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Optical properties of ZnS and PEDOT thin films
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Vanadium dioxide nanofilms are one of the most essential materials in electronic applications like smart windows. Therefore, studying and understanding the optical properties of such films is crucial to modify the parameters that control these properties. To this end, this work focuses on investigating the opacity as a function of the energy directed at the nanofilms with different thicknesses(1–100) nm. Effective mediator theories(EMTs), which are considered as the application of Bruggeman’s formalism and the Looyenga mixing rule, have been used to estimate the dielectric constant of VO2 nanofilms. The results show different opacity behaviors at different wavelength ranges(ultraviolet, visible, and infrared). The results depict that the highest opacity of the insulating phase is achieved at the ultraviolet region and it reduces for the metal phase. Besides, the results demonstrate that the opacity possesses a redshift during the changes at the three phases. Regarding the infrared region, the lowest opacity value is achieved at the insulator phase and it increases to the highest value at the metal phase. In the visible region, the opacity behavior remains similar in the three phases. It is worth noting that the lowest opacity is found for thinner nanofilm. Since both the refractive index and the extinction index are among the most essential optical constants, hence, both of them were compared with the experiment results, and an excellent agreement is achieved between them.

Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Pb dopant On A.C mechanism of ZnS thin films
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Vacuum evaporation technique was used to prepare pure and doped ZnS:Pb thin films at10% atomic weight of Pb element onto glass substrates at room temperature for 200 nm thickness. Effect of doping on a.c electrical properties such as, a.c conductivity, real, and imaginary parts of dielectric constant within frequency range (10 KHz - 10 MHz) are measured. The frequency dependence of a.c conductivity is matched with correlated barrier hoping especially at higher frequency. Effect of doping on behavior of a.c mechanism within temperature range 298-473 K was studied.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence of the Annealing Temperature on optical Properties of (CuInSe2) Thin Films
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  The Influence of annealing temperature on the optical properties of (CuInSe2) thin films was studied. Thermal evaporation in vacuum technique has been used for films deposited on glass substrates, these films were annealed in vacuum at (100C°, 200C°) for (2 hours). The optical properties were studied in the range (300-900) nm. The obtained results revealed a reduction in energy band gap with annealing temperature . optical parameters such as reflectance, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant, skin depth and optical conductivity are investigated before and after annealing. It was found that all these parameters were affected by annealing temperature.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technolog
Effect Of heat Treatment On The Optical Properties Of CuInSe2 Thin Films
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CuInSe2(CIS) thin films have been prepared by use vacuum thermal evaporation technique, of thickness750 nm with rate of deposition 1.8±0.1 nm/sec on glass substrate at room temperature and pressure (10-5) mbar. Heat treatment has been carried out in the range (400-600) K for all samples. The optical properties of the CIS thin films are been studied such as (absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary dielectric constant) by determined using Measurement absorption and transmission spectra. Results showed that through the optical constants we can make to control it are wide applications as an optoelectronic devices and photovoltaic applications.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 07 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology
Effect Of heat Treatment On The Optical Properties Of CuInSe2 Thin Films
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CuInSe2 (CIS)thin films have been prepared by use vacuum thermal evaporation technique, of 750 nm thickness, with rate of deposition 1.8±0.1 nm/sec on glass substrate at room temperature and pressure (10-5) mbar. Heat treatment has been carried out in the range (400-600) K for all samples. The optical properties of the CIS thin films are been studied such as (absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary dielectric constant)by determined using Measurement absorption and transmission spectra. Results showed that through the optical constants we can made to control it is wide applications as an optoelectronic devices and photovoltaic applications.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of thickness on the optical properties of Cu2S thin films
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In this work, the optical properties of Cu2S with different thickness
(1400, 2400, 4400) Ǻ have been prepared by chemical spray pyrolys
is method onto clean glass substrate heated at 283 oC ±2. The effect
of thickness on the optical properties of Cu2S has been studied. It
was found that the optical properties of the electronic transitions on
fundamental absorption edge were direct allowed and the value of the
optical energy gap of Cu2S (Eg) for direct transition decreased from
(2.4-2.1) eV with increasing of the thickness from (1400 - 4400)Ǻ
respectively. Also it was found that the absorption coefficient is
increased with increasing of thicknesses. The optical constants such<

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Radiation Effect on the Optical& Structural Properties of CdTe: Zn thin Films
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The Films of CdTe:Zn were prepared on a glass by using vacuum vapor deposition technique .The x-ray diffraction pattern revealed that the films have polycrystalline with FCC structure and the preferred orientation was along (111) plane.  The films were exposed to a low dose of gamma ray.(5µCi for 30 days) Transmission and absorptance spectra were recorded in the range of (400-1100) nm before and after irradiation. It was found that irradiation has a clear effect on the optical and structural properties which include the transmition and absorption spectra, extinction coefficient, refractive index, and the energy gap.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical properties of ZnO/MgF2 bilayer thin films prepared by PVD technique
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Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is considered as one of the best materials already used as a window layer in solar cells due to its antireflective capability. The ZnO/MgF2 bilayer thin film is more efficient as antireflective coating. In this work, ZnO and ZnO/MgF2 thin films were deposited on glass substrate using pulsed laser deposition and thermal evaporation deposition methods. The optical measurements indicated that ZnO thin layer has an energy gap of (3.02 eV) while ZnO/MgF2 bilayer gives rise to an increase in the energy gap. ZnO/MgF2 bilayer shows a high energy gap (3.77 eV) with low reflectance (1.1-10 %) and refractive index (1.9) leading to high transmittance, this bilayer could be a good candidate optical material to improve the performance

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optical Properties & Structural of Dioxide Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis
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 X-ray diffraction pattern reveled the tetragonal crystal system of SnO2  Thin films of SnO2 were prepared on glass substrates using Spray Pyrolysis Technique. The absorption and transmition spectra were recorded in the rang of 300-900nm,  the   spectral   dependences   of   absorption coefficient were calculated   from   transmission spectra. The direct and allowed optical  energy gap has been evaluated from plots of   (αhÏ…)²  vs. (hÏ…) . The energy gap was found to be  2.4-2.6eV.  The optical constant such as extinction coefficient( k )  and absorption coefficient ( α) have been evaluated. 

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical properties of TiO2 thin films prepared by reactive d.c. magnetron sputtering
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TiO2 thin films were deposited by reactive d.c magnetron sputtering method on a glass substrate with various ratio of gas flow (Oxygen /Argon) (50/50, 100/50 and 150/50) at substrate temperature 573K. It can be observe that the optical energy gap of TiO2 thin films dependent on the ratio of gas flow (oxygen/argon), it varies between (3.45eV-3.57eV) also it is seen that the optical constants (α, n, K, εr and εi ) has been varied with the change of the ratio of gas flow (Oxygen /Argon).

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Effect of annealing temperature on Structural and Optical properties of amorphous Selenium thin films
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