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Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Address the Multicollinearity Problem

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Probabilistic Model building using the Transformation Entropy for the Burr type –xii Distribution

Entropy define as uncertainty measure has been transfared by using the cumulative distribution function and reliability function for the Burr type – xii. In the case of data which suffer from volatility to build a model the probability distribution on every failure of a sample after achieving limitations function, probabilistic distribution. Has been derived formula probability distribution of the new transfer application entropy on the probability distribution of continuous Burr Type-XII and tested a new function and found that it achieved the conditions function probability, been derived mean and function probabilistic aggregate in order to be approved in the generation of data for the purpose of implementation of simulation

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment the Engineering Characteristics of the Smear Zone around PVDs Using Laboratory Tests

Smear zone is usually formed around the prefabricated vertical drains (PVD’s) due to mandrel driving. The geotechnical properties of the soil in this zone exhibit significant changes that affect the performance of the PVD’s. The most relevant property in this respect is the coefficient of permeability. So far, no serious attention is paid to investigate the effects of shearing under large shear strains on the geotechnical properties of the soft soil in Fao region. In this study, an extensive laboratory testing program was conducted to assess the characteristics of the smear zone with an emphasis on the permeability coefficient of Fao soft soil. The results show that the permeability of the smear zone is about 70% of

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Exploring the Factors Affecting the Elemental Cost Estimation with Relationship Analysis Using AHP

Cost estimation is considered one of the important tasks in the construction projects management. The precise estimation of the construction cost affect on the success and quality of a construction project. Elemental estimation is considered a very important stage to the project team because it represents one of the key project elements. It helps in formulating the basis to strategies and execution plans for construction and engineering.  Elemental estimation, which in the early stage, estimates the construction costs depending on  . minimum details of the project so that it gives an indication for the initial design stage of a project. This paper studies the factors that affect the elemental cost estimation as well as the rela

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Metallicity on the AGB Stars Evolution by Using Synthetic Model

Abstract: Stars whose initial masses are between (0.89 - 8.0) M☉ go through an Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase at the end of their life. Which have been evolved from the main sequence phase through Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB). The calculations were done by adopted Synthetic Model showed the following results: 1- Mass loss on the AGB phase consists of two phases for period (P <500) days and for (P>500) days; 2- the mass loss rate exponentially increases with the pulsation periods; 3- The expansion velocity VAGB for our stars are calculated according to the three assumptions; 4- the terminal velocity depends on several factors likes metallicity and luminosity. The calculations indicated that a super wind phase (S.W) developed on the A

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 17 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Science
The Effect of Vaccination on the Monkeypox Disease by Using Holling Type II

Publication Date
Mon Mar 04 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Influence of the Beam Size Radiation on the Depth Dose by Using 60Co

Radiotherapy is medical use of ionizing radiation, and commonly applied to the cancerous tumor because of its ability to control cell growth. The amount of radiation used in photon radiation therapy called dose (measured in grey unit), which depend on the type and stage of cancer being treated. In our work, we studied the dose distribution given to the tumor at different depths (zero-20 cm) treated with different field size (4×4- 23×23 cm). Results show that the deeper treated area has less dose rate at the same beam quality and quantity. Also it has been noted increasing in the field increasing in the depth dose at the same depth even if the radiation energy is constant. Increasing in radiation dose attributed to the scattere

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Prediction of the Delay in the Portfolio Construction Using Naïve Bayesian Classification Algorithms
Abstract<p>Projects suspensions are between the most insistent tasks confronted by the construction field accredited to the sector’s difficulty and its essential delay risk foundations’ interdependence. Machine learning provides a perfect group of techniques, which can attack those complex systems. The study aimed to recognize and progress a wellorganized predictive data tool to examine and learn from delay sources depend on preceding data of construction projects by using decision trees and naïve Bayesian classification algorithms. An intensive review of available data has been conducted to explore the real reasons and causes of construction project delays. The results show that the postpo</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Geographical Distribution of Landfills in the Outskirts of Baghdad Governorate using the GIS

The problem of solid waste from domestic, industrial, commercial and medical sources is one of the most important problems facing the local administration in all Iraqi cities. The danger of this problem increases with the rapid increase in the population, changing lifestyles, consumption patterns, limited land suitable for landfill, and high costs of collection and disposal. This research aims to solve these problems by determining the locations of current landfills located in the outskirts of Baghdad Governorate. The ArcGIS program was used, where the sites of the landfills were determined on the map and through the available data about the areas. it was concluded that the existing landfill sites do not meet environmental conditions and

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Electric Energy Generation Approach of the Energy Saving House Using Photovoltaic System

This paper describes a research effort that aims of developing solar models for housing suitable for the Arabian region since the Arabian Peninsula is excelled with very high levels of solar radiation.
The current paper is focused on achieving energy efficiency through utilizing solar energy and conserving energy. This task can be accomplished by implementation the major elements related to energy efficiency in housing design , such as embark on an optimum photovoltaic system orientation to maximize seize solar energy and produce solar electricity. All the precautions were taken to minimizing the consumption of solar energy for providing the suitable air-condition to the inhibitor of the solar house in addition to use of energy effici

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices

The research aims to identify the importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices. To achieve this goal, (100) questionnaires were prepared and distributed to the auditors in the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau and the authorized auditors' offices and practitioners of the auditing profession in Iraq. For the purpose of testing the research hypothesis and analyzing data, some appropriate statistical methods have been used and the use of the statistical program (SPSS) to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that the analytical procedures and tests applied by the auditor have a role in revealing and limiting creative accounting practices and methods and that auditors u

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