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Factors affecting the Duration of Surgical Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars
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Aim The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of demographic, clinical, and radiographic factors on the duration of surgical extraction of impacted lower third molars. Materials and methods This retrospective study included patients who underwent surgical removal of impacted lower third molars, and the investigated factors were demographic data including age and gender, radiographic data including the impacted tooth angulation and depth of impaction and ramus relation, and clinical data including the state of eruption of the impacted teeth. These factors were evaluated for association with the duration of surgery. Descriptive statistical analysis included percentages and mean ± standard deviation (SD). Student's t-test was used to compare means between two groups, while for comparing the means among three or more groups for statistical significance, analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used. Results Forty patients were included: 20 (50%) males and 20 (50%) females. The age range was from 17 to 37 years with a mean ± SD of 23.4 ± 5.016 years. The duration of surgery (± SD) in all the patients ranged from 10 to 40 minutes with a mean of 25.8 ± 8.56 minutes. Clinically unerupted teeth and deep ramus relationship were associated with statistically significant increase in duration of surgical extraction. Conclusion This study identifies state of eruption and ramus relation to be significant predictive factors, whereas other investigated factors, namely, age of patient, sex, angulation of teeth, and depth of impaction, were found to be not significant in determining the duration of surgery and hence, the difficulty of extraction. Clinical significance Duration of surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars can be considered as an indicator for difficulty of surgical extraction. Difficult surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars can be anticipated in clinically unerupted teeth and those with deep ramus relationship.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
The Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
The Frequency and Spectrum of K-ras Mutations among Iraqi Patients with Sporadic Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC)
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BACKGROUND: CRC is one of the most common cancers in the world. K-ras is proto-oncogene with GTPase activity that is lost when the gene is mutated. Analysis of K-ras mutational status is very important for CRC treatment, being the most important predictors of resistance to targeted therapy. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the frequency and spectrum of K-ras mutation among Iraqi patients with sporadic CRC. PATIENTS, MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study enrolled 35 cases with sporadic CRC; their clinicopathological parameters were analyzed. The FFPE blocks were used for DNA extraction; PCR amplification of K-ras gene and hybridization of allele-specific oligoprobes were performed. The assay covers 29 mutations in the K-ras gene (codons 1

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 13 2025
Journal Name
Technology In Agronomy
Challenges and innovations in potato harvester design: the role of artificial intelligence in improving crop sorting
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As population growth increases the demand for crops increases and their quality improves, and it becomes necessary to find innovative and modern solutions to enhance production. In this context, artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in developing new technologies to improve crop sorting and increase agricultural yields. The present review discusses the main differences between manual and mechanical potato harvesting, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Manual harvesting is highlighted as a traditional method that allows for greater precision in handling the crop, but it requires more time and effort. In contrast, mechanical harvesting provides greater efficiency and speed in the process, but it may damage some

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Nursing
Experiences of Nurses in Providing Care for Patients on the Cancer Journey: A Cross-Sectional Survey
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
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The Medical Journal Of Tikrit University
ChemiluminescenceMicroparticle Immunoassay in the Diagnosis of Hepatitis C Virus among Patients on Hemodialysis: A Comparative Study
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Browse Iraqi academic journals and research papers

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Future Teachers' Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Assistant Professor of Education Techniques, Department of Curriculum and Teaching Techniques Faculty of Education and Literature, Northern Border University Saudi Arabia
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The research aims to identify the future teachers' attitudes toward cloud computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from their point of view. The research adopted the descriptive approach, and a questionnaire was applied to a random sample of (370) male and female teachers in governmental and private general education schools in the Al-Jouf region, Saudi Arabia. The results of the research concluded that the reality of future teachers' attitudes towards cloud computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from their point of view is very high and that most areas of using computing are in the field of assessment, then teaching, and activities. The challenges of future teachers' attitudes toward cloud computing are recorded at a high level, parti

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of serum levels of Proinflammatory Cytokines IL-8, IL-17, and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients
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Gastritis can be defined as histological inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be classified according to the time course of the disease as acute or chronic, histological findings, anatomic location, and pathological mechanisms. The objective of this study was to evaluation of serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, IL-17 and IL-22 in Helicobacter pylori infection and their association with the degree of gastritis histopathology in a sample of Iraqi patients. The case-control prospective study consists of 60 patients who attended the Gastrointestinal Tract Center at Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital during the period from December 2019 to April 2020. In addition, the control group included 60 apparently healthy individuals. Bio

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences Researches
Measuring and Analysis the Relationship between the Internal Public Debt and the Exchange Rate in the Iraqi Economy for The Period 2004 – 2022
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The scholastic view of public religion differed, and this difference was on two extremes. All economic schools agreed that public debt is a monetary liquidity that was unjustly deducted from the income and output cycle as a result of the imbalance in the economic balance and the departure from the conditions of balance between aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Debt is a waste of financial resources allocated to productive accumulation. Except for the Keynesian school, which considers public debt to be an addition to aggregate demand after the decline in the role of the private sector in investment as a result of pessimistic expectations that warn of signs of economic contraction. Public debt is linked to the ex

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Faithful representation of accounting information according requirements width financial statements depending on international standard (IFRS-15) revenue from contracts with customers: Applied research in a sample of the joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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This study seeks to identify the possibility of achieving the property of faithful representation of accounting information and measure it by using the standard approach based on mathematical and statistical equations by comparing two financial periods before and after the application of (IFRS-15) Revenue from contracts with customers, during the period. (2014-2018), for the financial statements of the mixed joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, which is one of the main pillars of the economic structure of the country, as a joint investment between the state and the private sector, and has importance in many aspects, including support for projects of public companies, S Absorption and employment of labor, as well as ra

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic and extralinguistic problems of the translation of polysemic terms in the legal language from Spanish to Arabic: Problemas lingüísticos y extralingüísticos de la traducción de los términos polisémicos en el lenguaje jurídico del español al árabe
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       Legislative language is characterized by its complexity, specifically in the process of translating statutory terms from two quite different languages, and from totally two different legal systems as from Spanish into Arabic. The present study stresses the process of translating legislative terms used in Spanish wills into Arabic through high lightening the polysemy of such mentioned terms and explaining their use in other legislative grounds.  Additionally, the present study elucidates, analyzes, underlines the difficulty and looks for the most appropriate procedures and techniques of translating some of the prominent inheritance expressions taking in account the legislative dif

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The cultural identity in the novel "The American Granddaughter" by writer InamKaghi
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The identity of the cultural identity of the party (the ego and the other) during a series of questions subject to the transformations of history and the process of culture, the search of identity and its characteristics within the novel discourse calls to address the cultural impact communication discourse aims to reveal the functional and intellectual benefits that contributed to the formation of cultural identity, and stand at the most important manifestations And the secretions that mimic a world remains part of it present in the imagination of the producer of the text is moving in accordance with the holistic perception of the world embedded between the lines of the trial.The question of identity as an intellectual dimension in orde

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