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Media Literacy as a By-Product of Collaborative Video Production by CS Students
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Understanding, promoting, and teaching media literacy is an important societal challenge. STEM educators are increasingly looking to incorporate 21st century skills such as media literacy into core subject education. In this paper we investigate how undergraduate Computer Science (CS) students can learn media literacy as a by-product of collaborative video tutorial production. The paper presents a study of 34 third-year CS undergraduates who, as part of their learning, were each asked to produce three video tutorials on Raspberry Pi programming, using a collaborative video production tool for mobile phones (Bootlegger). We provide results of both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the production process and resulting video tutorials, and conclude that the student cohort demonstrated a clear development of media literacy skills. The paper's contribution is twofold. First, we add to the understanding of how

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Effect of magnetic field on the growth, multiplication and concentration of the volatile oil of rosemary officinalis in vitro
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Bn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Different Levels of Urea and Superphosphate Fertilizer in Some Growth Characters and the Yield of Fenugreek plant
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جريت التجربة في اصص فخارية سعة كل اصيص 4 كغم تربة في البيت الزجاجي التابع لقسم علوم الحياة/كلية التربية ابن الهيثـــــــــم/جـامعــة بـغداد لموســم النمـو 2008-2009 لدراســة تأثيــر اربعـــة مستويـــــات من سمــــاد اليوريـــا وهي (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4) غم/اصيص والتي تعادل (0, 100, 200, 400) كغم/هكتار وثلاث مستويات من سماد السوبر فوسفات وهي (0, 0.1, 0.2) غم/اصيص والتي تعادل (0, 100, 200) كغم/هكتارفي مكونـات الحاصـــل لنبــات الحلبـــة Trigonella foe

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology
Prediction of bearing capacity, angle of internal friction, cohesion, and plasticity index using ANN (case study of Baghdad, Iraq)
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In the last few years, the use of artificial neural network analysis has increased, particularly, in geotechnical engineering problems and has demonstrated some success. In this research, artificial neural network analysis endeavors to predict the relationship between physical and mechanical properties of Baghdad soil by making different trials between standard penetration test, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, cohesion, angle of internal friction, and bearing capacity. The analysis revealed that the changes in natural water content and plastic limit have a great effect on the cohesion of soil and the angle of internal friction, respectively. . On the other hand, the liquid limit has a great impact on the bearing capacity and

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة الباحث في العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية
The Rate of Performance of Scientific Committees in the University of Baghdad in Accordance to the Department’s Heads’ Viewpoint
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The research aims at recognition of The rate of performing tasks done by the scientific committees in the scientific departments in the University of Baghdad, within the evaluative perspective of the departments’ Heads. To find any statistically significant differences in the responses of the research sample to the rates performance of the scientific committees in scientific departments in the University of Baghdad, within the evaluative perspective of the departments’ Heads, according to the two variables of the social gender; male and females, and field of specialization of Scientific and Humanities. The research sample consisted if (107) heads of the scientific department in the University of Baghdad. The researchers designed a

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 23 2016
Journal Name
Association Of Genetic And Environmental Resources Conservation (
Effect of cold and hot aqueous extract of garlic on the reproductive performance of immature male mice until puberty
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This study was investigated the role of garlic extracts on the reproductive functions, via the development of immature male mice (25 days old) un l puberty. Immature male mice were divided into 3 groups (n=25). Group 1 "control" was daily administrated with tap water. Group 2 was daily administrated with cold aqueous garlic extract. Group 3 was daily administrated with hot aqueous garlic extract. Each group was randomly consisted of 5 subgroups (n=5/ subgroup) and administrated for different periods i.e, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 weeks respectively. Animals were scarified after 24 h from last treatment. Our findings elucidated that, cold and hot aqueous garlic extracts, when administrated at 25 days old (Immature period) have different impact dep

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Different Levels of Urea and Superphosphate Fertilizer in Some Growth Characters and the Yield of Fenugreek plant
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An experiment was conducted in pots with 4 Kg soil per pot in the green house of Biology department, College of Education (Ibn Al-Haithum), university of Baghdad, the growing season of (2008-2009), to study the effects of four levels of urea (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4) g/pot, that equivalent to (0, 100, 200 and 400) Kg/ha. Also three levels of superphosphate fertilizer (0.2, 0.1, and 0) g/pot, that equivalent to (200, 100, and 0) Kg/ha were added to the local yields components. The result showed that the high level of both fertilizer (400 Kg urea/ha and 200 Kg superphosphate/ha) caused a significant increase in number of pods/plant, dry weight of pods, the weight of 100 seeds and the weight of all seeds/plant, with a significant decrease in the c

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Plant Science Today
Extraction of Synephrine from Waste Peels of Citrus sinensis and Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles from it against Dermatophytes
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The main object of the current work was to determine the antifungal efficiency of secondary metabolites product called synephrine that extracted from Citrus sinesis peels and the ability of synephrine to biosynthesis gold nanoparticles from HAucl4 which consider environmentally favourable method, then determine their activity against pathogenic human dermatophyte. The identification of synephrine done by Thin layer chromatography (TLC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The characterization of gold nanoparticles by using Ultra Violet-Visible Spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Field – Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), confirmed the biosynt

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 13 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
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Sn(II) complex of the type, [Sn(SMZ)2]Cl2 was synthesized by the interaction of Sulfamethoxazole ligand and Tin Chloride, the complex was confirmed on the basis of results of elemental analyses, FT-IR, UV-Vis, molar conductance (Ëm). The elemental analysis data, suggests the stoichiometry to be 1:2 (metal: ligand) and determination of the formula of a coordination a complex formed between the Sn(II) ion and the SMZ using Job’s method of continuous variations. The study of (Ëm), indicated the electrolytic nature type 1:2. The [Sn(SMZ)2]Cl2 was screened for antibacterial activity against Gram-ve (Escherichia coli and Gram+ve (Staphylococcus aureus) and (Candida albicans) antifungal. The IR spectral data suggested that the coordination sit

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Rustamiyah treatment plant effluent on concentration of some heavy metals in water and sediment of Diyala river
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      Concentrations  of  four  heavy  metals, Zinc , Copper , Lead  and  Cadimium  were  determed  in  water  and  sediment  samples   collected bi-weekly  from  six  sampling sites  on  the  lower  part  of  River  Diyala    during  low  flow  period  (August  to  October)  and   high  flow  period  (April  to  June). A  reference  point site (1)  was  situated   upstream the  effects  of  the  effluent. Present  work  describes  the  e

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Takir some study of environmental factors on the weight of some phases of the screwworm fly the ancient world
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The weight of larvae virgins and Alcamlat for males more than the weight of females of the roles themselves that the highest rate of loss in weight of larvae developed to virgins when field conditions were (21.5,22,21.3) mg during June and July and August respectively, recorded the highest degrees of heat and less attributed to moisture

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