يُعد الذكاء الاصطناعي من العلوم الحديثة التي ارتبطت بالإنسان منذ العقود الخمسة الماضية، وأصبحت السياسة الرقمية جزءاً لا يتجزأ من المجتمع لكونها تُستعمل في أغلب مجالات حياة الإنسان. وهذا ما شجع صانعي السياسات التكنولوجية الجديدة في التفكير بكيفية توظيفه لخدمة مصالحهم العليا السياسية والاقتصادية، بغض النظر عن بذل الجهود للتفكير في تنظيمهم للذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي، ووضع قيود تراعي التشريعات الدينية، وقوانين ودساتير الدول. وبدأت بعض برامج الذكاء الاصطناعي تُستعمل كمنصة لمحتوى غير قانوني، وتخترق سلباً الجوانب السياسية في الدولة، من دون أن تحرص وتفكر الشركات في خطوات لمنع إساءة استعمال منصاتها. حرصت الدول الراعية لشركات الذكاء الاصطناعي الكبرى على الوقوف أمام الحدّ من تنظيم تطوير الابتكار، مُدعية أن ذلك يُقيد من حرية تنمية التفكير التكنولوجي. لذلك تواجه اليوم دول العالم كافة مخاوف وتداعيات ضارة على مجتمعاتها من النواحي الإنسانية والسياسية والإعلامية وحتى الصحية...، مما يُساهم في تغيير العديد من سلوكيات الأفراد وأفكارهم، وصولاً لعالم مُولّد للتفاهات، خصوصاً بعد فشل إمكانات التحكم فيه، لتصبح بعض الإصدارات المستقبلية من التطبيقات محط تهديد للبشرية بدلًا من خدمتها. إنّ مصدر الذكاء الاصطناعي ومنطلقه هو العقل البشري، لكن طريقة تفكير الإنسان تختلف عن طريقة تفكير واشتغال الذكاء الاصطناعي. إنّ دول العالم باتت تفكر اليوم بجدية، بأنها على اعتاب تهديد عالمي لا حدود وكوابح له، ولا خيار لها إلا الوقوف بوجهه من خلال عقد المؤتمرات الدولية، وتبادل الأفكار بالحوار والاستماع إلى وجهات النظر المخالفة ووضع القواعد والقوانين الدولية والمعاهدات الضامنة للمصالح الوطنية للدول، والاتفاقات التي تنظم الابتكار للوصول إلى صيغة مشتركة يتم من خلالها وضع إدارة وتنظيم ورقابة الذكاء الاصطناعي تحت سلطة مشتركة دولية، لا تحت سلطة الشركات الراعية والمشغلة للذكاء الاصطناعي
Gender has considered and become a new trend in women's studies, as it reflects the behaviors, roles and attitudes imposed by society on its members in accordance with their biological nature,with focusing on gender rather than on concentration on women, which is closely linked to the vision that concentrates on women's problems which are not primarily according to their biological differences But rather to a greater extent to social, cultural, historical and religious barriers and Obstacles.
Therefore, the qualitative division due to the concept of "gender" is not a rigid biological division, but is relied on the broad general context through which the social division of work is done. Thus, content in the pages of Facebook with high-
The tagged research (realism in the Paintings of Iraqi Kurdistan artists, “a study of expression methods”) dealt with realism in an objective way, as well as the complexity of its concepts through its formations and formations. On realism and its historical dimension in concept and meaning, as for the second chapter, the research was focused on the methods of expression in painting, while the third chapter was concerned with the procedural applications of realistic methods of expression in the drawings of Iraqi Kurdistan, and according to these axes and to achieve the goal of the research, a number of Among the results are:
1- Realism documented the life of the Kurdish society in line with the developments of the era, as the sty
This research aims at investigating pupils’ ability in using discourse markers which are identified in the English textbooks of secondary schools. Four texts are chosen from third intermediate class. The four texts are short stories of different topics.
This research hypothesizes that there are no statistical significant differences among Iraqi intermediate pupils’ ability in using textual
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The persons who Allah Ioves them in the holly Quran
Objectivity Study0Dr 0muyad Turky Ali
Allah men tioned in Auran the loving of benevolent and who Allah loves him gave him everything 0the loving of benevolent came fist and after that the loving of justice who remove injustice and after that loving purified and in noeent 0After that mentioning loving of Knighters ( fighters )The eharity with money and to clear up the justice and loving purified is a reason of accessing paradise 0
The team of this investigation deals with phraseology and the importance of its organized use in the media of communication, especially in the daily newspaper which is used by different society classes.
So, the journalist
... Show MoreIraq is considered the origin of civilization first colonies have been cited in its northern parts , when the first attempt in agriculture and animal breeding were began ,and the cave , were taken as houses. That time the first agricultural colony were colonized in Kirkuk and Mussel . There colonies have been developed to be villages which had another activities in addition to the main activity which was agriculture . The distribution without any administrative planning . Lately , the stochastic distribution starting to disappear due to the planning of cities and their to rural surrounding. This study is involved in the analysis of the patterns of the location distribution of the villages , and the form that taken by the village
... Show MoreThe present study is concerned with the role of income tax in implementing economic goals in Iraq and treating the problems and pitfalls in the Iraq economy.
The study also aims at investigating the role of income tax in attracting promising favorite effects into economy.
The study was performed on data covering the period (2003 - 2012) with respect to the variables of (income tax, oil profits) as independent variables and (private consuming expenditure, private investmental expenditure, and standard figure of prices) as dependent variables. To analyze these data, a number of statistical descriptive and analytical techniques were used such as (percentage, standard variance, mediums, F test, T test and SPSS). It has been c
... Show MoreThe first few years of life is the basis for proper human personality and this Made by scientific studies and research need to make all efforts to achieve the early development of children and demonstrated by the efficiency and effectiveness of great success in the educational and developmental programs that have been applied to accelerate the children's growth rate in the various their sides, the current research aims to: identify the most successful international experience in the care and upbringing of children in early childhood has been determined by current research and previous studies manners within the cognitive perspective and dealing with the subject of this research and with respect to the theoretical framework Presented rese
... Show Moreتهدف الدراسة الى معرفة مدى اشتراك المكتبات المركزية للجامعات العراقية في الفهارس الالكترونية الموحدة فضلا عن التعريف بالفهرس العراقي الموحد والصعوبات التي تواجه المكتبات المركزية في الانضمام اليه والعمل على ايجاد الحلول المناسبة لكي يكون هذا العمل خطوة جادة وفعالة نحو الاشتراك في الفهرس العربي الموحد ، والتعريف بالفهرس العربي الموحد وبيان محاولات المكتبات العراقية المشاركة به قديما وحديثاً ، واعتمدت
... Show MoreThe research titled (narrations of Imam Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (upon him be peace) about washing, in the four books of Sunan - study and analysis -) deals with what was reported from the noble and purified hadiths about him, peace be upon him, through the four hadith works represented by Sunan Abu Dawud (d. 275 AH). And Al-Jami’ Al-Kabir (Sunan Al-Tirmidhi) (d. 279 AH), Sunan Al-Nasa’i (Al-Mujtaba) (d. 303 AH), and Sunan Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH), who is the venerable imam and jurist from the House of Prophethood, as he transmitted many traces from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Upon him and his family, peace be upon him. The study focused on his narrations, including the rulings on washing