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Credit derivatives: Do they matter to avoid credit exposure? (Some evidences from the US market)
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Credit derivatives (CDs) have been increasingly acknowledged as an important requirement to hedge and transfer credit risk CR. Nonetheless, they have been extensively criticized for destabilizing the whole economic system bringing about the latest subprime credit crisis. The study’s main aim is to investigate the reason for the use of (CDs), whether it is used for hedging or trade purpose, for four of the US international financial institutions that had made it through the 2007 crisis to resume functioning post-crisis. This will be for three different and critical periods, namely the pre, during and after crisis periods (Q1, 2000-Q1, 2014). Adopting the SUR technique, the investigation of the factors that influence the net position of (CDs) as to achieve the main purpose is made possible. It has been found that the use of (CDs) is inconsistent with the predictions of theories of risk management to this day. The implication is that most derivatives positions are held for dealer activities rather than for loan hedging. Reflecting that financial institutions also resort to using (CDs) for trading and speculation, this provides an indication for a risk-taking motive. Entities that have a better position in regard of their size, capital and net interest margin make greater use of (CDs) for this purpose.

Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Priorities Media Richness of Users of Iraqi Electronic Newspapers
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The electronic press is one of the distinctive media due to its unique features such as instant publishing and interactivity, uses multimedia, the use of hypertext, the personalization of media content, getting echo of the media messages provision of electronic archive of previous numbers of the newspaper.
The richness theory means that media are different depending on its wealth aspects which distinguish it from other media. The aspects of wealth here represent the features that characterize online press and constitute factors of media richness.

The researcher studies the properties of Iraqi media richness of their users. The researcher uses a field study to get the goals of the research and tests the hypotheses of media ric

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Students and Watching Specialized Satellite Channels (Applied Study on a Sample of University of Baghdad’s Students
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This research is one of the public research aimed at identifying the communication habits and the implications of the content on the communication process, especially as the audience of specialized media is often characterized by effectiveness, depth and active in tracking the media message and interaction with its content. It means such audience is a positive, very active, dynamic, and very alert audience driven by his interests and psychological needs to watch specific programs meet his desires.

This satisfaction can only be achieved through the use of specialized media capable of producing programs that will communicate and interact between the ideas you present and this audience.

The phenomenon of specialized satellit

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Dynamics of a single Condensing Two-Phase Bubble
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The dynamics of a single condensing two-phase bubble of two different dispersed-continuous systems were studied. The systems were, CCl4 - water and CCl4 - 100% glycerol. Cinephotography was used to determine the change in height, diameter and time. These results were used to determine the experimental rise velocity of the bubble, which was compared with a theoretical one based on some equations used. It was found that the velocity of the first system remained almost constant, while it decreased gradually for the second system.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Goal Conflict among Twelfth-Grade Students based on Gender and Major
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The aim of the current study is to identify the level of goal conflict with twelfth-grade students in South Sharqiah/ Sultanate of Oman according to gender and specialization. The study used the descriptive method. A scale of (28) items was developed and divided into six dimensions: time pressure, goal achievement, limit of power, limit of budget, incompatible strategies, and unclear task. To validate the scale, it was piloted (40) students. The scale was administered to a sample of (402) students (209) males in the Governorate of South Sharqiah. The results showed that the conflict level was high in “unclear task”, and an average conflict level in “limit of power”. Other dimensions (goal achievement, time pressure, limit of powe

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Traffic Performance of Ahmed Urabi Square in Baghdad City
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At present, smooth movement on the roads is a matter which is needed for each user. Many roads, especially in urban areas geometrically improved because of the number of vehicles increase from time to time.

In this research, Highway capacity software, HCS, 2000, will be adopted to determine the effectiveness of roundabout in terms of capacity of roundabout, delay and level of service of roundabout.

The results of the analysis indicated that the Ahmed Urabi roundabout operates under level of service F with an average control delay of 300 seconds per vehicle during the peak hours.

The through movements of Alkarrada- Aljadiriya direction (Major Direction) represent the heaviest traff

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this paper, a relationship between the liquid limit and the coefficient of consolidation of Iraqi soils are studied. The samples of soil used in study are undisturbed silty clay. These samples are taken from different locations and depths of Middle and South of Iraq by cooperation with Consulting Engineering Bureau- University of Baghdad- College of Engineering. The depth reached about 20 meters. The experimental work is made to calculate the liquid limit and the coefficient of consolidation. From these sites, 280 points are obtained. The relationship between the liquid limit and the coefficient of consolidation is drawn as a curve. This curve is studied and compared with the curve that obtained from other studies. From these curves, it

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استعمال انحدار الاسقاطات المتلاحقة و الشبكات العصبية في تجاوز مشكلة البعدية
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المستخلص يهدف هذا البحث الى تجاوز مشكلة البعدية من خلال طرائق الانحدار اللامعلمي والتي تعمل على تقليل جذر متوسط الخطأ التربيعي (RMSE) , أذ تم  استعمال طريقة انحدار الاسقاطات المتلاحقة  (PPR)    ,والتي تعتبر احدى طرائق اختزال الابعاد التي تعمل على تجاوز مشكلة البعدية (curse of dimensionality) , وان طريقة (PPR) من التقنيات الاحصائية التي تهتم بأيجاد الاسقاطات الاكثر أهمية في البيانات المتعددة الابعاد , ومع ايجاد كل اسقاط

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 06 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Augmenting of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine using Adaptable Convergent Ducting System
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Developments are carried out to enhance the performance of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT). This paper studies the performance of the ducted wind turbine with convergent duct (DAWT). Basically, the duct technique is utilized to provide the desired wind velocity facing the turbine. Methodology was developed to estimate the decisive performance parameter and to present the effect of the convergent duct with different inlet angles. The ducted wind turbine was analyzed and simulated using MATLAB software and numerically using ANSYS-Fluent 17.2. Result of both approaches were presented and showed good closeness for the two cases of covering angles 12  and 20 respectively. Results also showed that the convergent duct with an inlet angl

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Rooting Governance and its Legal Nature
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Tax governance is a set of legal means that directs the tax administration to deal in good faith with taxpayers based on transparency, integrity and accountability while ensuring the achievement of tax justice and works to introduce advanced means by which it deals with all stakeholders.

      In this study, we try to explain its rooting and legal nature by shedding light on the position of some international organizations and their internal legislation in the context of public finance.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation of Wiped Film Evaporator
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A mathematical model and associated computer program were developed to simulate the steady state operation of wiped film evaporators for the concentration of glycerol-water solution. In this model, various assumptions were made to facilitate the mathematical model of the wiped film evaporator. The fundamental phenomena described were: sensible heating of the solution and vaporization of water. Physical property data were coded into the computer program, which performs the calculations of this model. Randomly selected experiments were carried out in a small scale wiped film evaporator from ALVAL COMPANY, using different concentrations of the glycerol solution (10, 30 and 50 Wt. %) for different feed rates (30, 50, 80, 100 and 120 l/h) and

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