuracy of the techniques and materials used in the manufacturing process and the interrelationshi
... Show MoreAs a result of the emergence of new business paradigms and the development of the digital economy, the interaction between operations, services, things, and software across numerous fields and communities may now be processed through value chain networks. Despite the integration of all data networks, computing models, and distributed software that provides a broader cloud computing solution, the security solution is missing or inadequate, and more work is required to strengthen security requirements such as mutual entity trustworthiness, access controls, identity management, and data protection, all aspects of detecting and preventing attacks or threats. In order to combat cybersecurity threats, various international organizatio
... Show MoreThe phagocytic activity of peritoneal and blood cells counts with neutrophils and monocytes were evaluated in albino mice treated wtth two antigen preparations (A and B) from group A streptococci (GAS). Antigen A included water bathed bacteria at 70 °C for 60 minutes, while in Antigen B the bacteria was autoclaved at 121° C for 15 minutes. The animals were treated with 12 intraperitoneal doses of the antigens with intervals of three days (36 days). The 12th dose was a challenge dose (live bacteria). The first three doses of Antigen A increased the phagocytic index (PI) to a range of 76.46-78.69%, then a gradual decreased percentage was observed, especially at the challenge dose (PI=6.42%). The count of neutrophils and monocytes fol
... Show MoreCoronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in United State (U.S.). Controlling of modifiable risk factors such as smoking, hypertension (HT), diabetes mellitus (D.M.), dyslipidemia, physical inactivity & obesity will prevent other serious cardiovascular complications
Corona virus sickness has become a big public health issue in 2019. Because of its contact-transparent characteristics, it is rapidly spreading. The use of a face mask is among the most efficient methods for preventing the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Wearing the face mask alone can cut the chance of catching the virus by over 70\%. Consequently, World Health Organization (WHO) advised wearing masks in crowded places as precautionary measures. Because of the incorrect use of facial masks, illnesses have spread rapidly in some locations. To solve this challenge, we needed a reliable mask monitoring system. Numerous government entities are attempting to make wearing a face mask mandatory; this process can be facilitated by using face m
... Show MoreThe use of multimedia technology is growing every day, and it is difficult and time-consuming to provide allowed data while preventing secret information from being used without authorization. The material that has been watermarked can only be accessed by authorized users. Digital watermarking is a popular method for protecting digital data. The embedding of secret data into actual information is the subject of digital watermarking. This paper examines watermarking techniques, methodologies, and attacks, as well as the development of watermarking digital images stored in both the spatial and frequency domains.