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A proposed dual size design for energy minimization in sub-threshold circuits
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Sub-threshold operation has received a lot of attention in limited performance applications.However, energy optimization of sub-threshold circuits should be performed with the concern of the performance limitation of such circuit. In this paper, a dual size design is proposed for energy minimization of sub-threshold CMOS circuits. The optimal downsizing factor is determined and assigned for some gates on the off-critical paths to minimize the energy at the maximum allowable performance. This assignment is performed using the proposed slack based genetic algorithm which is a heuristic-mixed evolutionary algorithm. Some gates are heuristically assigned to the original and the downsized design based on their slack time determined by static timing analysis. Other gates are subjected to the genetic algorithm to perform an optimal downsizing assignment taking into account the previous assignments. The algorithm is applied for different downsizing factors to determine the optimal dual size for low energy operation without a performance degradation. Experimental results are obtained for some ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits such as 74283, 74L85, ALU74181, and 16 bit ripple carry adder. The proposed design shows an energy per cycle saving ranged from (29.6% to 56.59%) depending on the utilization of available slack time from the off-critical paths. © School of Engineering, Taylor’s University.

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Vertical Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models Based on Differential Global Positioning System
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The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been known as a quantitative description of the surface of the Earth, which provides essential information about the terrain. DEMs are significant information sources for a number of practical applications that need surface elevation data. The open-source DEM datasets, such as the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), and the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) usually have approximately low accuracy and coarser resolution. The errors in many datasets of DEMs have already been generally examined for their importance, where their quality could be affected within different aspects, including the types of sensors, algor

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cluster Analysis of Biochemical Markers as Predictor of COVID-19 Severity
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Numerous blood biomarkers are altered in COVID-19 patients; however, no early biochemical markers are currently being used in clinical practice to predict COVID-19 severity. COVID-19, the most recent pandemic, is caused by the SRS-CoV-2 coronavirus.  The study was aimed to identify patient groups with a high and low risk of developing COVID-19 using a cluster analysis of several biomarkers. 137 women with confirmed SARS CoV-2 RNA testing were collected and analyzed for biochemical profiles. Two-dimensional automated hierarchy clustering of all biomarkers was applied, and patients were sorted into classes. Biochemistry marker variations (Ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase LDH, D-dimer, and C- reactive protein CRP) have split COVID-19 patien

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Scopus (10)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 13 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fuzzy Linear Discriminant Analysis Clustering With Its Application
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Many fuzzy clustering are based on within-cluster scatter with a compactness measure , but in this paper explaining new fuzzy clustering method which depend on within-cluster scatter with a compactness measure and between-cluster scatter with a separation measure called the fuzzy compactness and separation (FCS). The fuzzy linear discriminant analysis (FLDA) based on within-cluster scatter matrix and between-cluster scatter matrix . Then two fuzzy scattering matrices in the objective function assure the compactness between data elements and cluster centers .To test the optimal number of clusters using validation clustering method is discuss .After that an illustrate example are applied.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Dynamics of Modified Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model Under the Influence of Nonlinear Harvesting and Fear Effect
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A modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with fear effect and nonlinear harvesting is developed and investigated in this study. The predator is supposed to feed on the prey using Holling type-II functional response. The goal is to see how fear of predation and presence of harvesting affect the model's dynamics. The system's positivity and boundlessness are demonstrated. All conceivable equilibria's existence and stability requirements are established. All sorts of local bifurcation occurrence conditions are presented. Extensive numerical simulations of the proposed model are shown in form of Phase portraits and direction fields. That is to guarantee the correctness of the theoretical results of the dynamic behavior of the system and t

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Scopus (22)
Crossref (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 24 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Performance analysis of optical communication networks utilizing optical fibers and OFDM technology
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This document provides an examination of research, on combining orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and optical fibers in communication networks. With the increasing need for data speeds and efficient use of bandwidth experts have been exploring the connection between OFDM, valued for its ability to handle multipath interference and optimize spectral usage and optical fiber technology which provides superior data transmission capabilities with low signal loss and strong protection, against electromagnetic disturbances. The review summarizes discoveries from studies examining the pros and cons of using OFDM, in optical communication networks. It discusses obstacles like fiber nonlinearity, chromatic dispersion and the effects o

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of fetal abnormalities based on CTG signal
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The fetal heart rate (FHR) signal processing based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),Fuzzy Logic (FL) and frequency domain Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT) were analysis in order to perform automatic analysis using personal computers. Cardiotocography (CTG) is a primary biophysical method of fetal monitoring. The assessment of the printed CTG traces was based on the visual analysis of patterns that describing the variability of fetal heart rate signal. Fetal heart rate data of pregnant women with pregnancy between 38 and 40 weeks of gestation were studied. The first stage in the system was to convert the cardiotocograghy (CTG) tracing in to digital series so that the system can be analyzed ,while the second stage ,the FHR time series was t

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Non-Linear Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates under General Out-Of-Plane Loading
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The theoretical analysis depends on the Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT) that is based on the Von-K ráman Theory and Kirchhov Hypothesis in the deflection analysis during elastic limit as well as the Hooke's laws of calculation the stresses. New function for boundary condition is used to solve the forth degree of differential equations which depends on variety sources of advanced engineering mathematics. The behavior of composite laminated plates, symmetric and anti-symmetric of cross-ply angle, under out-of-plane loads (uniform distributed loads) with two different boundary conditions are investigated to obtain the central deflection for mid-plane by using the Ritz method. The computer programs is built using Ma

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stress Concentration factor Analysis of Helical Gear Drives with Asymmetric Teeth Profiles
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This study investigates the influence of asymmetric involute teeth profiles for helical gears on the bending stress. Theoretically, bending stress has been estimated in spur involute gears which have symmetric teeth profile by based on the Lewis, 1892 equation. Later, this equation is developed by, Abdullah, 2012. to determine the effect of an asymmetric tooth profile for the spur gear on the bending stress. And then these equations are applied with stress concentration factor once for symmetric and once other for asymmetric teeth profile. In this paper, the bending stresses for various types of helical gear with various types of asymmetric teeth profile are calculated numerically for defined the stress concentration fac

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The official business style of the Russian literary language. Problems of formation.: Официально-деловой стиль русского литературного языка. Проблематика формирования.
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In the article we consider features of official style, its functions and factors which influence the definition of the style. The topicality of the issue can be explained by rapid development of market economy which affects in its turn business correspondence. In this regard, there are a lot of cliché, terms and professionalisms appeared recently. Only correct usage of them can serve as a key to successful communication in Russian as well as other languages. This work highlights documents that are part of the diplomatic style such as declarations, credentials, notes, resolutions and other documents. The administrative style can include orders and instructions.


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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Improved 𝑫−𝑯𝒆 𝟑 Fusion Reaction Characteristics Parameters
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   The most likely fusion reaction to be practical is Deuterium and Helium-3 (𝐷−𝐻𝑒
 3 ), which is highly desirable because both Helium -3 and Deuterium are stable and the reaction produces a 14 𝑀𝑒𝑉 proton instead of a neutron and the proton can be shielded by magnetic fields. The strongly dependency of the basically hot plasma parameters such as reactivity, reaction rate, and energy for the emitted protons, upon the total cross section, make the problems for choosing the desirable formula for the cross section, the main goal for our present work.

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